Category: Covid-19 (Page 2 of 21)

After Two+ Years You Think It’s Over? Sorry – You’re WRONG!

Always Test The Science

Personally, I believe that the last two and a half years of the so-called ‘pandemic’ have been a God-send. Why? Because people’s understanding of medical/ scientific subjects has sky-rocketed. People now know more (assuming that their sole source of information was NOT the mainstream corporate media) about virology, viruses, testing etc. than they could have dreamed of knowing prior to the end of 2019. This is good – science should always be questioned and tested, and it should stand up to scrutiny. What swathes of people have realised is that the ‘pandemic’ episode does not stand up to scrutiny. Hence the difference between science and scientism, the latter often involves lies and manipulation for nefarious purposes, usually involving money and the unquenchable thirst for wealth, power and control of the masses.

The pain and suffering, which is still ongoing, but not directly linked to Covid-19 anymore (as more and more people realised that the emperor has no clothes), is a travesty, but the whole subject of contagion, viruses, pandemics and useless testing protocols has opened the eyes and minds of millions. The hoax has been exposed (hence why it has been quietly and quickly swept under the carpet over the last few months), along with the outworking of the Cabal that is behind almost all western governments and further afield, through their lackeys, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organisation and so called charitable foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Big Pharma and others – closely associated with the conspiracy – to bring in total control of humanity, through the use of fear leading to a tool for depopulation. The damage caused by the Cov-19 was not some phantom virus, but the use of the hoax to get people injected. They almost got away with it.

The Real Challenge

A huge section of the medical, scientific and to a lesser extent, the ‘legal’ profession (who have a conscience), have been appalled at what has transpired. Open minded and critical thinkers have, and are, working hard to fight back against the lies and deceit, but there’s one huge hurdle yet to get over.

Realisation That The Germ Theory Is A Myth

That’s right – a myth that has been taught and embedded so deep in our psyche that it is a religious-like belief system. We all know how difficult it is to shake free from such cult-like beliefs.

Sadly, this false science belief system, which is based on the erroneous theories of Louis Pasteur and others, has been embraced by the pharmaceutical industry – for obvious reasons – it is a gigantic cash cow that just keeps on giving to them. Add to that the way the false germ theory formed a perfect platform for the Rockefellers to use their petrochemical waste products to produce ‘medicines’ for the masses. Prescribed drug treatment is the third biggest killer of people in America. In the early part of the twentieth century Rockefeller went on to establish allopathic medical practices as the monopoly treatment for all sorts of ailments, based on the false germ theory. The killer move (literally) was the establishment of medical schools, financed by Rockefeller, to teach the germ theory to every student doctor that entered their doors. Elementary schools have been teaching the same to children, consequently the germ theory, especially the invisible ‘virus’, is by now so entrenched in our minds, that anyone who dares challenge that theory is viewed as a total basket case! Challenging the narrative about a specific pandemic lands you with the label of being a conspiracy theorist, tell people that viruses don’t exist and you are labelled as being clinically insane! Until you start studying the evidence.

Divisions Still Abound Within The Awakened

We are still at the stage, where honest and well meaning doctors, scientists and lawyers who do a fantastic job in the fightback, unfortunately haven’t gone the extra mile and purged themselves of the fake germ theory – they still believe that viruses exist. This is unfortunate, because it causes divisions within our ranks, and ‘They’ the enemy loves divisions in our ranks. It is OUR Achilles Heel.

Hopefully, in the fullness of time, those clinging on to the germ theory associated with viruses will get the message. At that time we will be able to drive the last nail into the coffin of those who promote and use this nonsense about contagion caused by an invisible and non proven virus theory, that tells us that we are under constant attack and that our only hope of being saved is to accept injections, which is also the bioweapon used to make us sick and kills many of us (the compliant) off.

To find out more about the germ theory and the opposing (correct) terrain theory please visit previous posts on the subject published on this site, by clicking HERE | HERE | HERE.

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A Weekend Film – Breaking Down The Germ Theory Myth

A Treat For You This Weekend

Not a long worded article this time. Make some downtime for yourself, get some of your favourite snacks (easy on the carbs and sugars though!) Settle down with a bottle/cup  of your favourite beverage and enjoy:

A Sad Situation Even Amongst The Awakened

Due to many, many generation of indoctrination about Louis Pasteur’s fraudulent germ theory you should by now have begun to understand what Terrain Theory is about – after watching and digesting the excellent documentary film above.

Louis Pasteur – plagiarist, fraudster, and self promoting cheat. Click on the image above for more information.

