Category: The Struggle For Freedom (Page 1 of 4)

Support Andrew Bridgen [The Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill]

4th December UK Parliament: Lobby your MP

Letter templates to lobby your MP’s to attend the UK Parliament meeting on the 4th December at which doctors and analysts will give expert testimony on the pandemic and its consequences.

Letter to MP 4th December (docx)


Letter to MP 4th December (pdf)


Poster for 4th Dec (pdf)


Find your MPs Email Address

The Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill

A bill to ‘Prohibit Ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament unless it has been approved by referendum and connected purposes’ has been proposed through Ten Minute Rule by MP Andrew Bridgen.

MP Andrew Bridgen will continue to fight for the sovereignty and integrity of the British people and for this Bill to be given the reading and support it deserves… and we need your help!

You will find information here on the progression of the bill. Subscribe for updates and to find out how you can support.

We will not be asking the public for any donations.



Watch MP Andrew Bridgen’s Ten Minute Rule

MP Andrew Bridgen Introduces the Sovereignty & Referendums Bill in UK Parliament.

24th October 2023

End UK W.H.O Membership

Contact Us

For Campaign and Bill inquiries please email

Andrew is always pleased to receive messages of support

Save Our Sovereignty

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The REAL Background To The War In Gaza

75 Years Of Oppression And Suppression

As a young teenager I vividly remember the so-called Six Day War in the Middle East. At that time the Israeli State – that had only been in existence for twenty years – obliterated the air forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan.

The Six-Day War was a brief but bloody conflict fought in June 1967 between Israel and the Arab states,  following years of diplomatic friction and skirmishes between Israel and its neighbours, Israel Defence Forces (IDF) launched pre-emptive air strikes that crippled the air forces of Egypt and its allies. Israel then staged a successful ground offensive and seized the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria. The brief war ended with a U.N.-brokered ceasefire, but it significantly altered the map of the Mid East and gave rise to lingering geopolitical friction. During those six days Israel doubled it’s land mass, and then went on to occupy and control those lands it had captured – a recipe for future conflict in the area.

My late father, (who had been a young conscripted British Army soldier was posted to Egypt to look after British interests in the Suez Canal area during 1947 and 1948) was cock a hoop over Israel’s astonishing victory, as I naturally was, as my only source of knowledge was the skewed propaganda regarding that war, and my father’s view that had been tainted by two factors:

One was the brainwashed information that he was made party to whilst serving in the army,

The second, which still remains as the legacy from religious teachings that is partly responsible for many people’s view of Israel’s rightful position as an occupying force in the Middle East. God’s chosen people.

John Calvin 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564

My father was from a subsistence farming community on the desolate uplands of Ceredigion – the only thing they had in quantity was peat, rushes, stones and heather on barren moorland. His view of the world was not clear, the main guiding influence and source of information was the Calvinist chapel. John Calvin‘s teachings were a phenomenal success in Wales during the reformation, with it’s good Bible based teachings, but with a dark side that manifested itself with communities  policing themselves harshly using Calvin’s chapel administered policies of work ethic and adherence to ancient Hebrew laws from the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) being next only to Godliness. This resulted in the adoration of the Hebrew way of life. Welsh Calvinists even wore black clothes on the Sabbath, they observed the Sabbath in detail (I was not allowed to whistle on the Sabbath  because it was frivolous behaviour, we were not allowed to carry a penknife on the Sabbath, because it was viewed as a work tool – no unnecessary work was allowed on the Sabbath). Anyone who broke these laws were snitched on and dealt with by the chapel deacons. Thankfully, my generation have seen the demise of these customs as the chapels have declined and closed down in the last seventy years or so,

The Welsh Calvinists were a reflection of your antitypical Jews. Anyone who studies a Welsh matriarchal ‘Mam’ will immediately see the similarities with a classical  controlling Jewish mother!

So people brought up in that religious environment would automatically view the Jews as God’s chosen people, who can do no wrong, and who are exercising their right to steal  and occupy land that was promised to them by their God. The BIG problem with this line of thinking is that the State of Israel is not the doing of Jews, but the fake representation and twisted logic of Zionists who on the whole are descendants of the east European Khazarians and not from the Judaic descendants of Abraham – more about that later.

Some Fascinating Comments From  a Rabbi

In this short film Rabbi Dovid Weiss explains the difference between Zionists and genuine Jews:

That probably comes as quite an eye opener for many. Whilst the UK, US and other western hemisphere countries have immediately jumped in to the latest crisis to support Zionist Israel, giving the impression that all Jews in the State of Israel and across the world support the recent actions – that is not the case,

Huge swathes of Judean Jews are totally opposed and actively demonstrate everywhere against the Zionists, that situation is censored and shut down by the legacy media, hence the reason why people everywhere are misled. It is a huge mistake to assume that Zionists and Jews are one and the same.

Now a Reality Check So That You Know What The Israeli Attempt At Palestinian Geocide Is About.

 Few people know or understand what is going on right now in Gaza, that is due to fact that the true details are buried in western propaganda. After you have viewed this film – if you have an open mind and pursue truth – you will view the whole tragedy through a different prism. Israel is not the victim here. Their goal is to wipe Palestine off the face of the map, killing all the occupants in the process.

