Category: Corruption (Page 1 of 7)

The Huge Lie – That All Other Cabal lies Follow In It’s Wake

Why Push The Truth About Man Made Climate Change?

Because if we don’t expose this massive lie, then our very existence is jeopardised. An exaggeration? Hardly. What’s more, put this lie to bed and many more lies that we’ve been exposed to, using the same technique will fall like dominoes.

This particular lie-  of huge portions – is the forerunner of all the other lies that have been fed to the population worldwide, and generally believed, thanks to it’s promotion across the globe by the disgraceful and wholly corrupt mainstream media.

Moreso recently, BGB has focused on the climate lie  why? It is because this lie has it’s roots as far back as over fifty years ago. Over the decades it has gathered momentum like a snowball gathering snow, although to start with, the BBC’s Weather Machine programme gleefully predicted that we were heading for an ice age! Something equally fearsome, as more people die from the cold than the heat. “They who must be obeyed” were starting to ramp up their fear machine, and soon discovered what a potent weapon it could be in the wrong hands.

All Change

Having discovered how ‘They’ could scare the pants off naïve people who get their information from a corrupt mainstream media – all bought and paid for – on a massive scale, this was too good an opportunity to pass by. Then along came the Earth summit in in June 1992. Where the fearmongering was ratcheted up to ridiculous levels. BUT it hasn’t all gone their way – the scaremongering was waning and people were losing interest, not least because the climate alarmists’ predictions failed to come true on time!

Enter the new scare PANDEMICS. That is also losing traction as people see through that scam as well. So what do they do?  ‘They’ fall back on the old scare: CIMATE CHANGE  due to human activity. So now we have seasonal scares. In summertime we have to be scared of CO2 induced changes hence the change in our climate, more absurdly the farting patterns of cattle. Those poor beasts are threatened by culling – or more ludicrous still it is proposed that they wear face masks to lower their belching skills. If you don’t believe that those who dictate to us are mad, then you must be mad yourself to go along with them.

Then in the winter season we are bombarded with hysterical scare stories about another wave of Covid!

Earth Summit

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio Conference or the Earth Summit , was a major United Nations conference held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992.

Earth Summit was created as a response for member states to (supposedly) cooperate together internationally on development issues after the Cold War. Due to issues relating to (so-called)  sustainability being too big for individual member states to handle, Earth Summit was held as a platform for other member states to collaborate. This was the ever progression of the concept of central control of most nations of the world, but pre-eminently a concept hotly  pursued by the western hemisphere governments – dancing to the tune of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and later the World Health Organisation, all in lock-step with the goal of eventually grasping world control and what has been described as the New World Order – as espoused by the likes of Karl Schwab.

A key achievement of the 1992 conference was the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established in part as an international environmental treaty to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system” and to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It was signed by 154 states at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). By 2022, the UNFCCC had 198 parties. Its supreme decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP) meets annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change, or rather the progress towards the totalitarian tip-toe of accomplished world control from a central source, through propaganda and manipulation.

The Documentary Film You MUST Watch

It’s all part of the agenda, to herd us towards the World Economic Forum/ World Health Authority and the United Nation’s vision of a totalitarian – world wide regime where the globalist elites have total control of a depopulated earth and all it’s resources – including us – the slaves.

The man made climate change myth follows a tight template for it’s manifestation, based on fear.

You terrify the population with predictions of doom based on false science (exactly the same with false pandemic scares). You allow it to marinate, via mainstream media. You offer a solution, which invariably chimes with the depopulation agenda. It’s the classic (false) PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION sequence.

So you thinks that there’s a consensus of opinion that the planet is collapsing, which has been caused by global warming at the hands of the population? WRONG!

In this documentary film you will hear from the true experts who expose the lies you have been fed by the so-called ‘consensus’ of scientists who have supposedly proven the swindle that has been based on twisted science. All in the name of ‘sustainable development’ that goes back many decades.

Now hear the other side of the argument, if you still have an open mind, open ears and open eyes.  Please share far and wide.

In Case You Missed It:

Here is another BGB video from a previous article published on this Blog. It re-enhances the contents of the above documentary film.


View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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The Big Lie ‘THEY’ Keep On Coming Back To – Climate Change Crisis

London Buses

You’ve probably heard the old adage: “You stand for ages at a London bus stop for your  bus  and then a cavalcade of them turn up!”

It’s a bit like that with BGB this week. These days I’m limited to what I can produce due to my health, so my subscribers have to wait a bit longer than they used to for new content. But guess what? This weekend there’s two in rapid succession!

Actually, I’d contemplated including this latest content with the post I put out yesterday – it’s on the same subject, but then I thought better of it, as the last post, included Iain Davis’ excellent,  but rather lengthy piece that he wrote for Off Guardian. Including this piece in the same post might have been a bit much in one go.

So presumably, the keener ones will have already digested what I wrote in the previous post, and will have had their appetite whetted for what is to follow.

In the first BGB reproduced video below (which I consider to be one of the more excellent videos on the subject), Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter really hammer home the nails into the coffin of the scam regarding global warming/ climate  change that is currently being pushed with manic enthusiasm.

Finally there’s a video from Makia Freeman who also covers the same subject material, it’s a nice ending to the Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter documentary.

ENJOY and don’t forget to pass on this information to all those poor souls that are hiding behind their sofas – we need to get people to break free from all the scaremongering.


View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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When A Former Pfizer Vice President Tells It As It Is – YOU SHOULD LISTEN!

NOT Your Run Of The Mill “Conspiracy Theorist”

Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry and was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer., Inc. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988. Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles.

Check Out His Credentials:

Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988.

Dr. Yeadon then worked at the Wellcome Research Labs with Salvador Moncada with a research focus on airway hyper-responsiveness and effects of pollutants including ozone and working in drug discovery of 5-LO, COX, PAF, NO and lung inflammation. With colleagues, he was the first to detect exhaled NO in animals and later to induce NOS in lung via allergic triggers.

As Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, he spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field.

Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.

Under his leadership the research unit invented oral and inhaled NCEs which delivered multiple positive clinical proofs of concept in asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD. He led productive collaborations such as with Rigel Pharmaceuticals (SYK inhibitors) and was involved in the licensing of Spiriva and acquisition of the Meridica (inhaler device) company.

Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.

At The Top Of His Game

We are not repeating what we heard from the guy down the pub. This a former Pfizer Vice President (think about that for a minute). When he explains to you what he believes the  eugenicists, at the elite globalist cabal’s agenda is for the world’s population, you should take what he says VERY seriously:

Here are links to what he has written in the past (courtesy of CV 19 News)

This Mirrors What We Have Repeatedly Said

This is exactly what BGB and tens of thousands of other brave professionals have been saying since the autumn of 2019. As we progress through 2023 it’s becoming more obvious by the day what is happening at the hands of those who are determined to drive through their plans for a New World Government (the great reset etc. etc.) and Agenda 2030’s plans for a global cull. That document clearly states that their target population is 500 million, from the present 7.8 BILLION. The excess world wide death rate is at it’s highest over a five year average, and rising. This information is being frantically covered up by the corrupt mainstream media.

When this information was first exposed, it was ridiculed by the majority – the cat is finally out of the bag, but we need to wake up many more.

This Time – The Same Horse But A Different Jockey

Another highly qualified doctor tells his story of intimidation as he becomes a victim of the evil ones who are the actual  insane controlling us.

Cardiologist Dr Thomas Binder studied medicine at the University of Zürich. With a doctorate in immunology and virology, and specialisms in internal medicine, cardiology and respiratory infections gained at hospitals and intensive care units, he is very well qualified to give his expert opinion on the Covid–19 pandemic, or ‘scamdemic’, as he calls it.