Like everyone else, (with extremely few exception), by my first day in primary school, I had already been inculcated with the myth about germs and viruses. From that day on, the theory was emphasised throughout my life. And why not? It had been accepted as scientific fact since around 1865, and further endorsed by the Rockefeller Foundation and Big Pharma since the early part of the twentieth century (they could smell the opportunity to make a fast buck a mile off). Rockefeller went on to establish allopathic medicine partially on the back of Pasteur’s half baked and fraudulent germ theory. The Rockefeller Foundation went on to fund all medical schools, Many generations of doctors fully accepted the dogma of germ theory – overwhelmingly – without question.

It took me well over sixty years to realise the truth regarding this myth; in fact, the one thing I’m glad of is that the Covid scam erupted, and through research, I have in the last eighteen months had the scales drop from my eyes.


The Most Difficult Hurdle To Get Over

The sad situation is that whilst by now, millions of people in the medical and legal fields have woken up to the  fraudulent Covid scam, the majority are still steeped in the myth created by Pasteur. They are all on the same page – regarding the ‘scamdemic’ – but they are split on the issue of the non existence of viruses. This is a schism that I fear will take a long time to rectify. This means that at a time of needed unity, the scientists and professional medical fraternity are split on this most important of issues. It’s one thing to expose a false pandemic, but altogether a different matter to get doctors to accept the fallacy of germ theory. This, for many, is a step too far, but they are relying on accepted dogma that is not challenged – hence why it is the greatest hurdle of all.

Don’t worry though, maybe the next wave of fairy tale pandemics will help some dig a bit deeper – when they realise that the MONKEYPOX scare (or should that be ‘the homosexual and lesbian monkey scare’?) is fast approaching!

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Succeeding In Holding Officialdom To Account

Another Stunning Victory For BGB!

This time against the big fish in the Westminster Cabinet. As our regular visitors and followers will know, since the beginning of 2020 a big part of BGB’s work has been persistent correspondence with officialdom, with Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests, queries, questions and the educating of some of the morons involved, by informing them of the scientific evidence and facts that have been revealed by foremost professionals in their field – the ones that are not allowed within a hundred miles of the mainstream media!  This correspondence to officialdom –  including everyone from local government, to the Welsh Government in Cardiff and the UK Government in London, and also everyone else involved in the Corona Scamdemic – from injectable poison manufacturers to Jane Rainer the head of the Yellow Card Reporting System (the MHRA) and her staff. No one gets let off the hook.

This huge task has been run by the person I call my ‘Wingman’ – Wynne Jones. His diligence and persistence is legendary, and we get results. One famous one was announced in a past article (click HERE). Now we have the latest success, when the Cabinet Office was forced to bow down, following an Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) investigation, instigated by us, we had been refused information from Westminster with a lame excuse. We don’t accept that nonsense. A dog with a bone jumps to mind!

Correspondence Log For CJ58 in Our Correspondence Journal

You can read all the correspondence involved in this case in the following embedded PDF file. It’s in date order so the juicy bit is at the end. But it’s not totally over, terrier Jones is now stuck to their windpipe and demanding more blood!

Some of the print is quite small, so use the zoom facility to enlarge where necessary.


It pays to correspond with officialdom, and it upsets them no end. Why not do a bit of letter or e-mail writing yourself?

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So – You Thought The Fight Against Covid Was Over?

Think Again!

It’s not a question of ‘THEM ‘ having to run away and go back to the drawing board regarding the Covid hoax. It’s a question of how ‘ THEY ‘ are guiding their agenda – snake-like – through to it’s logical conclusion. This of course includes the distraction war in eastern Europe, the impending worldwide famine that will ensue, and when that narrative gets stale, how they will resurrect the Covid (or other imaginary disease pandemic) to scare everyone again. They are already hinting at what is coming with talk of a new pandemic around the corner and what’s going on in Shanghai right now? See for yourself.

Possibly Coming YOUR Way Very Soon – As They Come Back To Inflict More Pain After The Present Respite

You’ll also notice how food processing plants are mysteriously catching fire and getting destroyed across the pond in the USA. Don’t for a second think that all these occurrences are coincidences – that they are not related. It is all part and parcel of their complex and well planned destruction plan agenda to usher in the ‘Great Reset’ harked on about incessantly by Schwab at the World Economic Forum.

But first

A faithful follower of BGB sent me a message a few days ago asking me to check out the contents of a Thread Reader app.

An excellent resource that listed these questions. I was very impressed, and think everyone should ponder over them, and possibly use them in conversations with the more sleepy ones that walk amongst us!