Historic Roots Of The Kharzas/ Ashkenazi Jews and Zionists

Moving on, as promised earlier, below is a video film that BGB published some time ago, explaining the historical background  to Khazaria, the Khazarian false ‘Jews’ and the Ashkenazi Jews who are the current privileged ruling Zionists of the State of Israel,

Armed with all this historic information, your imposed propaganda view of the State of Israel and it’s origins may change, as my views changed through research in the early seventies whilst still in college and up to this day. in fact I quickly saw that my original naïve view of the Six Day War was turned on it’s head, as did my father’s misguided views later on in his life. Thankfully, he was also blessed with an open mind and was humble enough to accept the truth when confronted with the facts.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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How Much Do You Know About The Background To What’s Going On?

The Old Saying Is: “Truth Hurts. . . ” – Here’s the UGLY TRUTH

Whether you are a truth denier and go along with everything that you are fed from the mass – main stream – media (the MSM); or someone who has experienced the madness of recent years and are puzzled by what is going on, or maybe you are fully on board with the reality of the situation. The following documentary film will be an eye opener for everyone. It will not only bring into focus the reality of how things have developed from way back, but it will help you focus on what needs to be done – by you – in the next short seven years, when we hit 2030. That year is the flagship year, when all the things planned will merge and become completed. Do you want to survive into the era post 2030?

You need to familiarise yourself with the facts, as openly declared through the mouths of those directly involved with the World Economic Forum. This is not the imagined reality of a  “conspiracy theorist” nutter. You can easily check it out for yourself. The purpose of the film is NOT to scare you, but to bring you up to running speed in good time to use your power to reveal the contents to others


The above video reproduced by BGB was first compiled and narrated by Janet Osseebaard – one of the foremost film producers – along with her fellow (but not officially connected) Dutch co-patriot David Sorensen who have both produced films and documentaries of the highest quality based on research and provable facts.  Janet’s channel with links to her video contents can be found on Bit Chute.:

One of her first videos was included in a past article by BGB titled titled ‘Origin of The Cabal’

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World Freedom Directory

From Janet Osseebaard’s video above, we know what is going on at the World Economic Forum (WEF). However it’s no use knowing what faces us, but we need a strategy to fight back against their machinations. We can sometimes get very disheartened, feel helpless and  very alone when it comes to doing anything about this state of affairs. In reality we are not alone.

Various organisations the world over are grouping in their desire to put things right, but many are unknown to us. When you consider that there is almost eight billion of us  (eight thousand million 8,000,000,000,000)  whilst those who want to harm us are a tiny minority of only a few hundred thousand 100.000) , it stands to reason that we have the power, but we need a co-operation of a wide network to achieve our goal.

David Sorenson’s work is remarkable. He has compiled a directory of all groups and individuals, the world over who are involved in what is commonly called the ‘Freedom Movement’. It is an amazing piece of work, and is now functional.

This directory currently has around  500 listings, but with many more not yet listed.  They have a common goal, to avert disaster and to regain our control over the WEF’s tarnished governments who dance to their tune. The tail must stop wagging the dog. This is very achievable – we simply stop complying with their diktats. The public the world over is eventually waking up, and increasingly so. Everywhere you look the people are starting to realise what has and is going on. We need to keep that momentum going, that’s where the World Freedom Directory tool comes in.

Please view the video below, and allow David Sorensen to fully explain how this tool works.

To get involved, pop over to the Stop World Control website and the page that the above video is a part of:

It is fascinating to see how groups and organisations are getting together as the ‘awakening’ progresses – don’t just leave it to others – GET INVOLVED!

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Dark Secrets of The United Nations

The Roots Of The Organisation

The United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945 – just after the Second World War. It morphed from the earlier organisation – The League of Nations – that was formed immediately after the First World War that ended just about twenty years before the outbreak of the Second World War. Both wars were planned, contrived and financed by the Globalist Élites (also known as billionaire  oligarchs. the illuminati and the Cabal, although the ‘Cabal’ is further back in the shadows and directs control via it’s front stage henchmen in the World Economic Forum (WEF) based in Davos, with Klaus Schwab at the helm. I don’t want to go off on a tangent here; If the reader would like more information on the origins of the Cabal, you can view a past article on this Blog that explains more on the origins of the Cabal

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Treachery Of War Financiers

Up to our present time, the UN has again morphed – this time it is run from Davos under the banner of the WEF. The UN mission statement from 1945, that it was set-up to bring peace to the world is a heinous and outrageous lie. In the inverted world of the’ Globalists  ‘peace’ means ‘war’. The UN’s central mission has been the proliferation of war, and all the evils that follow after those wars. War is profitable peace is not.

In the same fashion as the Napoleonic wars were financed by the biggest banking family of that time period –  the Rothchilds.  So too wars have been fermented by the UN – as we see in the current  Ukraine (proxy) war driven by NATO and fuelled by the Davos clique through the banking system and their control of penetrated governments of the world – (Schwab’s words not mine). However, the hand played by the  the UN goes a lot further, as their agenda for mankind, working alongside one of their instrument of devastation – The World Health Organisation (WHO) the lock-step-agenda  is becoming clearer by the day as people are waking up to reality.

The Rothschild family have funded the losers and the winners of all wars since the Napoleonic Wars of 1803 to 1815. They fund both sides so that whichever side wins, they profit. In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte is campaigning against Wellington. Jacob Rothschild, in Paris, funds Napoleon while Nathan Rothschild, in London, funds Wellington. Soon, the family decides that it is more profitable if Britain wins the war as the British royal family is indebted to the Rothschild family: thus, Jacob limits the funds to Napoleon’s army.