In this video clip, reproduced by BGB, Dr Binder joins Debi Evans, UK Column’s  Nursing Correspondent, from his practice in Wettingen, Switzerland, to tell his remarkable story; one that has had lifelong consequences. It is the story of how one doctor who simply followed his moral compass, professional medical code and conscience was brutally arrested and persecuted for putting his patients and the general public’s safety first.

Soon after the declaration by the World Health Organisation of the Covid–19 pandemic, Dr Binder began to vocalise his concerns over the flawed PCR tests, mask mandates and lockdowns to politicians, colleagues and members of the media. Shocked that he never received a reply, he began to vocalise his concerns online.

On 9 April 2020, he published a blog on his website documenting his analysis of Covid–19. The blog, much to his surprise, went viral, with 20,000 views in 24 hours. Unbeknown to Dr Binder, when two of his medical colleagues read the blog, they alerted the Chief Executive of the Canton of Aargau of their “concerns” over Dr Binder’s sanity.

On 11 April 2020, as Dr Binder was closing his surgery prior to going on holiday with his wife for an Easter break, he was alarmed to notice that outside his surgery, there was a heavily armed police presence—which he now knows was from the Kantonspolizei Aargau’s counter-terrorism unit (ARGUS). With just enough time to type an emergency message online, he then surrendered himself to police who proceeded to detain him on suspicion of being armed, a danger to himself and a danger to the public.

To get the full story, please view the video below:

Now ask yourself who are truly insane and downright evil? Is  it the likes of Dr. Yeadon and Dr. Thomas Binder who are being persecuted for telling the truth – both top professionals in their fields – or a handful of eugenicist control freaks whose goal is to depopulate the earth down to 500 million and in the process mastermind the greatest  global genocide in human history.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Who Watches the Watchers? Who Guards the Guards?

So Who Is THEM?

There’s an increasing swathe of people getting the truth out there –  to those who have not yet understood what is going on across the globe. That’s the innocent, gullible and naïve who have difficulty joining the dots. Those involved in opening the  eyes and minds of the general public on the street, refer to those who are causing mayhem and destruction as “THEY” or “Them”.

The reality is that there are laws and rules (or no law) to protect THEM.. Whilst “WE” the People, are micro managed in our behaviour; – there are consequences for “US”,   severely executed by THEM – when WE are guilty of stepping out of line. When WE are perceived to have broken statutory law, and regulations put in place by THEM, without any consultation within their government or by consultation with WE the People and the rest of the public that THEY rule. Wasn’t it the PEOPLE who are supposed to rule THEM? Aren’t THEY supposed to be the public’s servants?

Political elites refer to the “Little People” (US) as those of little influence and mainly  the unaware. The term goyim (referred to as The Gentiles in Jewish communities, but not relevant in that context here) , cattle or “useless eaters” (as Henry Kissinger once said.) The term can have a misleading meaning since it suggests that it is the best who hold decision-making positions. In reality, political elites are often the product of social reproduction and only those who have already substantial economic, social and cultural means can access this status.

It is possible to suspect the political elite of sharing interests specific to the privileged categories from which it mainly comes. The fact remains that the increase in the technicality of public action is increasingly leading leaders to seek the opinion of personalities from civil society (association leaders, experts, scientists, etc. and of course the global business elites), which calls for qualifying the the thesis of the homogeneity of political elites.





See this excellent video on this  very topic by Neil Oliver – a  GBTV presenter:


If the embedded video does not display in your browser, please follow this link:

The elitist and pluralist approaches oppose each other on the question of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the ruling class.

In Elementi di Scienze politica (1896), Gaetano Mosca uses the term “ruling political class” to describe the minority that holds power in a society. According to him, “in all societies, from the least developed and civilized to the most advanced and powerful, there appear two classes of people – an ordinary class and a ruling class, who is beyond any watchers or guards. To keep that equilibrium , the the ordinary class have to be kept in the dark, be ignorant of their role and always to be subservient and totally controlled – usually by fear. The ruling class are always the least numerous, assumes all political functions, monopolizes power and enjoys the advantages it entails, while the second, the most numerous, is directed and controlled by the first, sometimes more or less legal, sometimes more or less arbitrary and violent”.

This minority, organized and conscious, forms a social class. It is therefore marked by a community of thought, of interests, of culture, of kinship, of economic power. It imposes its values ​​and its principle of legitimacy on the majority. However, this elite remains stratified: in the centre is a core leader (“the senior leaders”) more powerful than the others (“the secondary leaders”). It is this core that provides cohesion and strength as well as commanding the whole.

The sociology of the elites shows that the ruling categories come overwhelmingly from privileged social backgrounds, but that they cannot, in a democracy, govern alone.

From a more sociological point of view, studies show that the elites are very largely from privileged backgrounds. The manifest inequality of access to elective functions according to social background leads to the introduction of a gap between the representatives of the people and society.

Some people speak of a “state nobility” to designate the phenomenon of reproduction of the ruling elite through the increasingly pressing need to obtain a degree leading to positions of power.

The elites or the power elite?

Today, the elite ends up designating the occupation of an enviable position. “The elites” in the plural, is an expression constructed by contemporary sociology to explain the political transformations of societies developed from a non-Marxist perspective. The use of the syntagm “elites” “makes it possible to embrace, under a more abstract concept, the various types of leading or dominant groups which have succeeded one another and whose dated names have changed over the course of the regimes. [Above all, it recalls] the plural form of groups in struggle in the field of power and their constantly contested legitimacy

By Marxist

The Marxist thesis sheds some light on the analysis of power situations in society. It is a reading based on an economic analysis, which denies the specificity of politics. The fact of holding the levers of the economic machine gives the class that holds it access to political power (in the sense of control of the state apparatus). The state cannot be an arbiter, it is only a means of political domination in the hands of the holders of economic power. Economic power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of families who own the means of production, and inherit these means and political power. The power belongs only in appearance to the elected officials, in reality it is in the hands of the business circles. All the social, economic and political hierarchies merge into a single class which, thanks to the control of the state apparatus, exploits the rest of the nation and derives from this exploitation not only material benefit but also honours and privileges.

It is against this grid that the theme of the elites was constructed. In particular, the work of Vilfredo Pareto (Treaty of General Sociology, 1917) will refute this Marxist analysis. The two postulates of Marxist reasoning (the economy governs the relations of social classes, the ideology of a society is that of its dominant class) are disputed by Pareto. He affirms that the economy does not govern the relations of social classes; he himself came to sociology precisely because economics does not explain everything… economic facts themselves cannot be explained solely on the basis of economics.

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Always Looking For A Saviour – The Big Flaw Within Humans

We all have various flaws in our personal makeup, some big, some small – but we all have them. However the most evident one is the constant urge to follow the ‘crowd’ – it’s also what fuels mob mentality. It comes in many forms, and can be manipulated relatively easily. Convince people that medical ‘experts’ exist that can save them with miraculous allopathic drugs and inoculations, push that message endlessly in the mainstream media, create fear of death through government propaganda (lies) and the rest falls neatly into place.

Waiting for a SAVIOUR on a white charger who will save us all is simply a waste of time.

But here’s the kicker, when you are convinced that the end is nigh in a perceived reality, your instant response is to look for a saviour to get you out of the mess. The majority will look for salvation within the corrupt political system, they look for a strong leader to follow. More religious types sit and wait for their saviour to appear in the clouds on a white charger. This is not surprising.

