Category: Podcasts (Page 1 of 4)

Latest BGB & Teifi Common Law Video Cast (Episode 2) – The ‘War’ And The Way Forward

The Ukrainian War, What’s Next? What We Should Be Planning For.

Following on from our first episode; in this videocast series, Owen (from the Teifi Common Law Assembly) and I discuss the obvious – the ongoing (staged – in our opinion) war in eastern Europe, that revolves around the Ukraine.

A war, which is closely tied in to the last fear campaign, involving a deadly (SARS-Cov-2 non existent) virus that turned our world upside down, has, after two years of lies and false narrative, run out of steam. The official narrative from governments and the false mainstream media is breaking down – time to move on to the next fear campaign. It’s started. It’s frightening everyone into believing that we are about to enter a third World War and the ramped up expectation that we will all be turned to ash by nuclear missiles. As the first stage – through fear of death via a deadly virus – worked well to start with, this second scare is now taking over peoples’ minds. What people don’t realise is that it is all part and parcel of the original agenda.

Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Make what you will of the religious aspect of this prophesy – I personally don’t subscribe, don’t support or practice ANY man made organised religion. In my opinion they are all flawed and some are downright sinister and evil in intent. However I do consider myself to be a spiritual person, but not on the religious plane. The one thing I do observe is that visions, prophesies, and warnings, contained in most ancient writings, including religious scrolls and equally the verbal traditions of many indigenous tribes across the world have one thing in common – they predict the end of the current period – the final manifestation of the conflict between good and evil. Make of that what you will, but what is happening globally, fits in very well with the above vision.

  1. Pestilence (disease – real or contrived)
  2. War (depicted by the red coloured horse and it’s rider)
  3. Famine (the black horse with it’s rider carrying a weighing scale to measure out food)
  4. Death (shown as a ‘pale’ and sickly looking horse)

For anyone who wants to check this out go to: the last book of the Bible – Revelation 6:1-8. Or check out the Hopi Prophesy.

It’s a pretty scary vision, but it certainly depicts what has been brewing over the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, but the planning goes back thousands of years. It is especially relevant over the last two years. First the Covid scam with it’s inoculation programme that has killed millions globally by now, and the impending deaths further down the line, that will occur as a result of the forced upon us injections. Secondly the distraction war in the Ukraine, which is being billed as possibly the start of a third world war. Thirdly the consequences of this manufactured war will be famine, with the cutting off of grain and other food from the east and the energy starvation from the east in the guise of gas, oil and fertilizer, with the breakdown of the food supply chain to the west. Finally there’s death that follows pestilence, war and famine. Quite an accurate depiction of the last days of this system I would say! I am not the harbinger of disasters from religious texts or tribal visions, but being open minded I find it to be fascinating food for thought.

Do you honestly think that the governments of the west did not know what would happen with sanctions? They are not that stupid – although they give the impression that they are at times. It is far more likely – given their calculated, devious planning – that they knew exactly what it would lead to.

Many of these subjects are covered in the second episode of the G & O show video cast below – including what we the ‘awake’ people should be preparing for:

For those who are not familiar with the Balfour Declaration – mentioned in our videocast above – which brought the modern day Israel into existence, through the wealth, power and influence of the Zionists – led by the Rothschilds; here is a document explaining how it all came about by stealth.


Interesting to note that genuine Jews who are not of the Ashkenazic element or Ashkenazim, are a so-called ewish diaspora population who coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the 1st millennium CE. Their traditional diaspora language is Yiddish. Jews generally are blamed collectively and get bad press for their manipulation of world events – they are the scapegoats. The culprits are the fake Jews who occupy the upper echelons of Israeli society and rule the country of Israel.

Back To The Ukraine War – What Are The Facts On The Ground From There?

The video below will perhaps widen our knowledge and perspective on what the angle is from a Russian point of view by an unbiased Russian, interviewed by Max Igan. Interesting to note that this person also believes that Putin may just be a pawn in the evil agenda that is nearing completion:

How Long Have We Got Left?

No one can accurately predict how long we have left before the true impact of what has been done hits us. However Dr. Vernon Coleman has been unerringly accurate in what he has predicted well in advance, up to this point. It’s time to heed what he and others (including BGB) have been telling you. Now is the time to sober up, snap out of the perceived illusion of reality, and start making preparations. Listen to Dr. Coleman’s most recent video:

How To Prepare

As Owen and I discussed in the first video above, individual ‘prepping’ is a manifestation of selfishness in my opinion. Individuals will not make it through on their own, the key to survival is always community based.