Knowing that Britain is winning the war, Nathan starts selling off his British bonds in lump sums. Other traders conclude that France must be winning and Britain losing. They also dump their British bonds in large sums. As a result, the price of the bond plummets and becomes very low. Once Nathan sees that the other traders have sold all their bonds, he begins buying them back at ridiculously low prices. When the news reaches the ordinary citizens that Britain has won the war, the value of the British bond rises so high that Nathan makes a huge profit. Ever since, the Rothschild family use their money and power to design the economies of other countries in the world. They also create economic crashes to make a profit out of them, just like they do in Britain in 1815.

From The Mouth Of A Whistle-blower

You can choose to ignore the findings of myself and many hundreds of thousands of other researchers – who are routinely and disparagingly labelled “conspiracy Theorists” by the corrupt and paid for mainstream media, along with so-called ‘Fact Checkers’ who are also influenced by those currently in control of world events. PLEASE don’t take our word for it, but you should take heed of what you hear and learn from those who have broken ranks, to help us wake up the public to the situation.

BGB at all times makes the effort to bring you the information from the horse’s mouth. Our goal is to expose the truth and spread the word to everyone who is not aware of the situation that humanity finds itself in today. Time is short – we desperately need to educate those amongst us who are naïve, gullible and innocent. Eventually, everyone will see through the lies, and the perceived reality that these powerful elites have led us to believe.

Calin Georcescu

Dr. Calin Georcescu

You may not have heard of him previously, but he is a former, high ranking Romanian executive director at the UN (he was previously the EU representative president at the infamous ‘Club of Rome)’.

In the following BGB reproduction of a ‘Stop World Control’ video, we are treated to a conversation between Dr. Calin Georcescu and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who now heads up the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC Law). He was formerly involved with the Berlin Covid  Investigation Committee, collecting evidence for a trial against those involved in the Covid scam.

This is a big shell shock for many who  see and hear this video for the first time. It opens our eyes to what the UN’s dark secrets are. It also helps us to see the connections between the UN, WHO  and the WEF and all others involved at the highest level.



Can I ask that you help us in our quest to get this information out to everyone we  possibly can on earth. Please feel free to download it,

and then redistribute it – if you have the means to do so. 

Alternatively , you can forward the URL address of this article by e-mail  to everyone you know.

Or, if you would like to embed the video in your own web site or Blog, then please

Thank you.

A Bit Of Dessert After The Main Course . . . 

If you fancy a bit of afters, here is a little video from The People’s Voice, that further exposes what the Cabal have in store for us via the WEF. Individually, we need to rise up against this contrived insanity:


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A Coronation SPECIAL From BGB

Be Careful

If you are contemplating swearing your allegiance to the ‘king’ this weekend – do so from an informed position.

Many will be out waving their pathetic little flags, without an inkling of what this is all about. The same ignorant, uninformed, uneducated public that display their ignorance with this behaviour and will include the majority of the ones that wore masks, stood on little floor labels in shops and got themselves jabbed with a 20% lethal bioweapon in the guise of an injection, falsely labelled as a ‘vaccine’. They are highly recognisable ‘governmentalists’ or ‘statists’ who would throw their children into a boiling cauldron of water – if their ‘betters’ in government told them to do so (plenty of examples throughout history in the shape of wars and demonic worship to gods like Molech).

Of course there will also be many on the republican side, opposing the coronation, who have a slightly better grasp on things, but are still woefully ignorant of the core issues. A number of them will also have been willing participants in the madness on show over the last three years or so.

The Need To Know The Truth Regarding Royalty

I will not inflict reems of written information for you to contemplate, rather,  in this excellent documentary by a fellow truth warrior, in the guise of James Corbett you will be made party to the key information that you need on this dark and hidden subject:.

Fascinating isn’t it? But as with all truth – no matter how well hidden or censored – it will eventually float to the top in full view.

Hopefully you will now have a more rounded view on things, and you will -hopefully – have already deposited that tacky little Union Jack in it’s rightful place – your bin!

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The MP They Failed To Gag

The Background

Before we get at the meat of this post, you may need to hear the background to this potentially explosive turn of events.

Rather than have me write it all out for you, please indulge BGB by listening carefully to this  broadcast by Richard Vobes, who himself has interviewed Andrew Bridgen MP.  In this short video clip he explains what has led up to this disgraceful attempt by MPs – across the parties in Westminster – to gag probably the most truthful and principled lone MP in that den of vipers.

You may possibly have missed these events, because the mainstream media, in their now familiar style, have tried to bury the events that took place.


Moving On To The Present

Last week UK Column News’ Brian Gerrish had an update interview with Andrew Bridgen MP. This information needs to be spread far and wide.  So BGB has reproduced that interview conducted by Brian Gerrish below,  so that our audience can be made party to what is going on –  from the horse’s mouth as it were.

Please feel free to copy the contents, or provide a link to the video (it might be a good idea for you to download and save Richard Vobes’ video as well, because it is hosted on You Tule, and through their policy of censorship, they may remove it without warning).

Here is the full interview that was conducted by Brian Gerrish on the 18th of April 2023. It should be noted that I, nor BGB have any political affiliation to any political party. I personally do not subscribe to any political organisation or any organised man-made religion. Regardless of any politics that any politician is associated with, our interest is solely  to get truthful information out there – regardless of who the messenger is.