Our species of living things on this earth belongs to the primate branch (so we are taught). We are a gregarious, group (or collective forming species) – just like the other primate species. “Monkey see – monkey do” – we follow the crowd. Not altogether a bad thing, when it comes to co-ordinated reactions, and of course the advantage offered by working in harmony – for a collective, advantageous end, which is rewarded with survival and the progression of the species. Hence the reason that humans with their advanced intelligence have reached the apex in the animal kingdom.

In the wild, that’s fine, but in our so called advanced civilisation (or current civilisation, following previous ones), that instinct to follow the crowd, and specifically pick one person to follow can be disastrous. Why? Because the whole basis of the way we react can be manipulated. We are then at the mercy of an elite group within our species that mean us harm. We are now experiencing the outworking of the global Cabal’s agenda, and what we see unfolding is truly horrific.

Not Just The ‘Sheeple’

This is not just the domain of the ignorant (uneducated) ‘sheeple’, who follow unthinkingly, by being absorbed in the myth that governments know best and are there to protect us from harm. No, sadly, I see many in the alternative media, who fully understand what is going on, but still fall foul of this urge to look for, and follow, a saviour who will pluck us away to freedom and be the key to the demise of the globalist elites under the influence of the evil Cabal. This is a myth – and a dangerous one – as it leads to division in our ranks, that weakens us. It is very prevalent in the USA where a big emphasis is put on presidential leaders. They also have an obsession to put all blame on one or the other of their two party system, not comprehending the fact that it is all theatre and controlled from above by the Cabal puppeteers – where no votes apply. It is two sides to the same coin. So all the who-ha surrounding Trump at present, is just a smoke and mirrors display.


Make no mistake – as with gender – there are only two (apart from extremely rare variational quirks kicked up by nature). There are only two groups in this war against humanity. US (The People) and THEM who have schemed for centuries to fully control what will be left of humanity. There are no ‘in betweens’. There is a small handful of those who govern who are on OUR side, but the vast majority are in the other camp. Proudly boasted by Klaus Schwab as the ‘penetrated‘ (his words) graduates from his Future Young Leaders Academy are now actual leaders and many are in highly influential and in powerful positions in governments.

It should be noted here that the notion of Putin being in direct opposition and planning the downfall of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and The World Health Organisation’s New World Order is also a shaky theory, bearing in mind that Putin himself was an early graduate of Schwab’s Young Future Global Leaders Academy. So don’t pin your hopes on that one either. Ask yourself: “given his past track record is he one of ‘US’ or part of ‘THEM?” dutifully playing his part in the theatre play.

There is only one saviour, that saviour is multifaceted and dwells within each one of us. If we all said NO! To the impositions placed upon us, and stopped complying, the whole thing would be over in a week.

The Reality:

After watching the above video, you should understand that pinning your hope on a one man salvation ‘saviour’ within any political party is bunkum. Designed to lead good sound minded people (who can see through the Cabal’s agenda, but still cling on to the elementary contrived political systems), over the cliff.

BGB’s View

As regular readers of my blog will know, I have stated many times that I do not follow ANY manmade organised religions. They are ALL flawed, some worse than others. They have misquoted, misinterpreted and twisted ancient wise writings to suite their own flawed styles of worship. That in itself should set alarm bells off, because they invariably say that they alone are declaring truths for salvation – which they evidently aren’t. Otherwise they would not support empires and wars.

Ancient writings still carry a lot of wisdom, whether it’s from the Christian Bible, the Koran, Buddhist writings or the Hindu Vedas. They also have interconnected information brought through from ancient lost civilisations, which we are NEVER taught about in our modern history books.

The most amazing thing is, that they also contain prophesies about the future, which, as they occur, are unerringly accurate. That is not coincidence, but how many of us have delved into these writings? I would hazard a guess it’s a pathetically small number.

Here are a few examples from the Bible alone:

2 Timothy 3:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was”

Matthew 24:

Jesus answered them, “Take heed that no one deceives you.5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. For all these things must happen, but the end is not yet.7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, epidemics, and earthquakes in various places.8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 “Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you. And you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.10 Then many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another.11 And many false prophets will rise and will deceive many.12 Because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold.13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”.

Revelation 6:

1I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

3When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

5When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds a of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds c of barley for a day’s wages, d and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

7When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

9When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, e were killed just as they had been.

12I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

15Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us f from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17For the great day of their g wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

Powerful stuff. Written over 2,000 years ago and obviously aimed at a specific time, which is closely mirrored by the events we have seen unfold in recent years. It is also written for worshipers of God. I don’t consider myself to be in that specific fold, but I do firmly believe in a creative and collective conscience (closely aligned to The Unified Field Theory). I also consider myself to be a spiritual person. What I do not do is throw the baby out with the bath water by just dismissing it all as rubbish. Doing that is the work of a bigoted & closed mind. The lesson is that we should all view all possibilities and only be led by evidence of proof – then comes wisdom and not just knowledge based on repeated hearsay.

Finally, whilst on the subject of ancient and sacred writings. The takeaway from this article, more especially the video, is also rooted in a quote from the book of Psalms:

Psalm 146:3
Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there”.

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The Heatwave That Never Was in 2022

Did you notice it? Or was I fast asleep for two days?

A Film by Paul Burgess, Voice of Wales Climate Specialist.


Stop being influenced by FEAR PORN through the likes of the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media. You are continually being put in a state of panic, for various nefarious reasons that are all connected.

  1. Climate change (now a dwindling concept that masses of the public have by now woken up to – so ‘they’ who control the narrative  need to re-establish the nonsense – each time we experience a nice summer).
  2. Pandemics (the hoax Covid pandemic has been totally debunked – stats are showing the real goals behind mRNA injections and the rising numbers of those crippled or killed by 20% of the injections administered)
  3. Phoney wars (with people quaking at the prospect of a nuclear world war)
  4. Famine (brought about by all of the above including a very real planned starvation programme)

ALL of this is tied in with the attack on humanity by the elite, globalist cabal and their attempt to depopulate the planet. Make no mistake, unless we all wake up, do some research and study the facts, then the utter madness that you are experiencing through lies and twisted facts will continue.

I would recommend you cancel the thievery of the money you pay for BBC programmes by your TV licences, even better, stop soaking up misinformation and disinformation from any source on your television and start reconnecting with reality!

Familiarise yourself with unbiased news based on truthful facts. UK Column News being a fine example.

Here are some links to factual sites that totally blow the man-made climate change, and the need to reach net zero carbon dioxide emission levels out of the water.

The above are just a sprinkling of sites dealing with the ‘Noble Lie’ (man-made climate change). I’ll leave you to find many more from trusted sources and eminent scientists.

Always Remember:

‘Consensus’ is not science. Consensus is usually closely tied to government research grants – nothing to do with real, proper & truthful science.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Political Policing In My Back Yard: Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales + Sex Education In Our Schools

Make An Example Of Them Boys!

Political Policing: Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales

I’m not fully back in the saddle yet, but when this story broke this morning, I felt I had to make the effort to take a break from my break!

First reported in The Expose this is the reality when you live in a country whose government is run by a socialist dictatorship made up of the Labour party, ably supported by their ‘woke’ socialist nationalist poodle – Plaid Cymru.

The Covid-19 scam pandemic and ensuing injections programme was the trigger that handed the government in Wales the power they craved for. They’ve picked up the baton with relish, drooling at the prospect of unfettered power to push their lunatic agenda, using a totally politicised police force as their enforcers to wipe out free speech and thought – the victims are we the people and the truth, which the government will go to any length to hide.  The devolved governments of Scotland and Wales have been vying to be seen as the most powerful and draconian in their attempt to be seen as the most ‘on board’ devolved government in the UK. Sturgeon and Drakeford sems to have been in a competition to show they were more ‘caring’ for the public in their respective countries. Pathetic.