  1. Why weren’t there any flu cases in 2020?
  2. Why wasn’t the global death count higher in 2020?
  3. Why weren’t homeless uninjected people wiped out?
  4. Why were billions of healthy people quarantined?
  5. Why did Covid avoid Africa?
  6. Why do fruits and goats test positive?
  7. Why didn’t most of the sick people feel sick?
  8. Why didn’t lockdowns slow the spread?
  9. Why didn’t inoculation slow the spread?
  10. Why were stadiums full, but kids masked?
  11. Why are they still pretending – after everyone already knows?
  12. Why are so many athletes dropping dead?
  13. Why are children suddenly having heart problems?
  14. Why are teenagers feeling social pressure to cut their body parts off?
  15. Why does the US have “research facilities” in every fricking country?
  16. Why hasn’t anyone acknowledged the obvious and proven recombinant origin?
  17. How powerful are modern psychological warfare measures?
  18. Why have they ignored the Nuremberg code?

So What IS going On? Now That The MSM Have Gone Quiet On The Covid Front?

The fight goes on, even if people are not talking about it. It’s NOT the time to sit on our haunches and draw in a big gasp of relief that the Covid mandates have been rolled back. The video below is an excerpt from the excellent UK Column News broadcast of Wednesday the 27th of this month. Many of you will probably have seen it, if not – pay attention to this excerpt:

‘ THEY ‘ don’t want to talk anymore about it, but ‘ WE ‘ do. In fact we need to focus in on our GPs. It’s hard to believe that many GPs don’t even know of the MHRA yellow card reporting scheme. Little wonder the reporting rate – according to the MHRA themselves is only 1-10% of the actual cases which should be reported. So the actual figures for deaths and life changing damage from the injections could be horrendously higher.

Check out the figures for deaths and related side effects from the ‘vaccine’ carnage

UK Column’s enhanced data information from the MHRA database.


For those who don’t quite understand how the whole picture fits together, view the video below that gives the overall picture of the fake pandemic, the so-called Ukrainian war, the financial collapse and the final blow, the purposely induced food chain collapse. If you can spare the time to watch this video, you will learn exactly what is happening, much of it predicted at least three decades ago. The warnings were then dismissed as a ‘conspiracy theory’ by mad people.  Now it’s clear that those warnings were accurate and totally prophetic – who are the crazy ones now?

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Filing Of Law Suit in US Federal Court – Against Joe Biden

A Needle In A Haystack

Finding a statutes court that isn’t compromised and a judge that isn’t biased in the jurisdiction of what now passes as a justice based legal system is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Will Dr. David Martin, with his cartload of evidence succeed in getting the president of the US into the dock? It seems unlikely, but he’s giving it his best shot, as the video below demonstrates.

When it comes to restoring justice, it is more likely that a Common Law court – a court of the people – would be more likely to succeed, but we’ll see.

One thing is for sure, there is enough evidence to commit the evil doers, the problem is our dependence on a judicial system that has been bought and paid for by the Cabal in advance of this current crisis. However we wish Dr. Martin every success. One thing is for sure, the net is closing in from all angles on those who have attempted to wipe out the majority of mankind.

What Is Needed?

As many legal observers have by now commented, the way to gain justice is to establish a parallel judicial system, within the current system. One of the leading attorneys at law – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has publicly said this. As someone who has been working with hundreds of lawyers across the globe, in an attempt to bring those who have attacked humanity over the last two years to court to pay for their deeds, he is well placed to make such a statement.

At the start of his legal campaign, that culminated in the Grand Jury exercise, he expected to be able to take his lawsuits to be tried in the current judicial system. What he’s discovered is that the chances of finding a court and an unbiased judge that are not compromised is virtually impossible. Consequently, he’s had a change of heart. It has now dawned on him that the only avenue open to get justice is via the Common Law avenue.

The public don’t realise that any significant group of people who convene a Common Law court – assuming they have a venue, have all the court personnel in place, including a jury and appointed court sheriffs with power to execute court warrants, then such a court has full power to execute justice on behalf of ‘We The People’.

The statutes courts that are most prevalent in the land are based on the law of the sea, Common Law supersedes all other courts, as it has it’s roots and gains it’s authority from common/universal/natural law.

How successful Dr. David Martin will be with his lawsuit – heard in a statutes court – remains to be seen. He would stand a better chance in a Common Law court in my opinion – in an environment that would be in parallel to the existing corrupt corporate based statutes court jurisdiction.

Here is one good example of why you can not depend on the current ‘legal’ system to bring justice. It is also why I’m sceptical of whether great researchers like Dr. David Martin may not be able to dodge the prejudice and paid judgments of corrupt judges, who have the power of the ‘system’ behind them:

The way forward is to set-up the jurisdictions of Common Law Courts, established by The People themselves. 

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Courts Of WE THE PEOPLE Will Bring Justice

The Time For Talking And Educating The Public Is Past – Now The Action(s) Starts

As mentioned in an earlier post, BGB believes that the time for talking is past. Now we need to move on to the final stage.