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the contents.

If you feel aggrieved by what you’ve just witnessed, be sure to write to your own MP, to make them aware of your disgust.  They need to know, that despite their attempts to gag Andrew Bridgen, the cat is well and truly out of the bag, and they have nowhere to hide.

If you don’t have the contact details for your MP, then please

To get the information.

You may also like to view BGB’s  letter template page.


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Political Policing In My Back Yard: Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales + Sex Education In Our Schools

Make An Example Of Them Boys!

Political Policing: Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales

I’m not fully back in the saddle yet, but when this story broke this morning, I felt I had to make the effort to take a break from my break!

First reported in The Expose this is the reality when you live in a country whose government is run by a socialist dictatorship made up of the Labour party, ably supported by their ‘woke’ socialist nationalist poodle – Plaid Cymru.

The Covid-19 scam pandemic and ensuing injections programme was the trigger that handed the government in Wales the power they craved for. They’ve picked up the baton with relish, drooling at the prospect of unfettered power to push their lunatic agenda, using a totally politicised police force as their enforcers to wipe out free speech and thought – the victims are we the people and the truth, which the government will go to any length to hide.  The devolved governments of Scotland and Wales have been vying to be seen as the most powerful and draconian in their attempt to be seen as the most ‘on board’ devolved government in the UK. Sturgeon and Drakeford sems to have been in a competition to show they were more ‘caring’ for the public in their respective countries. Pathetic.

What Has Happened So Far

Anyway here are the details of what’s been going on in the Land of Song. Not much ‘song’ in the hearts of those who are being censored and bullied:

Next week sees the start of another dark week in the People’s Socialist Republic of Wales, wrote Voice of Wales (“VoW”).  Starting on 10 August, VoW journalists are due to appear in Newport Crown court in a show trial lasting three days.

VoW, hosted by Dan Morgan and Stan Robinson, began broadcasting on YouTube in July 2020 “giving a voice to the people not represented by mainstream media.”  By February 2021, the establishment’s propaganda machine had caught up with them as described by THIS BBC article. YouTube had removed some of its videos and demonetised others. At the time, VoW had more than 5,000 subscribers and more than 350,000 views. You can follow Voice of Wales on Rumble HERE.

In January, Morgan and Robinson were arrested while reporting on a protest.  The arrests took place even though the pair were known to the police as journalists. They spent thirty-six hours in custody at Newport Police Station.  On their release, one of five bail conditions dictated they were not to associate with one another.

Another bail condition was Morgan and Robinson were not to attend any covid vaccination centre in England or Wales unless they were attending to get “vaccinated” themselves.

In February, all the bail conditions were dropped.

All around the world journalists are being arrested and falsely imprisoned because, according to the police, you have to be ‘accredited journalists’.  Accredited, by who? The very people committing this global tyranny. Who should tell the people what they can and cannot read, view or think? Certainly not the Welsh Police Chief Constables or Crime Commissioner. Not the Welsh Government or Drakeford. The attack on Voice of Wales was an attack on our democracy and those responsible should be called to account,” VoW wrote.


To give you a background on the case, back in January, Voice of Wales was made aware of a group of people intending to serve papers on a vaccine centre in Cwmbran to raise concerns about the dangerous side-effects of the vaccine. They wanted the police to attend with them to facilitate a peaceful protest. This was the first vaccine centre in Wales where this was taking place and Voice of Wales was invited to go along at short notice to report.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Voice of Wales: Cwmbran Stadium, 21 January 2022 (2 mins)


Read more: VoW Update on Cwmbran Stadium, 22 January 2022

On the day the group tried to contact the police making repeated phone calls to notify them of their intentions. Police told the protestors they would not attend. The three protestors filmed by VoW reporters proceeded to the vaccine centre to “serve the papers.” The group were calm, and peaceful, causing no problems for the staff on the day. The staff phoned the police who then arrived and again, this was very calm with no aggression.

This all changed with the arrival of Chief Inspector Martin Smith. Chief Inspector Smith arrived and completely escalated the situation with a rather unprofessional and hostile attitude. When the protestors explained why they were serving papers the Chief Inspector was very rude. He insulted them calling their protest “bunkum.”

Instead of remaining impartial, he took a political stance. He invited the group to move from the doorway and to “stand in the designated protest area” pointing to an area approximately 6 meters away from the door. He then instructed the police officers to escort the group to this area. All, bar one of the group immediately complied and moved.  The Chief Inspector hearing the objections from one protestor now became hysterical and within less than a minute he gave contradictory orders to his staff and ordered the arrest of the whole group, including the journalists of Voice of Wales.

Dan and Stan were held in custody for 32 hours. During their time in custody, Gwent Police used documents found on the group to further arrest Dan and Stan on fraud charges. Using these charges, they then executed search warrants at the home addresses of Dan and Stan, seizing any of the Voice of Wales equipment they could find. This included 4 cameras, tripods, microphones, phones, and vehicles.

Following the release of Dan and Stan, they were handed draconian bail conditions that restricted their personal life and ability to travel and work. After seeking urgent legal advice, the condition that Dan and Stan were “not to associate” was changed to “not to work together” and after more advice, all conditions were dropped.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Voice Of Wales Bail Condition Change Press Release, 28 February 2022 (9 mins)

Voice of Wales have been building their case for 8 months now and between VoW, solicitors, barristers and an ex-police inspector of 30 years, we are confident that the CPS/police will not be able to prove the flimsy case against us.

