Month: April 2023

The MP They Failed To Gag

The Background

Before we get at the meat of this post, you may need to hear the background to this potentially explosive turn of events.

Rather than have me write it all out for you, please indulge BGB by listening carefully to this  broadcast by Richard Vobes, who himself has interviewed Andrew Bridgen MP.  In this short video clip he explains what has led up to this disgraceful attempt by MPs – across the parties in Westminster – to gag probably the most truthful and principled lone MP in that den of vipers.

You may possibly have missed these events, because the mainstream media, in their now familiar style, have tried to bury the events that took place.


Moving On To The Present

Last week UK Column News’ Brian Gerrish had an update interview with Andrew Bridgen MP. This information needs to be spread far and wide.  So BGB has reproduced that interview conducted by Brian Gerrish below,  so that our audience can be made party to what is going on –  from the horse’s mouth as it were.

Please feel free to copy the contents, or provide a link to the video (it might be a good idea for you to download and save Richard Vobes’ video as well, because it is hosted on You Tule, and through their policy of censorship, they may remove it without warning).

Here is the full interview that was conducted by Brian Gerrish on the 18th of April 2023. It should be noted that I, nor BGB have any political affiliation to any political party. I personally do not subscribe to any political organisation or any organised man-made religion. Regardless of any politics that any politician is associated with, our interest is solely  to get truthful information out there – regardless of who the messenger is.

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the contents.

If you feel aggrieved by what you’ve just witnessed, be sure to write to your own MP, to make them aware of your disgust.  They need to know, that despite their attempts to gag Andrew Bridgen, the cat is well and truly out of the bag, and they have nowhere to hide.

If you don’t have the contact details for your MP, then please

To get the information.

You may also like to view BGB’s  letter template page.


View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Depopulation Tools Don’t Come More Potent Than An All Out Nuclear War


I’m old enough to vividly remember the so-called Cuban missile crises. I won’t bore my readers with a description of what that was all about 63 years ago – you can easily find the information with a simple search on the Internet.

Suffice to say, we all knew what we would face if we had further nuclear use of weapons after the 1945 experience.  It was drilled into us what to do if such a thing did  happened again after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

After an early warning we were told to hide in a cellar – if we had one – or under tables at home or under desks –  if it happened when were at school. Our adult population were advised to invest in nuclear blast proof shelters.

Twenty years on from 1963,  I, and many others of my colleagues across the UK –  in our Civil Service roles  as engineers within the GPO  were tasked with the periodic job of checking the early warning system in underground observation posts scattered in out of the way rural areas (usually in farmers’ fields).  Also , monitoring equipment was secretly installed within the houses or businesses of key citizens, they  were also checked to ensure the equipment worked properly  in those properties .  It was crude, but it highlighted how seriously they took  the possibility  of a nuclear attack in those days.

If these ‘key’ citizens got the signal, they immediately headed for their designated,  underground bunker,  which would be  kitted out with a periscope (amongst other things) to observe any enemy aircraft activity. I was fascinated by the observation books stored in those underground  bunkers on Russian aircraft – so that they could by recognised and the information relayed  back to London. Those bunkers were also kitted out with rations – including chocolate (I suppose it provided comfort as they looked out over a nuclear decimated countryside through their raised periscopes!).

One I remember was housed in a tiny Post Office in Magor, Gwent.  Evidently the postmaster had a dual role – if he was a ‘key’ person.  I can divulge that now as he was a few decades older than me at the time and guaranteed gone by now.  We had to make sure that the equipment was working around the clock. We were all signed up to the Official Secrets Act, and under threat of imprisonment for treason – should we divulge this information.  We were bound to that oath of secrecy for a number of years, if any of us  left the GPO,  or until the information we were party to was no longer sensitive or current. That was about fifty years ago – so I’m pretty confident I’m off the hook by now!

Before I Go Further

And explain what is going on, You must view the video below, reproduced by BGB from Dr. Vernon Coleman’s 325th broadcast,  which explains that  the madmen in control have already started WW lll in his opinion,  it’s only a matter of time before it escalates into a full blown nuclear conflict.

Real Fear

In 1963, we quaked in our beds at night, we were still mentally fresh from  what had happened a mere 13 years previously when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were incinerated by just two nuclear bombs. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and it remains the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict since then. The whole world went rigid after the Cuban missile crisis.

By now few people are old enough to remember those times. Time has erased the fear, and that’s the problem.  Far from wishing to conjure up fear amongst the population (goodness knows we’ve been subjected to enough fear porn from our governments over the last three years),  but there’s a big difference between unwarranted  fear stoked up by those in power. For me, this is one that we do need to take heed and be aware of. Amazingly the mass media  in the western hemisphere is totally silent on the subject.