What Has Happened So Far

Anyway here are the details of what’s been going on in the Land of Song. Not much ‘song’ in the hearts of those who are being censored and bullied:

Next week sees the start of another dark week in the People’s Socialist Republic of Wales, wrote Voice of Wales (“VoW”).  Starting on 10 August, VoW journalists are due to appear in Newport Crown court in a show trial lasting three days.

VoW, hosted by Dan Morgan and Stan Robinson, began broadcasting on YouTube in July 2020 “giving a voice to the people not represented by mainstream media.”  By February 2021, the establishment’s propaganda machine had caught up with them as described by THIS BBC article. YouTube had removed some of its videos and demonetised others. At the time, VoW had more than 5,000 subscribers and more than 350,000 views. You can follow Voice of Wales on Rumble HERE.

In January, Morgan and Robinson were arrested while reporting on a protest.  The arrests took place even though the pair were known to the police as journalists. They spent thirty-six hours in custody at Newport Police Station.  On their release, one of five bail conditions dictated they were not to associate with one another.

Another bail condition was Morgan and Robinson were not to attend any covid vaccination centre in England or Wales unless they were attending to get “vaccinated” themselves.

In February, all the bail conditions were dropped.

All around the world journalists are being arrested and falsely imprisoned because, according to the police, you have to be ‘accredited journalists’.  Accredited, by who? The very people committing this global tyranny. Who should tell the people what they can and cannot read, view or think? Certainly not the Welsh Police Chief Constables or Crime Commissioner. Not the Welsh Government or Drakeford. The attack on Voice of Wales was an attack on our democracy and those responsible should be called to account,” VoW wrote.


To give you a background on the case, back in January, Voice of Wales was made aware of a group of people intending to serve papers on a vaccine centre in Cwmbran to raise concerns about the dangerous side-effects of the vaccine. They wanted the police to attend with them to facilitate a peaceful protest. This was the first vaccine centre in Wales where this was taking place and Voice of Wales was invited to go along at short notice to report.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Voice of Wales: Cwmbran Stadium, 21 January 2022 (2 mins)


Read more: VoW Update on Cwmbran Stadium, 22 January 2022

On the day the group tried to contact the police making repeated phone calls to notify them of their intentions. Police told the protestors they would not attend. The three protestors filmed by VoW reporters proceeded to the vaccine centre to “serve the papers.” The group were calm, and peaceful, causing no problems for the staff on the day. The staff phoned the police who then arrived and again, this was very calm with no aggression.

This all changed with the arrival of Chief Inspector Martin Smith. Chief Inspector Smith arrived and completely escalated the situation with a rather unprofessional and hostile attitude. When the protestors explained why they were serving papers the Chief Inspector was very rude. He insulted them calling their protest “bunkum.”

Instead of remaining impartial, he took a political stance. He invited the group to move from the doorway and to “stand in the designated protest area” pointing to an area approximately 6 meters away from the door. He then instructed the police officers to escort the group to this area. All, bar one of the group immediately complied and moved.  The Chief Inspector hearing the objections from one protestor now became hysterical and within less than a minute he gave contradictory orders to his staff and ordered the arrest of the whole group, including the journalists of Voice of Wales.

Dan and Stan were held in custody for 32 hours. During their time in custody, Gwent Police used documents found on the group to further arrest Dan and Stan on fraud charges. Using these charges, they then executed search warrants at the home addresses of Dan and Stan, seizing any of the Voice of Wales equipment they could find. This included 4 cameras, tripods, microphones, phones, and vehicles.

Following the release of Dan and Stan, they were handed draconian bail conditions that restricted their personal life and ability to travel and work. After seeking urgent legal advice, the condition that Dan and Stan were “not to associate” was changed to “not to work together” and after more advice, all conditions were dropped.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Voice Of Wales Bail Condition Change Press Release, 28 February 2022 (9 mins)

Voice of Wales have been building their case for 8 months now and between VoW, solicitors, barristers and an ex-police inspector of 30 years, we are confident that the CPS/police will not be able to prove the flimsy case against us.

Voice of Wales is confident that this is nothing more than a show trial. We believe this is a politically motivated case with the intention to discredit Voice of Wales by the Communist Coalition ruling from Cardiff. They are angry we dared to question legislation and policies they are pushing through with no public consultation. These include 16-year-olds and foreign nationals given the right to vote, Wales becoming a nation of sanctuary, mandatory sex education for all children from age 3, political policing and much more.

It is unbelievable that we are living in times where the journalist is arrested, charged and put before a judge for daring to report. Alternative media is growing ever more popular because more and more people are getting fed up with the biased mainstream media pumping out constant propaganda, forcing people to accept their idea of the new normal. People are getting fed up with journalists toeing the party line and only printing what the government tells them. People are getting fed up with a political police force, and people are getting fed up with the forced indoctrination of our children.

Voice of Wales was established to fill a gap in media coverage in Wales, and we are proud to say we are not puppets controlled by the Senedd. We cover all topics to raise awareness amongst our communities. We will not be intimidated or bullied into submission, and recent events have made us even more determined to work harder.


Protect Our Children – The Welsh Government Is Attempting To Pervert Their Mind & Ruin Their Lives – Without Parental Permission

The parents of Wales need to raise 100k to pay for court fees in their legal battle against the Welsh government.

People all over Wales are signing up for the Walk Wales Challenge.

We are asking you to run, walk or cycle your way around Wales raising as much money as you can. There are individual challenges and group challenges. You too can get involved!! Get walking and collect sponsors or go to our fundraising page and sponsor someone who is.

Together across the nation we can raise money and spread awareness.

Register here:…/nationwide...


You may have heard about the huge changes that are happening within the Schools Curriculum. From September 2022 parents will no longer have the right to withdraw their children from the controversial comprehensive sexuality education (RSE). This is mandated from age 3 with no parental opt out.

Your child may have already come home from school with information they are being taught that you deem inappropriate.

In 2017 our UK governments signed up to a global education that came from the World Health Organisation. The Document claims children are sexual from birth and the matrix (from page 38) includes early childhood masturbation and exploring gender identities from age 0. An additional framework was implemented to replace the WHO document, this came from UNESCO 2018 document -‘Revised International Guidance on Sexuality Education’ – How is this connected?

The RSE is a mandatory element of ‘The Curriculum and Assessment Act 2021’, educators are required to refer to the above Unesco document for guidance. In addition you may have seen on your school website links to the United Nations/UNESCO and/or organisations such as Brooks or Stonewall.

Public Child Protection Wales are facilitating this court battle and have secured a Judicial review. Now it needs to be paid for. So far 17k of the 100k target has been raised, now I to help.

If you have a child or children who will be effected by this evil madness YOU need to do something about it NOW – before it’s too late.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Kinsey – How this man’s lunacy is destroying our children


The story of how Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent sex research from the 1940’s threatens to sexualise our young children today through the corrupt United Nations global programme of Comprehensive Sexuality Education now in all western hemisphere schools across the world.

To understand what the Cabal and it’s henchmen have planned for humanity – including the full frontal attack on our children – you need to watch the video below – as a matter of urgency and ACT on it.

We are being attacked on all fronts; pandemic scams, lethal injections, contrived wars, instigated famines, financial collapse. But the worst attack is the evil psychological attack on our children, with gender confusion, LBGT indoctrination and perverted SEX EDUCATION programmes in primary schools.

It’s not something that’s happening elsewhere, but is a proposed government policy in every school in every city, every town, every village and hamlet across Wales and the rest of the UK.