Voice of Wales is confident that this is nothing more than a show trial. We believe this is a politically motivated case with the intention to discredit Voice of Wales by the Communist Coalition ruling from Cardiff. They are angry we dared to question legislation and policies they are pushing through with no public consultation. These include 16-year-olds and foreign nationals given the right to vote, Wales becoming a nation of sanctuary, mandatory sex education for all children from age 3, political policing and much more.

It is unbelievable that we are living in times where the journalist is arrested, charged and put before a judge for daring to report. Alternative media is growing ever more popular because more and more people are getting fed up with the biased mainstream media pumping out constant propaganda, forcing people to accept their idea of the new normal. People are getting fed up with journalists toeing the party line and only printing what the government tells them. People are getting fed up with a political police force, and people are getting fed up with the forced indoctrination of our children.

Voice of Wales was established to fill a gap in media coverage in Wales, and we are proud to say we are not puppets controlled by the Senedd. We cover all topics to raise awareness amongst our communities. We will not be intimidated or bullied into submission, and recent events have made us even more determined to work harder.


Protect Our Children – The Welsh Government Is Attempting To Pervert Their Mind & Ruin Their Lives – Without Parental Permission

The parents of Wales need to raise 100k to pay for court fees in their legal battle against the Welsh government.

People all over Wales are signing up for the Walk Wales Challenge.

We are asking you to run, walk or cycle your way around Wales raising as much money as you can. There are individual challenges and group challenges. You too can get involved!! Get walking and collect sponsors or go to our fundraising page and sponsor someone who is.

Together across the nation we can raise money and spread awareness.

Register here:…/nationwide...


You may have heard about the huge changes that are happening within the Schools Curriculum. From September 2022 parents will no longer have the right to withdraw their children from the controversial comprehensive sexuality education (RSE). This is mandated from age 3 with no parental opt out.

Your child may have already come home from school with information they are being taught that you deem inappropriate.

In 2017 our UK governments signed up to a global education that came from the World Health Organisation. The Document claims children are sexual from birth and the matrix (from page 38) includes early childhood masturbation and exploring gender identities from age 0. An additional framework was implemented to replace the WHO document, this came from UNESCO 2018 document -‘Revised International Guidance on Sexuality Education’ – How is this connected?

The RSE is a mandatory element of ‘The Curriculum and Assessment Act 2021’, educators are required to refer to the above Unesco document for guidance. In addition you may have seen on your school website links to the United Nations/UNESCO and/or organisations such as Brooks or Stonewall.

Public Child Protection Wales are facilitating this court battle and have secured a Judicial review. Now it needs to be paid for. So far 17k of the 100k target has been raised, now I to help.

If you have a child or children who will be effected by this evil madness YOU need to do something about it NOW – before it’s too late.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Kinsey – How this man’s lunacy is destroying our children


The story of how Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent sex research from the 1940’s threatens to sexualise our young children today through the corrupt United Nations global programme of Comprehensive Sexuality Education now in all western hemisphere schools across the world.

To understand what the Cabal and it’s henchmen have planned for humanity – including the full frontal attack on our children – you need to watch the video below – as a matter of urgency and ACT on it.

We are being attacked on all fronts; pandemic scams, lethal injections, contrived wars, instigated famines, financial collapse. But the worst attack is the evil psychological attack on our children, with gender confusion, LBGT indoctrination and perverted SEX EDUCATION programmes in primary schools.

It’s not something that’s happening elsewhere, but is a proposed government policy in every school in every city, every town, every village and hamlet across Wales and the rest of the UK.

Only YOU THE PEOPLE can stop it. That means everyone who is concerned about how our children’s minds are being wrecked and their future lives ruined for good. Don’t leave this task to someone else – it’s our collective task to stop it in it’s tracks.

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YOUR Compliancy Is Our Real Enemy

Take A Moment To See What Compliancy To Authority Is Doing To Our Fellow Brothers and Sisters

Heed the words of the song in this video . . . .

They WILL Crumble As More Of Us Stop Complying.

And that’s what Is happening right now. As Albert Einstein once said:

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth”

Bear that nugget in mind – if you don’t want to be swept away by the next scam pandemic (Monkey Pox).

Here are Dave Cullen’s views on what was discussed at the 2022 annual meeting of the W.E.F.’s Clique in Davos this year:

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TAKE ACTION! The Proposed WHO Pandemic “Treaty” Is A Major Threat To Global Health And Human Rights –

Write to your MP or other ministers at devolved government level.

Click on the image above to find out who your MP is and what their contact details are.

Don’t view this as a chore – it is vitally important for you to take less than half an hour of your time to make your government representative aware of how you want them to represent you in the World Health Organisations’ (WHO) proposed treaty to allow them to override your government’s decisions on health matters (i.e. pandemics) in the future.

By downloading the zipped folder to your device, you will have access to the letter template in multiple word processing formats, simply choose the one needed for your letter writing programme. Then just edit the letter to suit your details. It really is quite simple but REALLY important that we get this message out to all the politicians that are supposed to represent our interests. The truth of the matter is that a small percentage of them are compromised (like the ruling party’s cabinet) the rest are just as confused and under educated as the rest of the public in these matters – so they need to be directed and educated by the likes of you!

