The Time For Talking And Educating The Public Is Past – Now The Action(s) Starts
As mentioned in an earlier post, BGB believes that the time for talking is past. Now we need to move on to the final stage.
For two years we’ve diligently reported on the Covid-19 hoax. We’ve done our best to wake people up, along with tens of thousands of other website developers the world over. Anyone visiting this site have all the information they can possibly need to wake up to the reality of the current situation – no one can complain they didn’t know what was going on. No one can say they weren’t told the truth, all the evidence is in. So the time has arrived when we need to concentrate on informing the people about the lawful measures at our disposal to bring the criminals who prematurely declared war on humanity to the courtroom, to prosecute and convict them. Millions, possibly a billion or more people will have suffered and died as a result of the audacious attempt at genocide. Those who orchestrated this evil action belong behind bars for the rest of their lives. Some would say they deserve to be executed. I personally don’t support death penalties, but there’s a strong argument in this case – but that would lower us down to the level of the criminal Cabal’s henchmen. We are creatures of empathy, love and compassion, and we should act accordingly. We are also men and women who have an inalienable right to justice when others trespass against us.
The enemies of Liberty that have infiltrated governments would have you to believe that Common (Natural) Law is passé and have been legislated away. This is also a deliberate lie to mislead and influence the public with incorrect information
Is Everyday Statute Law Fit For Our Purpose?
In a word – NO.
So what’s the difference between Statutory Jurisdiction and Common Law? The following videos should help you understand the difference:
Are You a ‘Person’ (a Straw Man) Or a Living Breathing Man or Woman?
Which Law Should We Adopt To Bring The Genocidal Criminals To Account For Their Crimes Against Humanity?
The above videos have outlined the difference between Common Law and Statute Law. Statute Law is the jurisdiction of governments which themselves are corporate entities; along with all other corporate entities – they are service corporations; however, they have no power to ‘contract’ with a living, breathing man or woman. In other words the legal system that operates widely within countries is always hand in hand with governments that issue statutes, acts and regulations, that protect the corporate entities within their legal jurisdiction. We ‘The People’ are bound to abide with that statutory jurisdiction – if we act as a ‘straw man’ (when we represent ourselves on behalf of that legal fiction that was created at our birth).
So what has all this to do with taking the Cabal’s henchmen to court to answer for their crimes? A good example is Dr. (at law) Reiner Fuellmich.
This principled and honourable lawyer formed the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee in 2020. He rather naively (with hindsight – which is always 20/20 vision) had planned to gather as much evidence as possible from expert witnesses that included doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, molecular scientists etc. from all areas of expertise involved with the Covid ‘Plannedemic’. He then hoped to file lawsuits against the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity in courts both in Germany and the USA. What he later has realised was that the statute court judiciary in Germany is hopelessly compromised. Whilst the legal system in the US is more advanced, and has more leeway, the situation is the same there as well. Lawsuits already filed in German courts have either been treated – with biased and corrupt judges – in an appalling way, but in certain cases where the judge has been fairer, and the verdict has gone in favour of the prosecution, the judges have been hounded and harassed by the authorities. In other cases the hearings have been delayed indefinitely, with the can being kicked into the long grass, or evidence for the prosecution being struck out or ignored.
When it comes to justice in the statute courts, money, influence and power dictates. Outcomes are wholly dependent on the size of bank accounts, which is also used to bribe, blackmail or coerce judges, who have often been placed in their positions through the outworking of the Cabal’s henchmen over a prolonged period.
So the alternative has to rest with Common Law courts convened within jurisdictions formed by Common Law assemblies of the people themselves. Here is a video of an interview hosted by Patrick Henningsen with Reiner Fuellmich, who explains why he has abandoned his original plan, in preference of a Grand Jury hearing under Common Law jurisdiction:
What Is The ‘Grand Jury’ All About?
Here is an embedded PDF that explains it:
Grand_Jury_Proceeding_documentView Videos Of The Whole Proceedings (to date)
Below is a collection of videos that have been compiled for anyone who wants to follow what has transpired in the Grand Jury to date. They are from day 1 to day 5 of the proceedings, day 6 will probably be the last, but it is not yet available. These videos contain all the testimony presented to the jury. As you would expect, the contents are comprehensive and quite protracted for some of the days, but well worth viewing for those who would like a grasp of what is happening on the lawful scene.
Opening Statements
The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this
Financial Destruction
Eugenics & Closing Arguments and Outlook
Spectacular Success of The International Common Law Court of Justice
Of course it is not just Reiner Fuellmich and his team who are involved in cases against the perpetrators of the evil attack on humanity over a prolonged period – and especially since 2020 – and still ongoing. Kevin Annett from Canada has had spectacular successes with The International Common Law Court of Justice.
There is only one way to resolve this situation that confronts us and that is through the courts of The People. Other worldly courts are in the pockets of those who made the attack on humanity. After all, those statute courts of many lands are there to protect the interests of the very ones who are guilty of these crimes. So in effect there is no law and no justice, when it comes to getting redress in the jurisdictions of corporate governments and those who control them and work for them.
Looking To The Future
Common Law courts can be convened by any number of people who band together to form an assembly. In fact such an assembly has been set up in our community here in West Wales, called the Teifi Common Law Assembly. BGB hopes to work closely with that assembly in the near future; not just acting in cases of grievances and trespass against the people who have been affected by the Covid-19 scam, and the resultant damage from inoculation by poisonous injections decreed by the government, but also grievances against e.g. local government authorities – in many ways – where a trespass has been instigated against the people of the area.
We will be posting information, guidance and news about this as we progress.
View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:
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