For two years we’ve diligently reported on the Covid-19 hoax. We’ve done our best to wake people up, along with tens of thousands of other website developers the world over.  Anyone visiting this site have all the information they can possibly need to wake up to the reality of the current situation – no one can complain they didn’t know what was going on. No one can say they weren’t told the truth, all the evidence is in. So the time has arrived when we need to concentrate on informing the people about the lawful measures at our disposal to bring the criminals who prematurely declared war on humanity to the courtroom, to prosecute and convict them. Millions, possibly a billion or more people will have suffered and died as a result of the audacious attempt at genocide. Those who orchestrated this evil action belong behind bars for the rest of their lives. Some would say they deserve to be executed. I personally don’t support death penalties, but there’s a strong argument in this case – but that would lower us down to the level of the criminal Cabal’s henchmen. We are creatures of empathy, love and compassion, and we should act accordingly. We are also men and women who have an inalienable right to justice when others trespass against us.

The enemies of Liberty that have infiltrated governments would have you to believe that Common (Natural) Law is passé and have been legislated away. This is also a deliberate lie to mislead and influence the public with incorrect information

Is Everyday Statute Law Fit For Our Purpose?

In a word – NO.

So what’s the difference between Statutory Jurisdiction and Common Law? The following videos should help you understand the difference:

Are You a ‘Person’ (a Straw Man) Or a Living Breathing Man or Woman?


Which Law Should We Adopt To Bring The Genocidal Criminals To Account For Their Crimes Against Humanity?

The above videos have outlined the difference between Common Law and Statute Law. Statute Law is the jurisdiction of governments which themselves are corporate entities; along with all other corporate entities – they are service corporations; however, they have no power to ‘contract’ with a living, breathing man or woman. In other words the legal system that operates widely within countries is always hand in hand with governments that issue statutes, acts and regulations, that protect the corporate entities within their legal jurisdiction. We ‘The People’ are bound to abide with that statutory jurisdiction – if we act as a ‘straw man’ (when we represent ourselves on behalf of that legal fiction that was created at our birth).

Dr. (at law) Reiner Fuellmich licenced to practice law in Germany and the USA

So what has all this to do with taking the Cabal’s henchmen to court to answer for their crimes? A good example is Dr. (at law) Reiner Fuellmich.

This principled and honourable lawyer formed the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee in 2020. He rather naively (with hindsight – which is always 20/20 vision) had planned to gather as much evidence as possible from expert witnesses that included doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, molecular scientists etc. from all areas of expertise involved with the Covid ‘Plannedemic’. He then hoped to file lawsuits against the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity in courts both in Germany and the USA. What he later has realised was that the statute court judiciary in Germany is hopelessly compromised. Whilst the legal system in the US is more advanced, and has more leeway, the situation is the same there as well. Lawsuits already filed in German courts have either been treated – with biased and corrupt judges – in an appalling way, but in certain cases where the judge has been fairer, and the verdict has gone in favour of the prosecution, the judges have been hounded and harassed by the authorities. In other cases the hearings have been delayed indefinitely, with the can being kicked into the long grass, or evidence for the prosecution being struck out or ignored.

When it comes to justice in the statute courts, money, influence and power dictates. Outcomes are wholly dependent on the size of bank accounts, which is also used to bribe, blackmail or coerce judges, who have often been placed in their positions through the outworking of the Cabal’s henchmen over a prolonged period.

So the alternative has to rest with Common Law courts convened within jurisdictions formed by Common Law assemblies of the people themselves. Here is a video of an interview hosted by Patrick Henningsen with Reiner Fuellmich, who explains why he has abandoned his original plan, in preference of a Grand Jury hearing under Common Law jurisdiction:

What Is The ‘Grand Jury’ All About?

Here is an embedded PDF that explains it:


View Videos Of The Whole Proceedings (to date)

Below is a collection of videos that have been compiled for anyone who wants to follow what has transpired in the Grand Jury to date. They are from day 1 to day 5 of the proceedings, day 6 will probably be the last, but it is not yet available. These videos contain all the testimony presented to the jury. As you would expect, the contents are comprehensive and quite protracted for some of the days, but well worth viewing for those who would like a grasp of what is happening on the lawful scene.

Opening Statements

The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this



Financial Destruction


Eugenics & Closing Arguments and Outlook

Spectacular Success of The International Common Law Court of Justice

Of course it is not just Reiner Fuellmich and his team who are involved in cases against the perpetrators of the evil attack on humanity over a prolonged period – and especially since 2020 – and still ongoing. Kevin Annett from Canada has had spectacular successes with The International Common Law Court of Justice.