Help Is Urgently Required

You can not be blamed for allowing what is happening to slip under your radar. You have been exposed to so much information and propaganda that many of you are suffering from information fatigue, and may have switched off. However, ignoring the latest move, which is the most audacious power grab yet witnessed on behalf of the Cabal, by the WHO, is what will seal our fate in the near future. If this treaty is ratified by the governments who are in collusion with those implementing this power grab to centralise decisions of governments by the WHO, then a big leap forward  will have been achieved by those who are sworn to finalise the introduction of a New World Order (also marketed as The Great Reset’ or ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his cronies at the World Economic Forum).

Objection to the proposed pandemic treaty of the World Health Organization

by Dr David Bell, MBBS, PhD


The proposed International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness builds on the growing reach of the International Health Regulations, in transferring more power to the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare emergencies and then require countries, under treaty obligations, to follow WHO instructions.

The WHO is a branch of the United Nations, set up in the late 1940s to support countries in managing various aspects of health. It was intended to be subject to control by member states, taking its instructions from the World Health Assembly which is made up of health ministers of member states. However, although it was originally funded by member states, it has become increasingly dependent on funding from private foundations, and corporations, particularly those heavily involved in, or invested in, the pharmaceutical industry.

In parallel with the increase in private funding, the WHO’s focus has shifted increasingly from community-based interventions to pharmaceutical-based interventions. Sister-organisations tied closely to the WHO, including the Gavi Alliance and Cepi, are also concentrated almost solely on pharmaceutical approaches. Like the WHO, they are also partly funded by tax-payers through aid budgets but heavily influenced by Pharma.

WHO staff are recruited according to national quotas, technical qualification but also personal networks. The Director-General is appointed by the vote of the health ministers, subject to international lobbying, every 4 years. As WHO staff receive relatively high rates of pay and benefits for the health sector, many spend the bulk of their career in the organization and so gain minimal external experience.

While the WHO itself has noted that pandemics are rare, recognising only 4 in the 120 years before 2020, Cepi is devoted entirely to pandemics. Funding within the WHO has also shifted increasingly toward a pandemic focus, with an emphasis on pharmaceutical (vaccine) approaches. A permanent international industry has been developed, at considerable cost, to deal with a rare problem that now depends on the declaration of new ‘pandemics’ to justify its existence.

In the context of Covid-19, it is clear that vaccine-based interventions are having a limited impact on overall outcomes, while other unprecedented interventions promoted by the WHO, against their own former pandemic guidance, have had major negative impacts on all aspects of society, including economies (massively increasing poverty), healthcare and education.

This proposed treaty raises a number of fundamental concerns that we believe should lead to its immediate abandonment:

1. Countries (people) will lose sovereignty over major aspects of daily life to unelected international bureaucrats, who are subject to significant conflicts of interest from private individuals and industry.

2. These WHO bureaucrats will decide on the criteria for and timing of such take-overs.

3. The track record of the WHO in managing international outbreaks is poor. It is inherently dangerous to delegate control over complex issues that heavily impact the economy, society and public health to individuals in a distant location with no community or relevant national affiliations, and no direct stake in the outcomes.

4. Such centralization is contrary to the fundamental pillars of community-based, locally organised healthcare, and antithetical to the principles of individual rights and autonomy upon which the WHO’s constitution is based.

5. The increasing emphasis on pandemics instead of on the actual major causes of human illness and mortality is inappropriate, and the diversion of funds and activity will have hugely negative impacts on overall population and individual health.

The world needs international forums for sharing data, for concentrating technical expertise to support countries lacking these and to facilitate discussions between countries concerning health issues, including emergencies. Such organisations must be in service of member countries and their people, not act as unelected authorities, funded and influenced by conflicted, non-national interests that attempt to direct and control the lives of free citizens.

Don’t delay by putting this off to another time. Click on the download button RIGHT NOW! To get your letter template. Thank you in advance – it really is much appreciated.

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During This Artificial Covid Lull – We URGENTLY Need To Prepare

The Present Situation

Many who are not fully aware of what is going on and still have no idea of what the big (Great Reset) Cabal plan is, are currently breathing a collective sigh of relief – hooray –  the deadly pandemic has gone away!

Rules on how to behave and be unquestionably servile to authority during the Covid scare have been retracted in the UK as in many other countries. We’re on our way back to ‘the ‘old normal’. How misguided and wrong that thinking is, especially amongst those who have been hypnotised, badly influenced by psychological programming via their governments and especially the corrupt main stream media (MSM). Worse still, almost all of the ones who think that way, have fallen foul of the tool used to sicken and kill swathes of humans across the earth – the approximate 20% of the deadly ‘Covid’ injections that have been used on innocent, but ignorant, under educated people. They have been fooled to accept it for – wait for it . . . . their health and protection against a deadly virus that never was. See this excellent article written by Rhoda Wilson for The Expose web site.

Even amongst those of us who have been awake from the start, in some cases awake for many decades before the event, plus the masses of people who have been woken up during the false pandemic, may tend to think that the danger is over, or that the authorities have retreated in the face of the awakening of the masses. It’s quite natural, because in the wake of a torturous two year period, when the pressure and pain is temporarily removed, we relax in relief (it’s an old torture technique). It’s a bit like what happens in a tug of war game with a rope, where the one holding one end of the rope suddenly releases it and the one holding the other end falls backwards on his bum! We are in danger of losing our impetus in the fight for truth, justice and freedom. By becoming so complacent and relaxed, we are wide open to the next attack that will inevitably be waged against us. The Cabal does not plan and scheme their evil deeds for centuries, only to suddenly throw in the towel.