Only YOU THE PEOPLE can stop it. That means everyone who is concerned about how our children’s minds are being wrecked and their future lives ruined for good. Don’t leave this task to someone else – it’s our collective task to stop it in it’s tracks.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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A Truth Shock For All Those Who Are Echo Chambers For Western Government & Media Propaganda

The War In Ukraine

Fluctuating historical borders

As pointed out in previous posts and in the second episode of the G&O show videocast, BGB believes that the ‘phoney’ war in Ukraine is probably a stage-managed distraction from the evil Covid madness. The official narrative around Covid is breaking down – the wheels are coming off the cart big style. As an increasing amount of data is being forced out into the open, no amount of censorship by the parties involved in this genocidal attempt can keep the cat in the bag. To stem what is happening, and slow down the number of people who are waking up in droves, a new strategy has come into play – everyone’s attention is being directed to the manufactured war in eastern Europe.

Who’s Who And What’s What In This War?

No point denying it – it’s in full view – but not reported

Western propaganda would have us believe that poor, innocent little Ukraine is the victim of a big bully state, that has attacked it for no reason, apart from augmenting an expansionist agenda. Nothing is revealed about the events that have led up to this war, even less is divulged about events leading up to the flashpoint, and the average ‘Joe Normie’ is totally devoid of any knowledge about the history of the two countries involved. This war is not straightforward, much is hidden from view.

Nothing is mentioned in the propaganda of the western governments, or by their paid mouthpieces – the mainstream media – just the mantra “Putin Bad!“. The actual key is the constant attacks on civilian, Russian speaking,  Donetsk and Luhansk regions — collectively known as the Donbas — by Ukrainian nationalists secretly supported by the Ukrainian government. These regions are in eastern Ukraine, on the border with Russia. The region comprises of both Kyiv-controlled parts as well as separatist-controlled areas. Quite a long standing mess.


It hinges on the Minsk 1 & 2 treaties – the 2015 Minsk Agreement between Kyiv and Moscow was supposedly to end the long, ongoing conflict. Ukraine, for nearly a decade failed to uphold the treaty, by systematically shelling and terrorising innocent, civilian areas of the Donbas. After ignoring Russian threats that they would militarily stop the conflict, Russia made good on it’s threat on February the 24th this year. Putin has said he is going to ‘denazify’ the Ukraine. Few in the west realise that there has been a Nazi influence in the Ukraine, via the Azov battalion mostly, that has it’s roots as far back as the second world war. Some Ukrainians fought on the Nazi side during WW2. Russia lost about 27 million in the war against Nazi Germany. Tolerating Nazis on it’s borders today is hardly something they would take lightly.

Then you have the huge provocation of NATO – led predominantly by the US and the UK. NATO has consistently crept nearer to the Russian borders in recent decades. NATO troops are now camped around the Russian borders and are seen – quite rightly – by the Russians as a direct threat to the Federation.

More Complicated Still

The Siren’s Song

In mythology the song of sirens (mermaids) lures sailors to their death on the rocks. We’ve been listening to a siren song for two long years, as a great number have been lured into the trap of listening to lies and misinformation by the governments and the mainstream media regarding what is also a myth – that we’ve suffered a deadly virus attack in the guise of a pandemic.

We are now being lured on to rocks in eastern Europe. So there’s another dimension to this phoney war, and many are now convinced that Putin is in on the New World Order plot, I tend to think so myself. Time will tell. One thing is for sure – it’s a wonderful distraction from the hoax Covid scam.

In the meantime, here is a BGB produced video that may make the scales drop from the eyes of some of those amongst the public; those who are gullible, trusting and totally married into the propaganda, via their beloved government, the BBC and other bogus news outlets.



View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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FACT-CHECKERS EXPOSED – Purge Yourself Of The Propaganda Offensive

Join The Dots For Yourself

Recently, Twitter put out a statement, based upon the opinions of so-called fact checkers, that the Covid-19 jab rollout does not contravene the Nuremberg Code. This is just the latest in a long line of such pronouncements from all the social media big players. Twitter said:

The 10-point guidelines established in response to Nazi atrocities during the Holocaust are unrelated to widespread Covid-19 vaccination efforts, according to Lead Stories,, RMIT ABC and other fact-checkers. Legal and medical experts told The Associated Press that Germany’s new Covid-19 measures don’t violate the Nuremberg Code because that ethical code applies to research involving human subjects, not public health interventions. Moreover, the Nuremberg Code does not apply to Covid-19 jabs, according to Rappler and Full Fact, because they have undergone extensive clinical trials and have received emergency use authorization around the world.

Like other major social media platforms, Twitter employs fact checkers, supposedly to debunk false claims. As we shall see, that claim itself is false.

Reuters is one of the news agencies that are official fact checking partners of Twitter. James C. Smith, chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, is also a Pfizer board member. Reuters is a member of the Trusted News Initiative, whose stated purpose is to combat allegedly harmful vaccine disinformation.

This is just one strand of a web of conflicts of interest that broadly characterise the fact checking industry. Independence and impartiality seem to be irrelevant, as far as the fact checkers and their clients—the social media platforms and the mainstream media—are concerned.

Twitter has a specific policy to address what it calls “misleading information” about Covid-19 and the so-called vaccines. In it, Twitter makes many claims, deemed to be unassailable facts, that are not facts at all. For example, Twitter insists that it is misleading to state:

That vaccines approved by health agencies […] did not actually receive full approval/authorization, and therefore that the vaccines are untested, “experimental” or somehow unsafe.

This is a denial of the facts. As we shall see, the jabs did not receive “full approval/authorization” and there is no evidence that they are either safe or effective. They are also unquestionably experimental.

Since it is a fact checker cited by Twitter, and is based in the UK, we will focus upon the claims made by Full Fact. These are more or less the same as those made by Lead Stories, RMIT, ABC, Reuters and other fact checkers.

Full Fact states, as fact, that the jabs are not experimental. Insisting upon the factuality of this claim, it asserts in consequence that the Nuremberg Code is irrelevant with respect to the vaccine passports. So let’s examine these supposed facts.


The 1947 Nuremberg Code established ethical standards for the treatment of human subjects in experiments. For the purposes of our discussion, we will focus upon the first of ten principles contained in the Code, which can be summarised as:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the subject should have legal capacity, be able to exercise free choice and should have all the information they need to make an “enlightened decision.” Any use of “force, fraud, deceit, duress […] constraint or coercion” would be a direct violation of the Code.
The responsibility for judging consent lies with “each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment.” This is “a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”

The Nuremberg Code is not statute law. However, it not only established a code of medical ethics for such experiments; it also encouraged the development of ethical standards in general medical practice. It is perhaps the single most important document in existence concerning medical ethics and human rights in the field of medicine.

The principle of voluntary informed consent, established at Nuremberg, has been adopted by the medical profession for all medical procedures and treatments. For example, the National Health Service states:

The principle of consent is an important part of medical ethics and international human rights law.

All western, liberal, representative democracies have incorporated the principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code into law. While the Code itself is not law, breaching it certainly does have legal ramifications.

In Montgomery v Lanarkshire 2015, the UK Supreme Court ruling was unequivocal:

An adult person of sound mind is entitled to decide which, if any, of the available forms of treatment to undergo, and her consent must be obtained before treatment interfering with her bodily integrity is undertaken. The doctor is therefore under a duty to take reasonable care to ensure that the patient is aware of any material risks involved in any recommended treatment.

This ruling meant that medical practitioners could no longer choose what information to provide to the patient. Nothing short of complete disclosure of all information, including all potential risks, was required to fulfil the lawful duty to facilitate “informed” consent prior to treatment.