We have already started this process in west Wales, by establishing the Teifi Common Law Assembly – in this geographic area that will be the foundation of a totally just lawful system, which is Common Law (we hope that others in other areas will follow our lead). A judicial system is one of the main fundamental pillars of any new community. Before the present system collapses into chaos – as a controlled demolition – we have to make sure that we have the fundamentals in place, before we can start afresh. The current demolition of the present system has been planned, in order to usher in what Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum calls the great reset (where: ” . . . you will own nothing and be happy” – his words).

We also need  to start earmarking where our new communities will be located, with sufficient areas for food production and self sufficiency in – at first – a crude manner to be self sufficient and to survive, in a manner similar to the way the Amish community currently exists.

We have already earmarked such a location. When the time is right we will be commandeering the land and facilities that we have targeted, to sustain a community of around 200.

I will, in due course, be circulating more information to BGB’s subscribers. At present, I cannot divulge the location – for obvious reasons. If you are not already subscribed to BGB, it would be in your interest to do so as soon as possible, so that you are up to date with developments.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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An Eagerly Awaited Special Announcement

Now Working Together . . . 

Some of our followers will be  aware that Big Gee’s Blog and Teifi Common Law Assembly have recently, been in discussions about working closer together.

Since March 2020 and up until now, BGB has been tirelessly waking people up, by writing articles, along with hundreds of videos containing evidence and proof that the Covid-19 scam (often called a ‘plannedemic’) was the result of an attempt by the Cabal to inflict an attack on humanity; made possible by a compliant, gullible, and over obedient global population, with an incredible lack of knowledge, and an overwhelming appetite to swallow all the lies and propaganda pumped out by the government via mainstream media.

Their Covid narrative is now shattered, so they’ve moved on to their next fear tactic campaign, with a distraction exercise in the guise of a war in eastern Europe, that is touted as the the beginnings of a third World War – who is not afraid of that narrative?. We warned about this at least a year ago, and sure enough, it appears they had an exit strategy, exactly as we predicted. But it’s not a time to relax – be assured they won’t give in that easily, this war against humanity is far from over.

Not Just A Case Of Waking People Up

At BGB we’ve also been unceasingly sending out correspondence and freedom of information requests, (we have three volumes with 100 items of correspondence in each, that you can view by clicking on the ‘Holding Officialdom To Account‘ tab at the head of this page). This work has mostly been done through the incredible efforts of the one I call my ‘wingman’ Wynne Jones. We now have a second ‘wingman’ in the guise of Owen Lucas, the founder of the Teifi Common Law Assembly. The TCLA has it’s own website (see the right hand panel of this page for a link to it). However from here on, we will be working on a joint project on the justice front.

The Reason For This Latest Development

As mentioned previously, two years is a long time for people to avail themselves of the truth. If the penny hasn’t dropped in that time, the chances are it never will for the hypnotised portion of the public. Of course we are still attracting new ‘fresh’ viewers, but we now have to plan for the next stage in our development and efforts.

The ones that have planned and carried out these crimes against humanity need to be rounded up, taken to court and banished for a life behind bars. The job is however difficult, because the statute court system has been infiltrated and compromised. Despite stalwart efforts by some of the keenest minds in the current legal system, their effort is extremely hampered, because to all intents and purposes, justice under conventional court jurisdictions has vanished as fast as our freedoms have.


It is becoming abundantly clear that the only solution is to convene Common Law courts, under the auspices of ‘We’ the people. To this end, both BGB and TCLA are going to work towards establishing this jurisdiction in our own ‘community‘ which will take in the three counties of Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire here in west Wales. Whilst this project will only advance the Common Law jurisdiction in three small counties, it will provide a template for those who wish to set up similar assemblies in the communities that they are associated with elsewhere – worldwide – especially in countries that traditionally used Common Law (e.g. English speaking countries with ties to the old British Empire and those within what is referred to as the Commonwealth).

Owen and I will be periodically publishing a video-cast between us – around two a month is anticipated in the early days. The first of which, describing our project, and the way we will be working together can be seen below:

This does not of course mean that we will stop publishing news and other important happenings associated with the disaster called Covid , but the mainstay of our work will from now on, be in the field of Common Law. We will also be sharing content between our two web sites.

I encourage all of BGB’s current followers and subscribers to also subscribe to new post notifications on the Teifi Common Law site, as they have to BGB. I will circulate a mail-out to BGB’s subscribers explaining how to do this in the near future.