An Example Of Taking Our Foot Off The Accelerator Pedal

Click on the above image to view the central aSITP web site

About three weeks ago, I received this e-mail message from the a Stand In The Park (aSITP) central admin. It’s a bit depressing, because it seems that support is waning for this activity in the UK. For the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph.


Whilst the aSITP was originally set-up to attract attention, in order to educate the public about the ‘pandemic’ situation, with bright yellow garb and banners etc. to attract attention. Over the months the yellow clothes, banners and flags etc. etc became less prominent, and our weekly Sunday morning meetings became more of an opportunity to socialise, connect and meet others in our ‘tribe’ at a local level. That exercise alone is crucial to keep contact and bolster morale. It is now waning, but that’s the imminent danger, because we don’t want to have to start from scratch, when the next wave of lockdowns and restrictions hit our shores again – which is inevitable – probably around October my guess would be, just in time to coincide with the annual flu season. Anyone doubting this advance warning need to see what is happening in Shanghai – as I write this article. Everyone should be aware that what we see in China today is what we ourselves experience tomorrow (think back to Wuhan 2020).

Here is footage from Shanghai. Be warned – if you are of a sensitive disposition I advise that you do not watch it:

Do you see footage like this on the MSM? Do you actually hear any of the talking heads on the MSM even mention what is going on right now in China?

As everyone watches the current MSM distraction show in the theater called “Ukraine”; today, thousands of people are committing suicide in Shanghai, China, as its 25 million residents continue to be locked down and many of them reportedly starving because they cannot get food. All in the name of a fake variant of the unproven SARS-Cov-2 virus that has not been isolated, identified or sequenced. No one is dying of a deadly viral infection, but they are dying alright. Many millions more will die in the immediate and long term, from the deadly ‘clot shots’.

Protests and looting have reportedly started in Shanghai, and horrible images are appearing of people jumping to their deaths from buildings while others hang themselves. Dogs and cats are being murdered on the streets.

And this is Shanghai! It is the most modern city in China. It’s financial and shopping district would rival Manhattan in New York, the Magnificent Mile in Chicago, Beverly Hills in Los Angeles and similar cities in the UK and across the world.

If this can happen in Shanghai, it can happen anywhere. Hence the reason we need to use this time of the ‘lull’ to prepare for what’s coming. It’s not the time to sit on our hands, but the time to start finding our tribe, to prepare to put communities together, and start preparing for the worst. We need to be well out of it and dependent on our tribe in our constructed communities in preparation for when it happens here. At that time so called law and order will break down and we will be faced with desperate mob rule.

How Do We Do It?

Firstly, without further delay, we need to connect with our ‘tribe’ on a local level. Local does not necessarily mean within one city, town or village. A community can be of any practical geographic size and location. The one thing that members of these communities will have in common is that they will all be ‘on the same page’, realise that they have to group together in order to survive, and will be protected by the collective strength of their ‘tribe’ within a community. More on that further down this page.

Self Sufficiency Is Not a New Concept

It might seem to some, that I am being a doomsday prophet here – believe me I am not. Warnings are coming in from everywhere that the food supply chain is breaking down globally. Here in the UK I believe that on average, around 54% of our food source is imported. This is what happens when companies promote the globalist concept of growing, processing and delivery of food offshore in other countries. When those other countries fail to produce and deliver food, it gets very hairy – very quickly.

There was a food chain scare during the false pandemic lockdowns. It has now become worse – by a huge factor – as the contrived (distraction) war in the Ukraine rumbles on and the threat of a global, thermo-nuclear catastrophe looms. Added to that is the sanctions imposed by the west, which has spectacularly backfired (all planned in advance), with an added threat of a fuel crisis on top of the famine looming.

Then you have food storage and processing plants in the States mysteriously getting destroyed with a couple having drones flown into them. Not contrived? Here in the UK farmers are being driven off the land. The government is now offering incentives to retirement age farmers to sell their land at over inflated open market prices. Another coincidence? This is at a time when local food production should be incentivised to grow more locally, rather than less.

In the final analysis we are staring into the abyss; the final weapons of human life destruction are war and famine. Nothing much has changed over the centuries. War and famine are the ultimate tools of death and destruction; helped along this time by a false pandemic and in the wake of that fake disease we had the jabs, which are mowing people down.

If you scoff at the fact that we are in the process of a genocidal cull of the population, then perhaps it would help you understand if you read up on ‘The Georgia Guide Stones’ – please click on the above image.

When the current Shanghai scenario descends on us in the near future it’ll be game over for many – but not all of us. The dismantling of the present financial system will be completed, and the remainder of those still around (but outside the new communities of the awake) will, by 2030 – in Klaus Schwabs famous words:

You’ll own nothing and be happy”

View the World Economic Forum’s own short video below, giving us a glimpse of their eventual plans for mankind – chilling.

By then, humanity will have split in two. The survivors will be those who have prepared and established safe local communities – the rest will be fed to the wolves by the Cabal. THEN we’ll have a new reset – a new start, but not of the kind indicated by the likes of Schwab and his elite, globalist cronies.

As the eternal optimist, I wholeheartedly believe that we are on the verge of something new, much better and a new dawn in the future of mankind. Before we enter that period, it’s going to get very unpleasant and ugly, as we struggle to survive through this low point. It will be the birth pains that we will have to endure, before being born into a new era.