There is only one way to resolve this situation that confronts us and that is through the courts of The People. Other worldly courts are in the pockets of those who made the attack on humanity. After all, those statute courts of many lands are there to protect the interests of the very ones who are guilty of these crimes. So in effect there is no law and no justice, when it comes to getting redress in the jurisdictions of corporate governments and those who control them and work for them.

Looking To The Future

Common Law courts can be convened by any number of people who band together to form an assembly. In fact such an assembly has been set up in our community here in West Wales, called the Teifi Common Law Assembly. BGB hopes to work closely with that assembly in the near future; not just acting in cases of grievances and trespass against the people who have been affected by the Covid-19 scam, and the resultant damage from inoculation by poisonous injections decreed by the government, but also grievances against e.g. local government authorities – in many ways – where a trespass has been instigated against the people of the area.

We will be posting information, guidance and news about this as we progress.

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When The Going Get’s Tough – The Tough Get Going

Strategies For Fighting A Real Attack On Humanity

We got hit with a ‘sucker punch’ when the World Health Organisation declared – out of the blue – that a brand new deadly disease was on the loose. That was two years ago – give or take a few months.

Most fell for it. Panic broke out. It reminded me of the irrational response to the old film ‘War Of The Worlds’ when, on the NPR Newscast, Orson Welles and his troupe of radio actors interrupted the Columbia Broadcasting System’s programming to “report” that our planet had been invaded. Ever since then, it’s been accepted as fact that the broadcast scared the dickens out of many Americans, especially those living in New Jersey.

Orson Welles managed to make a spoof broadcast in 1953 that aliens had landed. Many fell for it hook line and sinker; packed their cars and headed for the hills.

The aftermath of a similar ‘broadcast by the W.H.O. resulted in the majority developing the “help us please – we’re doomed” mentality. Coupled with virtually zero knowledge of ANY disease, medicine or understanding of the mechanisms of a true pandemic, they fell at the feet of the ones who had conspired to scare them half to death. The governments were looked to as the only hope, and they would save everyone – because they cared so much for them (yes – sure – believe that and you will believe anything).

In reality, they were scheming with Big Pharma and the henchmen of the Cabal to launch a ‘vaccine’ programme, designed to cull the world’s population. As with the effects of the Welles broadcast in 1953 the people lapped up the propaganda from mainstream media, especially the BBC. How easy it is to fool dedicated goggle box addicts, who only get their information from such sources!

Planning of Evil

Planning – on this occasion – was far better by the psychopaths behind the scenes. The ‘dry runs’ attempted previously (HIV, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Ebola and other fake pandemics) did not take root as they did not have the media on-board. This time the preparations were far better (but not perfect). With a bought and paid for MSM, run globally by about six companies, the false information, hidden information and lies, kept the scam going – until now.

The Response

In the initial stages, the masses flocked to roll their sleeves up, in abject fear and blissful ignorance – some still do. However the more alert, critical thinkers set about reversing the situation to save their fellow mankind.

With vicious censorship of anyone who questioned the ‘official’ narrative the awake amongst us took to the internet to get the truth out. Protests were organised, with freedom rallies, anti ‘killer jab’ protests, now the big ‘Trucker Protest’ in Canada, followed by a mass of similar protests organised in countries across the world are involved, the time has arrived to open up another front.

Protests, websites, videos, letter writing, rallies etc. can only go so far in bringing the insanity to an end. We now need to exercise justice and retribution and the prosecution and punishment of the criminals involved. We have all the evidence we need.

We’ve all had our parts to play. Those who could not physically attend rallies and protests took to other means of getting the information out there – like BGB – that has used technical know-how and the power of the keyboard to wake people up. We have three volumes of correspondence in our journal, where we have questioned, badgered and issued freedom of information requests to the powers, agencies and governments that are implicated in these greatest ever of crimes against humanity.

Remaining Question

All involved have put their shoulder to the wheel in one way or another. However one big question remains. After waking people up (there’s now a tsunami of woken up people building up across the globe), how do we defeat and reverse the situation? How do we bring those responsible for these crimes against humanity to real justice?

Whilst turning the tables with the mass distribution of truth through our efforts to date, how do we ensure that those responsible are appropriately punished and that this kind of thing will NEVER happen again?

The Ultimate Solution

BGB has come to the conclusion that as we move into the next final phase, we need to have a slight change in focus and tack. We will continue to spread news of the hoax pandemic and it’s instigators – as it breaks, and keep our followers in touch with developments, but there will be a slight change in what our goals are.

There is going to be a shift in BGB’s focus

At BGB we believe that the whole strategy in the fight back, and education of the masses has had to follow a natural course. E.g.:

  1. Initially, there was a need to make people aware of what had happened. To a great extent that has been achieved. When you compare the numbers that have awakened between January 2020 and January 2022 it’s absolutely amazing; however we can’t rest on our oars in this regard, but it is no longer a number one priority. After the initial push, it has gathered momentum on it’s own.