For now, you may follow the links below to subscribe to the Teifi Common Law Assembly & The Common Law NEWS website:.


Exciting times ahead we feel . . . . we are determined to fight back against what has happened in the last two years, and win the war against elite, globalist tyranny, along with billions of like minded ones across the globe . . . . 

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 8th of November 2020

It’s the eighth of November – the second week in the big pathetic lockdown month in England – this is the month when reality will really start to kick in for many, perhaps this will wake people up, let’s hope so. Lockdown related deaths will soar again (according to confusing interpretation of statistics based on an useless testing process using RT-PCR) with empty hospitals and sick people at home (not with the hoax Covid-19 disease) but they will be the innocents that will die at home – at the hands of the government’s madcap policies. It’s no exaggeration to say that we are experiencing a genocide of the sick and elderly.

An Update On Future Richie Allen Sunday Podcasts.

Richie tells us this week that this is the last Sunday Review he’s doing for the foreseeable future – that’s sad. However it is to be replaced by a new Friday programme, so we’ll see how that pans out.

Anyway, let’s hear what Richie Allen has to say in this week’s Sunday Review, brought to you as always via BGB. Click below to hear the 8th of November 2020 episode:

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 25th of October 2020

What’s better than a lie-in – after forgetting to turn your clock back? A cup of coffee or tea to wake up, then head for Big Gee’s Blog to hear the latest ‘Sunday View’ from Richie Allen – here it is for today the 25th of October 2020:

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 18th of October 2020

BGB’s weekly treat. The Richie Allen Sunday View Show for today the 18th of October 2020:

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 11th of October 2020

A little later in the day than usual, but here it is – BGB’s weekly treat. The Richie Allen Sunday View Show for today:

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Bank: Halifax Manchester
SORT CODE; 11-05-16

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 4th of October 2020

BGB’s weekly treat. Here is Richie Allen’s Sunday View Show for today. It goes with Sunday lunch like roast beef and Yorkshire Pud.:

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Bank: Halifax Manchester
SORT CODE; 11-05-16

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 27th of September 2020

BGB’s weekly treat. Here is Richie Allen’s Sunday View show for today. Still pumping it out and entertaining the enlightened ones, whilst hopefully waking up some Sheeple:


The highlight for me – which rose my spirits no end – was the clip he played of Tory MP Steve Baker, hopefully a sign that the MPs are finally realising that they can’t continue to sit on their hands, watching our democratic system being dismantled under a dictatorial regime, totally managed by a few unelected technocrats who are now ruling us, rather than the politicians we put in place through the ballot box.

This comes in the wake of moves made by another Tory MP Graham Brady (chair of the influential Conservative 1922 back bench committee) to reinstall some accountability when diktats are issued by a handful of politicians at the core of the government’s cabinet. Are we seeing a waking up among some MPs? I certainly hope so, because without parliamentary scrutiny, what are you left with? A dictatorship, where the voice of the people is totally side stepped.

I’m as far away from being a Tory as the dawn is from the sun set, but on this occasion, thank goodness for a few awake Tory politicians.

Watch This Space

Sometime this week BGB will be contacting all the Westminster MPs along with all the SMs in Cardiff Bay, outlining these matters and drawing their attention to the facts and evidence that has been published on here over the last six months. Politicians are just as clueless about this so called pandemic as the rest of the public, with the exception of a handful that know exactly what is going on. Our future depends on these politicians balancing up the evidence on both sides, and coming to an informed decision, and in the process starting to exert their right to hold the government of the day to account by parliamentary scrutiny from all sides of the house – regardless of their political colours.

The contents of the correspondence will be published in the Correspondence Journal. To date there are copies of no less that 70 letters, questions and freedom of Information Requests on there, sent to departments at the top of the governmental departments.

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 20th of September 2020

BGB’s weekly treat. Here is Richie Allen’s  Sunday View show for today, on this glorious weekend on the 20th of September 2020:

Or you can listen directly from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Bank: Halifax Manchester
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Richie Allen Show Podcast – Sunday the 13th of September 2020

As popular and by now the tradition – just like the Sunday dinner – on BGB:

Here is Richie Allen’s  Sunday View show for today, the 13th of September:

Or you can listen directly from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

The Richie Allen Show relies on the support of the listeners. Help Richie to keep producing the show and talking about that which the mainstream media won’t.

Please consider a donation if you are able to do so, it is genuinely appreciated. You can find the bank details below for transfers or simply click the PayPal button.

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Bank: Halifax Manchester
SORT CODE; 11-05-16

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