Building upon the Nuremberg Code, the subsequent Declaration of Helsinki clarified the same standard of informed consent required for medical research:

No individual capable of giving informed consent may be enrolled in a research study unless he or she freely agrees […]
In medical research involving human subjects capable of giving informed consent, each potential subject must be adequately informed of the […] potential risks of the study and […] any other relevant aspects of the study[;] the physician or another appropriately qualified individual must then seek the potential subject’s freely-given informed consent.

With regard to voluntary consent, the ethical standards required for medical researchers on the one hand (in clinical trials) and physicians on the other (in medical practice) differ little. It is undoubtedly the responsibility of the physician or qualified person to ensure that the subject or patient has all the information they need to give informed consent. These principles, based upon human rights law developed from the Nuremberg Code, have been adjudicated in law on many occasions.

Fact-Free Fact Checking

So-called fact checkers do not define facts. Like any mainstream media outlet, blogger or alternative news platform, they simply report information, provide evidence and draw conclusions. In other words, they offer opinions.

Those expressed opinions may or may not accurately report the facts. However, unlike other segments of the media, the fact checkers claim additional authority. They demand that you accept their opinions as unassailable facts. They allege that their word is truth and that they define reality for us.

This claim of infallibility was recently exposed in the US federal courts as complete nonsense by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta corporation. The libertarian John Stossel launched a legal challenge against the warnings that Meta (previously known as Facebook) had applied to his videos on climate change. In their submission to the court, Meta stated:

Stossel’s claims focus on the fact-check articles written by Climate Feedback, not the labels affixed through the Facebook platform. The labels themselves are neither false nor defamatory; to the contrary, they constitute protected opinion.

In a representative democratic society, built upon the principles of individual sovereignty, freedom of speech and expression, there is no such thing as a “protected opinion”. This bizarre concept would appear to breach the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, for a start.

Meta’s labelling system is a function of its Third Party Fact Checking Program. This is a service that it buys in from “fact checkers”, who, as Meta freely admit, do nothing other than check posts for possibly contravention of whatever they deem to be “protected opinion”. Facts have nothing to do with it.

Full Fact’s Protected Opinion On Experimentation

Many people allege that the Covid-19 rollouts contravene the Nuremberg Code because governments, administering physicians and practitioners have not informed the recipients that the jabs are experimental. Full Fact state:

We have seen several examples of posts on social media claiming that Covid-19 vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code because they are somehow “experimental” […] This claim that the Covid-19 vaccines are experimental is simply not true, and something we have corrected multiple times.

This statement by Full Fact is not a fact. Full Fact has not “corrected” anything, because it is emphatically wrong. In fact, beyond the basic report of the Code’s history, pretty much all the assertions that Full Fact seeks to make in its Nuremberg fact check are untrue.

Full Fact’s entire argument rests on its erroneous opinion, and its subsequently false claim, that the Covid jabs are not experimental. Full Fact embellishes this with a set of logical fallacies and ultimately offers an opinion piece that is largely non-factual.

The Covid jabs only have Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA). The implications of an EUA were explained by the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) when it granted the Astrazeneca jab an EUA (emphasis below added):

This temporary Authorisation under Regulation 174 permits the supply to and by the Crown of Covid19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, based on the safety, quality and efficacy data submitted by AstraZeneca to MHRA […] This authorisation is not a marketing authorisation […]
As provided in Regulation 174A(2) of the Human Medicine Regulations, the sale or supply of this vaccine will not be deemed to be licensed or approved under this Authorisation […]
This authorisation will be valid until expressly withdrawn by MHRA or upon issue of a full market authorisation by the MHRA.

Based upon whatever AstraZeneca chose to disclose, the UK regulator gave the jab temporary authorisation. That authorisation is not an “approval” but rather a temporary permit for an unlicensed medication that does not have market authorisation. All Covid jabs in Western democratic nations, on both sides of the Atlantic, currently have emergency use authorisation or equivalent only.

There is the sole exception of one product type of the Pfizer Covid jab to which the US FDA has granted full approval, namely Comirnaty. Comirnaty is the very product type of the Pfizer Covid jab that is not available in the USA; see the wording in the last footnote on p. 2, in the middle of p. 12, and in para. AA on p. 20 of the relevant FDA communication, which constitutes admissions that the “licensed” Comirnaty has manufacturer liability but is unavailable in practice while the “legally distinct”, “[emergency-use] authorized” other Pfizer Covid jab is available in practice and has no manufacturer liability.

As stated by the U.S. regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this means that the jabs are investigational medications:

An EUA for a Covid-19 vaccine may allow for rapid and widespread deployment for administration of the investigational vaccine to millions of individuals

The MHRA refer to vaccines, that are yet to receive market authorisation, as biological investigational medicinal products. The FDA outline why this categorises the current crop of Covid jabs as experimental drugs:

An investigational drug can also be called an experimental drug.

Not only are they experimental by virtue of being classed as “investigational” under their respective EUAs, they are indisputably experimental because they are still in trials. Currently, there are no results posted for the NCT04614948 trial of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA jab; none for the NCT04516746 Astrazeneca jab; there are no results from Moderna’s NCT04470427 trial nor any from Johnson & Johnson’s NCT04368728 trial of their Janssen jab. The Moderna jab trial is due to conclude in October 2022; the rest aren’t set to end until 2023.


The co-called fact checkers at Full Fact appear to be denying, rather than reporting, the facts. Even Wikipedia contributors understand that a randomised control trial “is a form of scientific experiment”. Yet Full Fact alleges:

The vaccines still went through extensive clinical testing.

It adds:

The three Covid vaccines currently given temporary authorisation for use in the UK have been shown to be safe and effective in large scale clinical trials.

They haven’t been “through” any “extensive clinical testing”. Temporary permits have been authorised, based upon interim reports from the manufacturers themselves.

There are no results posted for any of the clinical trials, and none has completed Phase III. There is no evidence that the jabs are “safe and effective in large scale clinical trials”. Full Fact’s claimed fact is not a fact. Is that why it does not link to any of the clinical trials in its opinion piece?

Full Fact offers a slew of strawman arguments. For example:

Arguments that the vaccines are experimental usually hinge on the fact that data is being collected on any side effects in recipients.

The source of this “fact” is unclear. Full Fact references three Facebook posts that have been censored, none of which cites the monitoring of side effects as a reason for their objections.

The notion proffered by Full Fact here—that people think the collection of data from the rollouts proves experimentation—is nonsense. People think they are experimental because they are still in clinical trials and are obviously “experimental” by definition.

They also think those who accepted the jabs should have been told about this fact. Otherwise, they could not possibly have given their informed consent.

Full Fact’s Protected Opinion On Vaccine Passports

Incorrectly insisting that the jabs are not experimental, Full Fact then claims that vaccine passports do not contravene the Nuremberg Code. This reveals either that Full Fact’s writers have no grasp of what the Nuremberg Code constitutes or that they are deliberately attempting to deceive their readers and social media users.

While we might suspect that the reason is the latter, Full Fact’s “protected opinion” is so confused that we can’t rule out the former. Full Fact ties itself up in knots with what is, for Full Fact, an apparent conundrum. Quoting the comments of Prof. Emma Cave, Full Fact notes that the Nuremberg Code:

[…] is really important because it’s a blueprint for many of today’s legal and ethical standards, internationally and nationally.

Deploying yet another fake fact, Full Fact then contradicts itself and states:

The Nuremberg Code would only be relevant at the research trial stage of a vaccine’s development, not its roll out to the general public.

On the one hand, then, the Nuremberg Code is acknowledged a “blueprint for many of today’s legal and ethical standards”, but on the other, it is laid on thick to us that it is only relevant if the drugs are in trials. Which they are.