Nuclear bombs basically come in two types. Those available now are horrifically more potent than what was available in 1945, their delivery methods today –  using hypersonic rockets for delivery are like comparing a high velocity rifle bullet to the horse and cart method of delivering death and destruction using Boeing B-29 bombers; the B-29 was capable of flight at altitudes up to 31,850 feet (9,710 m), [28] at speeds of up to 350 mph (560 km/h; 300 kn) ( true airspeed ).

Hypersonic rockets can fly above the atmosphere at speeds in excess of Mach 5.

What is hypersonic?

Since the video below was published, it is now known that Russia has successfully developed and tested the next generation of hypersonic Inter Continental Ballistic missile delivery systems.  They are now far advanced of any defence systems or retaliatory attack systems that could be mounted against them.  Before  the west could scramble, the fight is over.  From pressing a button in Russia it would take only around six minutes to obliterate any target on the globe. And those targets would be blissfully unaware of their fate. That’s REALLY frightening. Hiding under a table is no longer an option, like it was in 1963!

Personally, I’d rather leave this world by being incinerated within microseconds of the event, sleeping quietly in my bed, rather than suffer a slow death due to chronic heart failure, which seems to be my fate. That though, is an extremely selfish thought, we have to think of how this scenario will effect those left over, our children, grandchildren and all future generations.


Fact Sheet

Here is a fact-sheet on what is estimated that Russia has in it’s arsenal, taking into account the Inter Continental Ballistic Missile  (ICBM) method of delivery;  but it gets worse, Russia has now perfected a hypersonic ICBM which is a few generations in advance of what the west have. The west is still failing to design and build hypersonic ICBMs. On top of that China has a correspondingly powerful nuclear arsenal and the same delivery capability:


Russia possesses a total of 5,977 nuclear warheads as of 2022, the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world; the second largest stockpile is the United States’ 5,428 warheads.

I remember reading somewhere in the mid seventies that the combined nuclear arsenals – back then – could blow the world up 36 times over (I wondered why they needed to blow it up another 35 times if they had already done it once?!!!).

Could they reach the UK?

ICBMs in Russia’s possession have the capability to reach and destroy major global cities such as London or Washington. Russia’s (hypersonic)  ICBMs can reach a top speed around 10 minutes after launch which could see one fired from Russia reach the UK  in no more than  just 20 minutes. A sobering thought.

What Is Going On Right Now

Vladimir Putin

President Putin has given the warning that if depleted Uranium missile heads are delivered to the Ukraine, it will be viewed as a nuclear attack on Russia, in the form of ‘dirty’ nuclear bombs.  He said that they will respond in kind – that means the gloves will be off. A week or so ago the UK’s prime minister declared that he was about to deliver depleted Uranium missile heads to the Ukraine. A good plan for peace talks? Hardly.

Because all of this madness is more complex than what people are shown and led to believe by the mass (corrupt) media.  People everywhere seem to be in a trance – as they were during the scam pandemic.  It all emanates from the maniacal eugenicists’ that rule the world’s governments from the World Economic Forum headquarters in Davos, Switzerland. Everything we’ve witnessed in the last three years  is a part of the greater agenda, to establish a New World Government (now rebranded as the Fourth Industrial Revolution). To do that the world’s population has to be culled to around 500 million – i.e. half a billion from the current 8 billion.  A fantasy conspiracy theory?

Check out the Georgia Guidestones:

The World Economic Forum (who may be behind the Georgia Guidestones) have openly admitted that the goal under Agenda 2030 is to lower and maintain world population figures at around 500 million.

Why Should a Nuclear  War Be imminent Now?

First we need to know what the real reasons for the NATO actions  for war in Ukraine really are. More importantly, why they are using this phoney ‘proxy’ war to antagonise and provoke Russia and China into elevating this manufactured war into an all out, worldwide, nuclear conflict.

As Dr. Vernon Coleman has announced WWlll may have already started. It’s zenith may quickly be observed, we may already be dust before we actually  hear of it. Those left over will possibly be 6% of the current world population. Now, start  following the research you can do to find out who also require a  94% cull of the population – look no further than the pronouncements of Klaus Schwab and his eugenics cronies at the WEF. A coincidence? Hardly.

This has been ramping up over many decades, then we had the scam Covid pandemic, where those who took the 20%  lethal batches of the bio-weaponised ‘shots’ and are now  falling like flies in it’s aftermath (checkout the latest post ‘vaccine’ death figures.

The  NWO  perpetrators have however been tripped up, due to the push-back by those who have woken up to this evil. So, it’s nearly time for the ‘ultimate solution’ (a phrase quoined by a  Fascist despot  of 80 years ago) – WAR the ultimate culling machine of the world’s population is to be wheeled out. Can we avert it? Yes most definitely,  when enough people wake up to what is going  on and protest in the billions. We are a gigantic force when we unite against a comparative tiny fistful of global elitists who are in control of the governments.

It’s time to evoke the fear of annihilation as demonstrated way back in 1963, during the Cuban missile crisis. It’s a matter of destroying the apathy, stop listening to western media propaganda and get busy to stop the inevitable.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Who Watches the Watchers? Who Guards the Guards?

