What does it mean to be human in a technologically enhanced world?

Humanity+, also known as World Transhumanist Association, is a 501(c)3 international non-profit membership organization that advocates the use of technology, such as artificial intelligence, to expand human capacities. In other words, we want people to be better than well. This is the goal of transhumanism.

Whilst that sounds quite benign, and even exciting to some, it also has a very dark and sinister side in the world we now live in, currently controlled by the Cabal through the elites, who by wealth, power, influence and control, would see all of humanity linked up to computer technology and ENSLAVED.

A good example of this dark side of technology is Elon Musk. Your brain, with a USB-C port in it. That’s Elon Musk’s vision for Brain Machine Interfaces (BMI). In a controversial July 2019 white paper he claimed that his company Neuralink had taken a huge step towards building a “scalable high-bandwidth BMI system” that would let the human brain “stream full broadband electrophysiology data” to a network, using a combination of ultra-fine polymer probes, a neurosurgical robot that sews them into the brain, and custom high-density electronics. How is that likely to be achieved? Think graphene oxide, radio control and nanobots.

Take the dark-tech of DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency), its civilian counterpart BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research & Development), the stealth-ness of nanotechnology, the Gates Foundation funded “Quantum Dot Tattoo” aka “mark of the beast,” and combine it with micro-needling as an inoculation platform that is conceived from how snakes inject their venom into their prey, and nanogels that can connect with external technologies outside your body like smart phones, the cloud or other smart devices (5G from satellites), and what do you have?  Answer: Moderna’s new RNA vaccine against COVID-19 coronavirus.

Dr. Carrie Madej’s chilling video explanation of what Moderna is up to is worth every minute of your time.  Dr. Madej is a McDonough, Georgia osteopathic-trained internal medical specialist.  Her video is a wake-up call to the world.  It is not sensationalist reporting.

Dr. Madej’s blood curdling explanation of Moderna’s new vaccine presents a dark, chilling moment for humanity, a day of no return.  It has its roots in something called Transhumanism.

Footnote: Since the making of the above video, a team of respected Spanish researchers have discovered that one of the main components of the Pfizer injection is graphene oxide (along with mRNA strands). Graphene oxide is a deadly substance – when introduced into the body – and it’s poisoning effects mirror the symptoms supposedly associated with the phantom SARS Cov-2 infection (note the reports coming from hospitals who are becoming inundated with supposed ‘Covid cases’ following the rollout of the injections), although the ‘novel’ virus has not been separated, identified or it’s genome sequenced – in other words there is no evidence of it’s existence. In fact NO virus has ever been identified, the identification is a hashed up laboratory technique that does not use a separated virus from a known infected person.

At the time of the recording Dr. Madej would not have been aware of this discovery. Here is a video released by BGB that gives further insight into this discovery. Tie up Dr. Madej’s revelations about mRNA injections, with the inclusion of graphene oxide and the picture becomes ever clearer.

What Do We Already Know ?

So we know Nanobot technology is already here and sorted. We know that work is already completed and is currently on-going to perfect neural connection between a biological organism and a computer/ communication networks (accomplished by Nanobot construction to connect neurologically with the technology) within an organism – guided by radio frequency transmissions). We know of the intention to reduce the world population to 500 million that is by now common knowledge and boasted about by the likes of Gates & Schwab. We know that graphene oxide is one of the strongest electro magnetic substances known. It can be manipulated by radio frequencies (especially 5G). We also know what the delivery system is a simple jab via a hypodermic needle. We also know that the hoax Covid-19 pandemic has set the groundwork to get everyone in the world inoculated – against an illness that is less deadly than the seasonal flu. What else do we need to know to realise what is happening to humanity? We need to immediately stop this horror show!

Social Strategy to end Homo Sapiens life as we know it.

For Transhumanism (The End Game – www.2045.com) to take place people must become sick, Terrorised, physically and mentally disabled and afraid of death.  For the game to accelerate, the establishment has decided to push for the implementation of forced ‘vaccination’ (a wrongly used term – the inoculations are more accurately described as gene therapy). To do this they must:

  • Make the population afraid of a (fraudulent) killer virus; 
  • Make people afraid of disease and death generally;
  • Destroy the natural organic immune system at an early age through vaccinating pregnant women, babies and children;
  • Medicate the population nearly from birth to death with poisonous allopathic substances;
  • Sterilize women via vaccines; vaccinate at birth and inject 48 vaccine doses there after until the age of six ( particularly in the US);
  • Misdiagnose vaccine injury as mental illness, resulting in the dispensing of vast numbers of anti psychotic, anti-depression  medications to children and adults;
  • Terrorise parents via brainwashed paediatricians;
  • Terrorise parents with medical neglect charges and taking children from their homes (CPS)

The Covid-19 strategy (planned) leads (on purpose) to the inoculation of everyone on earth – it is all part of the overall strategy.

Depopulate the earth to 500 million (half a billion) from the present 7.8 billion).


Quote from Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President, CEO & Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer

The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it won’t be a vaccine because you don’t need one. And it won’t kill you on the end of the needle because you would spot that.

It could be something that will produce normal pathology, it will be at various times between vaccination and the event, it will be plausibly deniable because there will be something else going on in the world at that time, in the context of which your demise, or that of your children will look normal.

That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.”

This is an openly published goal of those behind this agenda – it is also quoted in Agenda 21 & 2030 all publicly available for viewing. It is neither a conspiracy theory nor an assumption, the information is widely available for anyone to check – including on the World Economic Forum website, Klaus Schwab (the chairman of the WEF); it’s published in his books and he openly admits to it in his many speeches on ‘The Great Reset’ and ‘Transhumanism’.

The remaining residual population will be enslaved, totally controlled via trans-human technology and that will be the end of humanity as we know it. If you think this scenario is outrageous, then keep your eye on the death rates of those already ‘vaccinated’, they are now going through the roof in the UK alone, despite the fact that the government'[s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) admits that only between 1 – 10% of adverse events and death are actually reported. You do the maths . . .

On The Subject Of Trans-humanism (Or Bio-digital Convergence) 

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Below is an embedded video from the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee, which as many who read BGB will know, is the platform for the nucleus of the work undertaken by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team of lawyers, who are doing incredible work in their expert evidence gathering exercise, in preparation to taking the authorities to court as a result of their crimes against humanity – during this fake Coronavirus pandemic.

In this committee meeting Reiner and Vivienne Fischer (both attorneys at Law) interview James Corbett – probably one of the best investigative journalists in the world. James has been churning out exceptional material for a decade and a half. He’s a Canadian who has lived and worked in Japan for an equally long time as an English teacher.

During this interview JC throws a lot of light on what is going on with regard to technocracy and of course trans-humanism. The video also gives insight into the work of the Corona Investigative Committee.

Further Reading:

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