Evidently, Full Fact is reluctant to inform its readers about the real reason why people cite the Nuremberg Code in their objections to the vaccine passports: namely, precisely because the Code is an ethical blueprint.

In addition to the non-negotiable status of informed consent, as stated in the Code, people must absolutely be free of any “force, fraud, deceit, duress […] constraint or coercion”. Yet vaccine passports conditional upon one’s jab status are an inducement to get the jab.

Initially designed only to restrict travel, currently they are being used to limit access to an ever-increasing range of activities, venues and services. Therefore, not having access to a vaccine passport is definitely a punishment for not getting the jab.

It is a fact that the vaccine passports constitute coercion to get the jab. That this is a clear dereliction of medical ethics is also a fact.

All Manner of Artifice

Despite the attempts of the fact checkers and the social media giants to obscure the facts, coercion as a policy has largely failed. Recently, the UK Government has intimated that it no longer intends to implement the domestic version of the passport, though it will still be required in its “certificate” form for international travel. It claims this is because the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is relatively mild.

While this apparent climbdown is perhaps encouraging, we shouldn’t simply accept government statements without considerable caution. This is the same government that said it had no plans to introduce any vaccine passports shortly before rolling out vaccine passports. It now have its digital identity infrastructure in place and a firm commitment to enforce it upon the population.

When identity cards have been put to a vote, the British people have consistently rejected the idea, defied trials of them and gone to court to have them scrapped. The vaccine passports represented the Government’s best chance to surreptitiously introduce the digital identity-based biosecurity state that it desires. It is extremely unlikely that it has given up on this ambition.

As we head into the spring, the normal seasonable variation in respiratory illness is set to decline. Now is perhaps not the time to try to force through the passports. However, the return of the usual winter excess mortality will present new opportunities for the emerging UK dictatorship.

Full Fact seems unable to acknowledge these facts and is instead forced to deploy all manner of artifice in a hopeless attempt to debunk them, including allegations of far-right extremism, anti-Semitism and insinuations of being “morally grotesque” heaped upon anyone who questions that “protected opinion”. Such ad-hominem attacks are all the fact checkers have left, because they don’t have any evidence with which to question the known facts.

Another Arm of the Global Public-Private Partnership

Fact checkers such as Full Fact are part of the Global Public-Private Partnership’s (G3P’s) war on the “infodemic”. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference in February 2020, the Director General of The World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said:

We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous. That’s why we’re also working with search and media companies like Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Tencent, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and others to counter the spread of rumours and misinformation.
We call on all governments, companies and news organizations to work with us to sound the appropriate level of alarm […] It takes a whole-of-government approach. But that approach must be coherent and coordinated […] The greatest enemy we face is not the virus itself; it’s the stigma that turns us against each other.

The priority was never Covid-19; it was the infodemic, G3P cohesion and control of the narrative. “They” feared the collapse of the COVID-19 story more than the public health impact of any disease. Notably, this “whole-of-government approach” was to be coordinated, which necessarily means that some group, over and above government, undertook the coordination.

“They” are the G3P. The fact checking industry—primarily funded by philanthropic foundation partners of the G3P, and also funded through contracts with corporations, who are also stakeholder partners within the G3P—has been a leading combatant in the G3P’s war on the “infodemic”.

“Protected opinion” is whatever agrees with the Great Narrative that the G3P wants to tell. As we can see from Full Fact’s woeful attempt to “debunk” the facts surrounding the Nuremberg Code, that “opinion” is not fact-based.

Fact-checking is divorced from any dialectical exploration of the facts. It is nothing more than another form of propaganda designed to bury the facts, censor valid opinion and stifle debate. It is constructed upon little more than baseless allegations, innuendo and deception. It is anti-democratic and an anathema to every value our society is built upon.

If any of us want to know the facts, we have to familiarise ourselves with the evidence, apply some critical thinking skills and decide for ourselves. The last thing any of us need to do is check the right-think of the day with “fact checkers”.

Are YOU still allowing yourself to be blinded and FOOLED by the lies and propaganda issuing forth from the mainstream media and social networking platforms?

Make no mistake – these tools of evil that have staged war on humanity WILL pay for their actions.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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The Phoney War – More Than What First Meets The Eye

The True Purpose Of A ‘War’

When times get difficult, when the population gets restive, in this case, as the Covid scam narrative is collapsing and people are waking up to the scam; when the governments are struggling to inspire support and patriotism; when there is a real danger of lawful action brewing against those who have committed these crimes against humanity – nothing is more useful than a nice little war. Something to get everyone on the governments side, something to unite the whole country, or even the whole world. All it takes is a fake enemy, either someone who isn’t going to fight you or someone who is in the same ‘club’ as you all along. In other words you need a BIG DISTRACTION.

Then you need to play up the threat, get the propaganda agencies putting out press releases about how dangerous the enemy is, how big a threat they pose – possibly a third world war! Lots of stories and pictures about how evil the enemy is. Crying or dead children are wonderful for making someone look evil, who could possibly defend a nation or group – led by a madman – that kills children?

Traditional enemies are best of course, because after many years of repeating the same threats, of using the same lies, it becomes an accepted thing that ‘They‘ are the enemy, the people in the streets have grown up hearing the same words again and again, it becomes ingrained, it becomes the illusion of truth.


Prime Minister confirms the UK would come to the aid of allies such as Ukraine – in the event they were invaded by Russia.

When the state has total control over the media and propaganda and when the population has been sufficiently conditioned to think only what they are told to think, then the government can change what the people are told and they will believe.

However when the population has not been so conditioned, when the media is not completely under the control of the state, then it is necessary to introduce the change in small steps.

A good way to start this is to create the situation where today’s ally begins to act in ways which can be identified by the population as the acts of an enemy, exploit existing fears, show weakness and vulnerability where you know that an ally will respond, then use that response to highlight the threat that did not exist before you created it.

The Part Played By The World Economic Forum

The president – Klaus Schwab boasts of the number of governments and cabinets that the organization has “penetrated” through its global young leaders program. Almost 600 personalities recruited by the organization to work for the globalist agenda.

Through their program Young Global Leaders , The World Economic Forum (WEF) has shaped a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has fostered “leaders” who act as agents of the WEF around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and can be devastating.

Some time ago, WEF president Klaus Schwab boasted – in the short video clip below – of the number of governments and cabinets that the organization has “penetrated” through its global leaders program.

Video: Klaus Schwab prides himself on government infiltration

Did you notice what Schwab says in the above video clip?

I must say that I mention names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin, etc. All of them have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina, etc., is that we penetrate cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true now in France . . ” – Klaus schwab

Here’s more from Amazing Polly – who is a Canadian:

When Did This Start?

In 1992, Klaus Schwab (the founder, executive chair and lifelong director) of the WEF launched a program initially called Global Leaders of Tomorrow. In 2004, this program became the Forum for Young Global Leaders, a 5-year indoctrination program on the principles and objectives of the WEF. The network creates a force of global influence through the combination of the individual skills and resources of its members.

Since its inception, the ‘club’ has included politicians, business leaders, royals, journalists, artists and other cultural influencers who have excelled in their fields but were not yet 40 years old (originally 43 to include Angela Merkel). Since then, it has grown into an extensive global network of dedicated leaders with enormous resources and influence, all working to implement the World Economic Forum’s technocratic plans in their respective nations and fields.



“Young Global Leaders” of the World Economic Forum

In the first year, 1992, several very influential candidates were elected. Among the 200 selected were profiles such as Angela MerkelTony BlairNicolas SarkozyBill Gates, Richard Branson (Virgin), Jorma Ollila (Shell Oil) and Jose Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission 2004–2014).