So Who Is THEM?

There’s an increasing swathe of people getting the truth out there –  to those who have not yet understood what is going on across the globe. That’s the innocent, gullible and naïve who have difficulty joining the dots. Those involved in opening the  eyes and minds of the general public on the street, refer to those who are causing mayhem and destruction as “THEY” or “Them”.

The reality is that there are laws and rules (or no law) to protect THEM.. Whilst “WE” the People, are micro managed in our behaviour; – there are consequences for “US”,   severely executed by THEM – when WE are guilty of stepping out of line. When WE are perceived to have broken statutory law, and regulations put in place by THEM, without any consultation within their government or by consultation with WE the People and the rest of the public that THEY rule. Wasn’t it the PEOPLE who are supposed to rule THEM? Aren’t THEY supposed to be the public’s servants?

Political elites refer to the “Little People” (US) as those of little influence and mainly  the unaware. The term goyim (referred to as The Gentiles in Jewish communities, but not relevant in that context here) , cattle or “useless eaters” (as Henry Kissinger once said.) The term can have a misleading meaning since it suggests that it is the best who hold decision-making positions. In reality, political elites are often the product of social reproduction and only those who have already substantial economic, social and cultural means can access this status.

It is possible to suspect the political elite of sharing interests specific to the privileged categories from which it mainly comes. The fact remains that the increase in the technicality of public action is increasingly leading leaders to seek the opinion of personalities from civil society (association leaders, experts, scientists, etc. and of course the global business elites), which calls for qualifying the the thesis of the homogeneity of political elites.





See this excellent video on this  very topic by Neil Oliver – a  GBTV presenter:


If the embedded video does not display in your browser, please follow this link:

The elitist and pluralist approaches oppose each other on the question of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the ruling class.

In Elementi di Scienze politica (1896), Gaetano Mosca uses the term “ruling political class” to describe the minority that holds power in a society. According to him, “in all societies, from the least developed and civilized to the most advanced and powerful, there appear two classes of people – an ordinary class and a ruling class, who is beyond any watchers or guards. To keep that equilibrium , the the ordinary class have to be kept in the dark, be ignorant of their role and always to be subservient and totally controlled – usually by fear. The ruling class are always the least numerous, assumes all political functions, monopolizes power and enjoys the advantages it entails, while the second, the most numerous, is directed and controlled by the first, sometimes more or less legal, sometimes more or less arbitrary and violent”.

This minority, organized and conscious, forms a social class. It is therefore marked by a community of thought, of interests, of culture, of kinship, of economic power. It imposes its values ​​and its principle of legitimacy on the majority. However, this elite remains stratified: in the centre is a core leader (“the senior leaders”) more powerful than the others (“the secondary leaders”). It is this core that provides cohesion and strength as well as commanding the whole.

The sociology of the elites shows that the ruling categories come overwhelmingly from privileged social backgrounds, but that they cannot, in a democracy, govern alone.

From a more sociological point of view, studies show that the elites are very largely from privileged backgrounds. The manifest inequality of access to elective functions according to social background leads to the introduction of a gap between the representatives of the people and society.

Some people speak of a “state nobility” to designate the phenomenon of reproduction of the ruling elite through the increasingly pressing need to obtain a degree leading to positions of power.

The elites or the power elite?

Today, the elite ends up designating the occupation of an enviable position. “The elites” in the plural, is an expression constructed by contemporary sociology to explain the political transformations of societies developed from a non-Marxist perspective. The use of the syntagm “elites” “makes it possible to embrace, under a more abstract concept, the various types of leading or dominant groups which have succeeded one another and whose dated names have changed over the course of the regimes. [Above all, it recalls] the plural form of groups in struggle in the field of power and their constantly contested legitimacy

By Marxist

The Marxist thesis sheds some light on the analysis of power situations in society. It is a reading based on an economic analysis, which denies the specificity of politics. The fact of holding the levers of the economic machine gives the class that holds it access to political power (in the sense of control of the state apparatus). The state cannot be an arbiter, it is only a means of political domination in the hands of the holders of economic power. Economic power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of families who own the means of production, and inherit these means and political power. The power belongs only in appearance to the elected officials, in reality it is in the hands of the business circles. All the social, economic and political hierarchies merge into a single class which, thanks to the control of the state apparatus, exploits the rest of the nation and derives from this exploitation not only material benefit but also honours and privileges.

It is against this grid that the theme of the elites was constructed. In particular, the work of Vilfredo Pareto (Treaty of General Sociology, 1917) will refute this Marxist analysis. The two postulates of Marxist reasoning (the economy governs the relations of social classes, the ideology of a society is that of its dominant class) are disputed by Pareto. He affirms that the economy does not govern the relations of social classes; he himself came to sociology precisely because economics does not explain everything… economic facts themselves cannot be explained solely on the basis of economics.

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