The BIG Missing Jig-saw Piece That So Many Of Us Have Overlooked.

Whether you’ve stumbled on this article – and accompanying  video contained within it – by accident, on your innocent internet travels, or you’re a dedicated truth seeker who is a common visitor to BGB; one thing is for sure – the contents of the video below will astonish you.

Truth researchers may see most of the overall picture, (regarding the crisis we are in and the causes leading up to it). This video will fill in the missing gaps for you, because the contents have been one of the best guarded secrets but in plain sight for all to see. After all, who has an interest in investigating global companies, their assets and who owns and controls them? Certainly not me – until comparatively recently. The information is ludicrously easy to find – if you know where to look. The agenda of the Cabal is far more advanced, complex and well planned than most of us realise. We know that the global Cabal is closing in, but when you realise what has been going on for many years in the shadows, leading up to this point in time, then we need to double our efforts to get this information out.

Please share far and wide amongst all the people you know, because the time left is shorter than we thought.

Simply copy the address link to this article and e-mail it to everyone you know – especially the prominent people in your communities, medical professionals, teachers, legal people etc. and everyone else right up to your government representatives and higher but especially your friends and loved ones.

The Monopoly Is The Key To Unimaginable Wealth And The Global Power, Control  And Influence That Comes With It.

This is the most awesome tool in the Cabal’s arsenal. Without it, the last step to eventual total world domination and control from a single centralised source could not be fulfilled. It has taken an awful long time to achieve, because the accumulation of ALL assets and ownership of everything on this planet into the hands of between two and four companies is amazing and quite an achievement, but they have done just that

It is this globalist elitist power that has manoeuvred the world governments to synchronise (mostly by bribery and blackmail) with the centuries old plan of  the Cabal or cult as some prefer to call it. It’s much worse than you may think.

At the beginning of the planned pandemic, I would tell people that what they were hearing from the corporate media and their government were lies and propaganda to stir up fear in the population. The usual retort would be something like:

Don’t be stupid, how could anyone influence all the media outlets and the governments of the world to say the same thing?”

This video will explain EXACTLY how that was possible. Every corporate news media outlet is owned by the same handful of companies – what they dictate to their assets their assets carry out. All the directives come from a central source, and with the aid of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Academy virtually all governments have the graduates of that academy in their ranks. Klaus Schwab boasts that the Canadian Government’s cabinet has those graduates making up 50% of it’s ranks. The Canadian government leader – Justin Trudeau – is a star graduate of Schwab’s leaders academy, like many other government leaders in key governments around the world. It all makes perfect sense.

Please be sure to view right to the end of this video to get the full import of what is disclosed:

Please COPY this link & forward it by e-mail to everyone in your address book or post it on social media:

I have been quietly researching what is going on behind the scenes for well over a decade and warning about the signs of an eventual setting up of a so called ‘New World Order’. I have been ridiculed for my views, even accused of being a deranged conspiracy theorist, but I believe, I am now fully vindicated regarding what I was warning about back then.

I have also been studying the results of other conspiracy researchers’ work for around two decades, they in turn have been doing this work for over three decades. However. the realisation of exactly what the machinations of those who mean us harm, was not fully realised by myself nor others until the dawn of the present hoax pandemic battle commenced by the Cabal at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020.

BGB was established in March 2020, with eyes wide open and an urge to bring others up to running speed. The biggest surprise for me during these last two and a half years was the realisation of how the Cabal – through their manipulation of the likes of Black Rock, Vanguard and a couple of others, have totally captured the financial power to be able to push their agenda forward at this precise time in human history. Coupled to that is their patient wait for technology to develop to a point where it can be utilised for their nefarious plans for us. That is right now.

Extra – On The Lawful Front

If the above video has whet your appetite, then as a little extra treat, see the video below of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Michael Swinwood on the Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice, they are interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. They have their finger on the button – or should that be trigger?

Their problem – like mine – is frustration that although the masses are slowly waking up, will they do so in sufficient numbers and quickly enough to save the day? With vicious censorship of the alternative news outlets and corruption of the mainstream media, and a compromised legal system, the truth is being slowed down from getting out there, and confusion is the order of the day.


View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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