More examples of influential young global leaders:

  • crown princess Victoria from Sweden
  • Heir Prince Haakon from norway
  • Heir Prince Frederick from denmark
  • Príncipe  Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Netherlands
  • Princess  Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud , Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the US
  • Jacinda Arden, Prime Minister, New Zealand
  • Alexander DeCroo, Prime Minister, Belgium
  • Emmanuel Macron, President, France
  • Sanna Marin, Prime Minister, Finland
  • Carlos Alvarado Quesada , President, Costa Rica
  • Faisal Alibrahim, Minister of Economy and Planning, Saudi Arabia
  • Shauna Aminath , Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives
  • Ida Auken, MP, former Minister for the Environment, Denmark (author of the infamous article “Welcome to 2030: I have nothing, I have no privacy and life has never been better “)
  • Annalena baerbock , Minister for Foreign Affairs, Leader of Alliance 90/Die Grünen, Germany
  • Kamissa Camara, Minister of Digital Economy and Planning, Mali
  • Ugyen Dorji, Minister of Internal Affairs, Bhutan
  • Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Canada
  • Martin Guzman, Minister of Finance, Argentina
  • Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Minister of Energy, Pakistan
  • Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information and Communications Technology and Innovation, Rwanda
  • ronald lamola, Minister for Justice and Correctional Services, South Africa
  • Birgitta Ohlson, Minister for European Union Affairs 2010–2014, Sweden
  • mona sahlin, Leader of the Party of Social Democrats 2007–2011, Sweden
  • Stav Shaffir, Leader of the Green Party, Israel
  • Vera Daves de Sousa, Minister of Finance, Angola
  • Leonardo Di Caprio, actor and climate activist
  • Mattias Klum, photographer and environmentalist
  • Jack Ma, Founder of alibaba
  • Larry Page, Founder of Google
  • Ricken Patel, Founder of Avaaz
  • David de Rothschild, adventurer and environmentalist
  • jimmy wale, Founder of Wikipedia
  • Jacob Wallenberg, President of Investor
  • Niklas Zennstrom, Founder of Skype
  • Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook

Klaus Schwab’s list in Canada: 42 top leaders

Big EVIL pals – some of the Cabal’s henchmen controlled by the likes of the WEF

The WEF’s tentacles are vast. A partial list of political, economic and judicial authorities in Canada that are linked to the World Economic Forum shows almost 50 names in the highest and most strategic positions in government.

The revelation of personalities aligned with the WEF adds to the Soros list: hundreds of influential figures in Parliament, Justice and the media who are co-opted by the Open Society and other organizations controlled by the Hungarian billionaie, another outspoken promoter of The New World Order and a leading Cabal henchman.

The weight of these shadow power structures undermine democratic principles and the separation of powers, which are replaced by a new global ruling class shaped by globalist indoctrination.

This implies a de facto privatization of both national governments and international organizations. Lobbyists are no longer kept in the lobby but have moved into the seat of power. It has become particularly evident since the pandemic was declared in March 2020.

The revelation of the “cradle” alignment of so many current leaders explains the near-unanimity of governments to carry out the tough agenda of lockdowns without asking questions, and their open collaboration to further establish a new totalitarian political order.

So Who’s Who In This Phoney Ukrainian War?

Putin rides his Russian bear

I was once a quiet admirer of Vladimir Putin. He seemed level headed, sensible, mature and a great strategist who brought Russia back off it’s knees after the USSR collapsed. He seemed an antithesis of the clowns we had in the west – especially the Anglo North America leaders, and especially the UK and it’s English speaking colonies.

It appeared that Putin may well be out of the club that brought us Covid, and may secretly have been undermining the plans of the Cabal. However, after doing more research and deeper digging after the news of the phoney war in Ukraine broke, was when I put Putin under the microscope, a very different picture came into focus.

John Lennon, once famously said:

Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for manical ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”

The term Order out of Chaos, in Latin Ordo ab Chao, is the slogan of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. According to James Arthur the author of ‘Mushrooms and Mankind’ stated:

Secret Societies have a great motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ meaning ‘Order Out of Chaos’. Agendas are formulated designed to give the powerful more power. Chaos is created, and media blitzed. Then cries go out for solution. Laws are passed which could never have been passed without the chaos. The order, has reigned through deception of the masses, and the agenda is accomplished.”

These trained leader are not stupid, they are devious and intelligent. They may appear to do stupid things, but they are in fact throwing sand in our eyes. They have carefully planned their strategies to cause utter confusion and chaos; they also perform the conjurer’s trick of distraction from one hand, whilst something is done with the other  hand. That’s when the penny starts to drop. The chaos through confusion caused by the fake pandemic, and the directives from the majority of the governments – working in lockstep – in the wake of that scam, caused widespread global chaos, confusion and division amongst the populations of earth’s people.

Then after two years the wheels fell off their cart, the narrative collapsed and the people woke up en masse. Time for a shift – a distraction. Dead on que we have the phoney war. Who is involved? Well, the west in the guise of NATO and the bear riding Putin’s Russia. How convenient. If Putin’s goal was to sort Ukraine out, as a consequence of a non adoption of two Minsk agreements that date back about eight years, why choose this moment to make his move? Furthermore, this has caused even greater chaos and confusion, with three camps appearing around the globe.

  1. The propaganda mesmerised gullible public who have started baying for Putin’s blood;
  2. Those who support Putin and Russia thinking that he may be the saviour out of the original chaos;
  3. Those who are more level headed and see further than the two previous groups, whether represented by the mainstream media or the alt media.

The sleeping public who only listen to mainstream propaganda news are now scared stiff of a third world war. The second group, who – it has to be admitted – make up the bulk of the alternative and social media news – (more divisions), and who are vehemently opposed to the Covid scam and death jabs are those now supporting Putin – for all the wrong reasons. They fail to see that ALL of this chaos is different stages in the same ultimate goal of those who have attacked us – the people.

The third group analyse the big picture and realise that all of those listed in the above ‘WEF young leaders programme’ are equally involved in both camps of the skirmish. Like Putin, who is a graduate of that programme, he is also a billionaire, and power wielder – the very type that make up the henchmen of the Cabal that we often refer to as the globalist elites.

It appears to me that we are watching a stage show, where actors fulfill different roles, Putin’s job is to give the impression that things are not what many of us believe the reality to be.

Saviours On White Chargers

One absolutely ridiculous aspect of the modern culture of humanity is that they jump at the opportunity to imagine that there’s always a saviour riding a white charger, that will come to our rescue. This is an example of lazy thinking, and the habit of delegating responsibility to others (usually authorities and governments). It is only WE the people that can resolve this huge problem, in our battles against those who have declared war against humanity and instigated the biggest crimes against humanity in known history.

Silly ones have chased ridiculous ‘hares’ when nonsense is spouted about the likes of Trump or Putin coming to the rescue by destroying the Cabal. Daft people, who believed Trump when he said he was going to drain the swamp (the elites of the deep state etc.) and that he’s going to come back to finish the job. Others are putting their trust in Putin to do the same to help mankind. Both incidentally are billionaires – which club do you think they belong to? It is all a chaotic illusion. These leaders are hand-picked by the puppet masters above them.

It’s time to realise that it is only individual humans, working together as a giant undivided mass that will put all this to bed.

To throw further light on what I have written in this article, please take the time to watch this Corbett Report on this very subject. As always James Corbett is a tremendously astute researcher, and his interview with Riley Waggaman – who lives and works as a journalist in Moscow – is quite an eye opener.


Take a long hard look at this information and possibly rethink your views about this ‘Nice Little War’.

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