  2. People had to be fed provable medical and scientific facts and evidence. As the mainstream media have been pumping out lies, propaganda and false information, we the people have been offsetting that strategy of the Cabal, by publishing the truth, backed up by facts that cannot be refuted. This has been done via websites that have sprung up, video platforms and social media generally. A great deal of this information has been lost due to censorship, but as an ever growing army of people have been multiplying this truth by repeating and spreading it, the censors have generally failed, whilst we have gone from strength to strength. So that has also been a huge success.

  3. We have contacted every government and government agency with queries, questions and Freedom of Information requests. In fact they are drowning in correspondence from us the people. To begin with, they arrogantly tried to ignore us, but as the correspondence, and tenacity to get replies and explanations increased, their now nervous responses is tangible. It seems that stage in our strategy can be ticked as another success.

  4. We’ve had protests and rallies that started off quite nervously and cautious. We’ve been expanding our Stand In The Park meetings on Sundays, so our public profile has increased. All of these efforts have had a huge part to play – now it’s time to move on and finish the job. In the two year span since the contrived disaster through a planned scam hit, the protests and rallies just ballooned like a snowball. Crowds of MILLIONS now regularly converge on cities – globally.

  5. It is now time to put our energies into the legal battles, be they hearings in the statute law jurisdiction arena that is controlled and compromised by those that have attacked us, or the Common LAW arena (which we have concluded is the most likely way to success.

To this end, BGB is in discussions with others who focus their energy on Common Law. There is a need to get people to understand what Common Law is about and how it operates. There is a critical need to form Common Law Assemblies in communities, and to take back our inalienable rights, whist prosecuting those who have trespassed against us.

We will release more information about this in the next few weeks. The outcome may be that we pool our resources, by working closer with other websites who are pushing the lawful fightback agenda in courtrooms exercising Common Law.


Huge leaps forward have been accomplished by those who have dug very deep in their research, and exposed the Cabal operators even further. We are zeroing in on the psychopaths behind this. They may run but they can’t hide.

One of these incredible compilers of evidence is Dr. David Martin from the US. Listen to a recent interview with him.

More Disturbing News From New Zealand

But this time the courts will be utilised.

More to follow soon . . . . 

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End Of Year Review & Predictions For 2022 And Beyond

Here we are – in 2022!

As is by now a tradition, (especially in the modern radio and TV transmissions era), we tend to look back on the previous year, and ahead to the new year. Mostly boring and depressing, but compulsive viewing all the same. These days we even leave recollection of our own memories, of the last twelve months, to someone else to tell us what were the highlights !

The Two Faced God – JANUS

Janus, the two faced god, one face looking back, whilst the other faces forward to the future

As we enter this new year of 2022, many of us are taking a hard look in the mirror, trying to figure out where we’ve gone right, and where we’ve gone oh-so-wrong. Looking forward, and looking back, and making resolutions to the effect of making things better. Incidentally – for those with an interest – who read my last post in 2021.

You’ll be glad to hear that for fear of being labelled a hypocrite, I’ve dumped my ‘smart’ phone (as per my new year resolution promise) and now carry a Maxcom ‘feature’ phone around with me (fondly referred to as a ‘Granddad phone’, by the younger elements in my family)! It can’t scan QR codes, doesn’t carry a QR code within it that can identify me, or any records via ‘apps’ that can be downloaded to a ‘smart’ phone without my knowledge. End of ‘Track and Trace’ capabilities by the evil ones, and my peace of mind, that I’ve cut the weak, but most potent link in their digital chain.

Kenneth Arthur Dodd, Born: November 8, 1927, Knotty Ash, Liverpool. Died: March 11, 2018, Knotty Ash, Liverpool – of a chest complaint. Had it been 2020 it would have been recorded as Covid-19 caused by the phantom SARS-Cov-2 ‘virus’. Click image for ‘Tears For Souvenirs’.

When challenged to give a written name and provide an address and telephone No. to a zealous shop, restaurant or pub employee, I go by the name of K. Dodd, of Thomas Lane, Knotty Ash, Liverpool. The telephone number I give is seldom right, as I have the acceptable reasoning that at my age, my memory is not as reliable as it used to be! I’m not aware that I’m breaking any law – as I still have the freedom to go by any name that I choose! Now if every awake person did the same, the house of cards would soon start to crumble.



Anyway – now, very briefly – back to Janus.

There are many deities from across the globe that one could invoke to help in this process, but today, let’s take a peek at a particularly Roman deity:

One of the first things that sets Janus apart is that He isn’t a Greek import; Zeus became Jupiter, Hera became Juno, but there is no Greek antecedent for Janus; He is a uniquely Roman invention.