The Need To Focus On ‘Community”

As far back as 2010 the brilliant researcher and free journalist James Corbett was reading the writing on the wall, a long time before we got hit out of the blue by Covid. It highlights the need for a return to community living:



Getting Down To Practicalities In The Here & Now

We need to re establish our ties with one another. The now diminishing aSITP groups are a good place to start, as they form an established communication and contact hub. These have already been established, so why reinvent the wheel? These existing groups across the country form what can be used for us to find our local tribes. Keeping a network together without a clearly defined goal is however a challenge. The goal during this lull and the false sense of security that accompanies it, is to prepare for what is to come. It’s no good waiting for supermarket shelves to empty before the inevitable befalls us.

Individual ‘Prepping’

There are quite a large numbers of people who have been prepping for years, to try and dodge a catastrophic global  event. I well remember this behaviour in the sixties, when a cloud of fear of a nuclear war panicked everyone, following the so-called Cuban missile crises. It never happened, but it COULD have. People (especially in the US) started looking for isolated locations and fervently started hoarding food and other supplies for a future life of living ‘off the grid’. They are still doing it to this day. The last two years has dramatically triggered a resurgence in this behaviour.

What these ‘preppers’ don’t realise is that we humans cannot survive for prolonged periods as individuals or small families  scattered about in isolation. Sooner or later, they will fall foul to something that will wipe them out. Imagine a scenario where a lone prepper is out foraging in the wild, twists on his foot and breaks an ankle at dusk in the middle of winter! Or falls ill and can’t go out and there’s no one else around to care for him in his incapacitated condition or to find food on his behalf. These are all the reasons why humans originally formed tribal communities to take advantage of the strength and protection of a community. Not least the sharing of skills and co-operation to support the tribe. Similarly animals form groups, packs, swarms or shoals – the chances of survival are dramatically increased in certain species that do this. Our cousins the primates do this, as do humans – for a very good reason – collective survival.

Personally I believe that individual prepping is futile. Even if your horde of food and supplies enables you to outlive others who are starving. Within a couple of years, all that you have done is prolonged the inevitable. It is also a selfish mentality “I don’t care about you – I’m alright Jack”. That is not the formula to use for survival in a crisis.

Group ‘Prepping’

This is a totally different proposition. Forming a group of like-minded people well in advance of a catastrophe is the key. However, there is a lot of groundwork that needs to be planned and executed.

As I mentioned earlier, humanity will divide – that process is well advanced already. There are those who have acquiesced and gone along with the Cabal’s plans, got themselves poisoned through deadly injections and will succumb to the culling process. The others who have been more alert, but are, and will be, increasingly marginalised, being deprived of food, medical services, travel etc. Labelled as a threat to fellow humans. At this very time we need to put things in place, so that when the breakdown of the system occurs, we, from the second group will be ready,

Stages Of ‘Prepping’

At this time of the lull we need to:

  1. gather our tribe together, using existing networks (e.g. the already established aSITP groups) and expand on that network. Later on communication will become far more difficult, especially when the Internet and telephone networks are no longer available;
  2.  target a location in the area of your future community, that will serve as the home of your local tribe. It should be a sheltered location, have adequate clean water sources and enough fertile land to support the growing of food and the use of animals;
  3. start gathering tools, supplies and things your tribe will need to survive when there is a breakdown of society and when official law and order has broken down;
  4. plan how your tribe will commandeer the location you have targeted;
  5. plan strategies to protect your location after commandeering it;
  6. start learning life and survival skills now. Knowledge of the basic essentials for survival are paramount. A tribe whose only skills are how to use a computer/ smart phone and the typing of messages will be useless in the situation we may face;
  7. design and form the structure of your community. This will be done by analysing the individual skills of your fellow tribe members;
  8. start forming ideas for the establishment of a school within your community not just for the children, but adults as well, also rudimentary medical provision for minor day to day problems and the establishment of a Common Law provision within your community.

To some this may seem like a madcap project, but make no mistake, it is a very real scenario. The infrastructure of modern society is extremely fragile, it’s collapse could virtually happen overnight. One occurrence like a total electrical grid outage and collapse, would plunge us not only into darkness, but back at least 200 years plus in our modern development and total dependence on energy. When you consider that humans have lived a natural existence for hundreds of thousands of years, and have only very recently in the context of time, fallen into this artificial dependency culture, you begin to realise how exposed and vulnerable we really are – more so with what is now going on (with false, planned, pandemics and wars)  than at any time in in the history of humanity.

We may not be aware of it, but swathes of people on this Earth, do not live as we presently do, here in the so-called ‘developed’ countries. Arguably, the indigenous tribes of the Earth, who have lived happily, contented and fulfilled lives in their stress free environments are the safest and best protected in a post apocalyptical world. We would do well to learn lessons from them. Anyone ignoring this very real possibility, which we have seen develop rapidly in these recent years, do so at their peril. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Theories about conspiracies are no longer theories, they are a reality, as any sound minded person should by now have observed and realised.

More To Follow

BGB will in the near future, distribute – by newsletter – more detailed information to it’s fast expanding number of subscribers; about how we need to come together to respond to this very real threat that faces us.

If you are a casual visitor to this website, can I suggest that you subscribe now (see below), so that you do not miss out on the information that is to be provided for you.

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