How important was this god to the Romans? Numa Pompilius, believed to be the second king of Rome after Romulus, and who is associated with cementing many Roman religious beliefs, gave him a special place in his standard calendar; while some scholars debate this, at least according to Roman tradition, the first month of the year – January – was named after the two faced god.

Being ‘two faced’ has a further connotation. It’s also tied up with being deceitful, lying, unreliable and deadly; which neatly sums up the governments involved in the biggest medical deceit ever inflicted on humans.

Do you believe in the existence of a two faced god called Janus? No? Good, you should exercise the same prudent cynicism when it comes to rotten, corrupt, bribery soaked and two faced governments, along with their propagandists – the likes of the BBC and all other corporate mainstream media companies, owned and controlled by the Globalist elite who in turn are the henchmen of the Cabal.

Sad Fact

Too many still trust their government, believe everything they say (despite their long track record of lies and deceit) and firmly believe that they have the well being of the public at heart. Time to shed the scales from the eyes and realise the extent of the huge lies and misinformation propaganda that oozes out of the bought and paid for mainstream corporate media the world over – with few exceptions – but what those ‘exceptions’ report is buried in censorship and news blackout silence.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


Joseph Goebels (minister of propaganda for the German Third Reich under Adolf Hitler).

Let’s Hear a Review From a Foremost ‘Pandemic’ Expert

Looking back whilst looking forward.

Who better that the wonderful warrior in this war against evil intent than ‘The Old Man In a Chair’ – the amazing Dr. Vernon Coleman – despite the tag of ‘old man’ he fights on with the zeal and strengths of a twenty year old, but with the wisdom of a man of his actual age. He will make a far better job than me, of explaining to you the root of this current hoax pandemic fraud , and what predictions there are for 2022 and beyond,

In this BGB reproduced video below, listen to him give a condensed version of events over the last two years – in a very accurate review. Also take heed of his always accurate predictions, as we enter the third year of this madness over a non existent ‘pandemic’.

The bottom line ? “We are winning this war”!

Without a shadow of a doubt, the great awakening is gathering strength. That means that the war for truth and freedom is forging ahead. People ARE waking up globally. The pain is not over though, the Cabal and their elite henchmen, will throw everything – including the kitchen sink at us, before they are totally exposed and utterly defeated. Then we’ll have to set ourselves the task of rebuilding something better, based on our inalienable rights that we were born with – as free men and women.

Please share the above video far and wide. You can download a copy from HERE

You can also download a full written transcript of the contents as a PDF file:


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A Seasonal Gift To All Our Faithful Followers!

Thank You! To all Of BGB’s Faithful Followers And Subscribers During 2021.

And a special thank you to my brother in law – Eric Lewis – who lives on The Wirral, for sending me this hilarious ‘Saturnalia Christmas Album’ offer (please share it far and wide).

Some may possibly have heard it before – apparently it was doing the rounds at the end of 2020, not a lot has changed – and won’t change until enough of the sleeping public wake up to their eventual fate.

The video is tongue in cheek, but highlights this ridiculous hoax ‘virus’ situation that has been dumped on us, with masses of people swallowing the nonsense in their naivety and ignorance. After being completely duped, they then – in their fearful and ignorant state of panic –  have gone and rolled up their sleeves to be jabbed. Often landing in hospital or dead shortly afterwards.

Powerful illusions – nothing new – click on image

More enlightenment on general ignorance about the ‘festive season’  HERE! And you thought it was all about the birth of baby Jesus – sorry – but you were wrong.

You don’t think the Romans would give up their joyous festival, just because they made themselves the self appointed head of Christianity during Constantine’s reign in 313 CE do you?! Of course not – they simply transferred all their pagan rituals, incorporated them into so called Christianity and voila! If you can’t beat them – join them – and you make up the rules as their head.

In 380 CE Emperor Theodosius I made it the official state religion of the Roman Empire. Saturn got superseded by Jesus Christ and although born at the end of the harvest in Bethlehem (around the end of September/ beginning of October when the Jews paid their taxes to the ruling Romans – hence the reason Jesus was born in Bethlehem – the ‘tithe’ was paid in the town or city of origin of families), his birthday got magically moved to December the 25th and the rest is history.

Amazing how easy it is to fool people when they are told huge lies from official sources. Did you get taught this in school? No, you were fed historic bull-shit and indoctrinated to trust all governments and authority. Some things never change do they?

Further reading: The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop

On The Inoculation Front – Don’t Take Anymore Risks

20% of those batches are deadly, or cause permanent health injuries. I hope that many reading this have been fortunate enough to have been injected with the remaining 80% of benign jabs. If you’re OK after getting an injection, then don’t have any more – because it’s a game of Russian Roulette.

If 100% percent of the vials contained poisons that either kills or maims, then the cat would be out of the bag very soon. Instead each inoculation programme contains 20% deadly, clot forming, neurological injury and severe cardiac problems. This is the reason the injections are on going. First it was one injection (to flatten the curve – remember that?). Then a second, followed by a booster, and now they are scaring people to continue getting jabbed for each ‘variant’ they magically produce – like a magician pulling white rabbits out of a hat. Getting the picture? I sincerely hope you are.

The Solution?

There is only one way out of this – stop complying with the insane directives foisted on you by your government. The directives have absolutely no basis in science – do the research yourself, starting here at BGB. With enough people applying peaceful civil disobedience, the whole scam collapses like a house of cards. Keep on being obedient, and acquiescing and you will continue to build prison walls for all of us. Don’t use violence, just stop obeying and above all else use the subtle weapon against them, called HUMOUR!

The other potent weapon is to bin your smart phone. Without smart phones, their QR code system collapses. If you want to be serveilled, tracked and Covid Passport interrogated – carry on. We’ll see how many are still here, or in quarantine centres (medical concentration camps) on the eve of the seasonal celebrations in 2022.


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Vaccinated Adults Under Age 60 Are Dying At TWICE The Rate Of Unvaccinated . . . The vaccine DOUBLES The Deaths From All Causes

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), a U.K. – based government reporting agency, has published new data showing that “fully vaccinated” UK adults under the age of 60 are now dying at twice the rate of their unvaccinated counterparts.

On his Substack, Alex Berenson published a graph showing the difference between the two groups. While unvaccinated deaths are actually decreasing over time, fully vaccinated deaths are on the rise.

The original dataset from ONS clearly shows this for anyone willing to look at it honestly – because we all know the mainstream media will never report on it.

I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct,” Berenson writes. “Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.”

I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality,”

he adds.

Heart Problems Skyrocketing Due To mRNA Injections

One of the reasons why these shots are killing people like crazy is that they destroy cell tissue, particularly in and around the heart.

The mRNA (messenger RNA) jabs are particularly offensive in this regard, Berenson notes. Several months after getting injected, a person’s risk of suffering a heart attack or other severe coronary problem more than doubles.

“Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before,” Berenson writes.

Sound familiar? That same doubled risk for death in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated also applies to heart problems. It would seem as though getting jabbed is a quick and easy way to fast-track one’s risk of dying early.

At the recent annual conference of the American Heart Association (AHA), Dr. Steven Gundry, a Nebraska physician and retired cardiac surgeon, presented a study showing this massively increased risk of heart problems post-injection.

The shots greatly increase endothelial inflammatory markers, he explained. Based on these markers, a patient is assigned a score that ranks how likely he or she is to develop an acute coronary syndrome within the next five years.

“Acute coronary syndrome is a term used to describe a range of conditions associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart,” the Mayo Clinic explains about this classification.

“One such condition is a heart attack (myocardial infarction) – when cell death results in damaged or destroyed heart tissue.”

In Gundry’s own patients, he observed a risk increase from 11 percent to 25 percent on the acute coronary syndrome scale. This increase persisted for a least 2.5 months after patients received the second dose, he says.

“We conclude that the mRNA [vaccines] dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination,” he explained.

“Clearly there is a chilling synchronicity between the DOUBLING OF ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME RISK that’s shown in this study and the data charts showing a DOUBLING OF OVERALL DEATHS in the UK that you discussed in your post yesterday,” wrote one commenter about Berenson’s two articles.

“It’s going to take a lot more of these studies and stories before the Medical Nazis at the FDA and CDC back down because of ‘mild myocarditis,’” wrote another, referring to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s false claim that “mild myocarditis” cases post-injection are “rare.”

“Their goal is depopulation and they are enjoying the results right now because there is no pushback. Their livelihoods aren’t threatened, and they’re protected within their political circles. Nothing short of total non-compliance going forward on any Covid mandates is going to budge this tyranny.”

Multi-jabbed Fit & Healthy Athletes Are Dropping Dead Everywhere – COINCIDENCE?

Check The Figures For Yourself. Data Taken From The UK Government’s Own MHRA Database 

Note: The MHRA publicly declares that only between 1 & 10% of cases are reported. That means that the actual number of deaths and adverse effects could be between 10 & 100 times greater that those published. It is also estimated from VAERS data in the US that 80% of injections are benign and absolutely ineffective (saline or a placebo). 20% are DEADLY. Do you want to keep on playing Russian Roulette?

See my previous post ‘The Injection Toxicity Numbers Game’

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