Category: Climate Change (Page 1 of 2)

The Huge Lie – That All Other Cabal lies Follow In It’s Wake

Why Push The Truth About Man Made Climate Change?

Because if we don’t expose this massive lie, then our very existence is jeopardised. An exaggeration? Hardly. What’s more, put this lie to bed and many more lies that we’ve been exposed to, using the same technique will fall like dominoes.

This particular lie-  of huge portions – is the forerunner of all the other lies that have been fed to the population worldwide, and generally believed, thanks to it’s promotion across the globe by the disgraceful and wholly corrupt mainstream media.

Moreso recently, BGB has focused on the climate lie  why? It is because this lie has it’s roots as far back as over fifty years ago. Over the decades it has gathered momentum like a snowball gathering snow, although to start with, the BBC’s Weather Machine programme gleefully predicted that we were heading for an ice age! Something equally fearsome, as more people die from the cold than the heat. “They who must be obeyed” were starting to ramp up their fear machine, and soon discovered what a potent weapon it could be in the wrong hands.

All Change

Having discovered how ‘They’ could scare the pants off naïve people who get their information from a corrupt mainstream media – all bought and paid for – on a massive scale, this was too good an opportunity to pass by. Then along came the Earth summit in in June 1992. Where the fearmongering was ratcheted up to ridiculous levels. BUT it hasn’t all gone their way – the scaremongering was waning and people were losing interest, not least because the climate alarmists’ predictions failed to come true on time!

Enter the new scare PANDEMICS. That is also losing traction as people see through that scam as well. So what do they do?  ‘They’ fall back on the old scare: CIMATE CHANGE  due to human activity. So now we have seasonal scares. In summertime we have to be scared of CO2 induced changes hence the change in our climate, more absurdly the farting patterns of cattle. Those poor beasts are threatened by culling – or more ludicrous still it is proposed that they wear face masks to lower their belching skills. If you don’t believe that those who dictate to us are mad, then you must be mad yourself to go along with them.

Then in the winter season we are bombarded with hysterical scare stories about another wave of Covid!

Earth Summit

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio Conference or the Earth Summit , was a major United Nations conference held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992.

Earth Summit was created as a response for member states to (supposedly) cooperate together internationally on development issues after the Cold War. Due to issues relating to (so-called)  sustainability being too big for individual member states to handle, Earth Summit was held as a platform for other member states to collaborate. This was the ever progression of the concept of central control of most nations of the world, but pre-eminently a concept hotly  pursued by the western hemisphere governments – dancing to the tune of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and later the World Health Organisation, all in lock-step with the goal of eventually grasping world control and what has been described as the New World Order – as espoused by the likes of Karl Schwab.

A key achievement of the 1992 conference was the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established in part as an international environmental treaty to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system” and to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It was signed by 154 states at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). By 2022, the UNFCCC had 198 parties. Its supreme decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP) meets annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change, or rather the progress towards the totalitarian tip-toe of accomplished world control from a central source, through propaganda and manipulation.

The Documentary Film You MUST Watch

It’s all part of the agenda, to herd us towards the World Economic Forum/ World Health Authority and the United Nation’s vision of a totalitarian – world wide regime where the globalist elites have total control of a depopulated earth and all it’s resources – including us – the slaves.

The man made climate change myth follows a tight template for it’s manifestation, based on fear.

You terrify the population with predictions of doom based on false science (exactly the same with false pandemic scares). You allow it to marinate, via mainstream media. You offer a solution, which invariably chimes with the depopulation agenda. It’s the classic (false) PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION sequence.

So you thinks that there’s a consensus of opinion that the planet is collapsing, which has been caused by global warming at the hands of the population? WRONG!

In this documentary film you will hear from the true experts who expose the lies you have been fed by the so-called ‘consensus’ of scientists who have supposedly proven the swindle that has been based on twisted science. All in the name of ‘sustainable development’ that goes back many decades.

Now hear the other side of the argument, if you still have an open mind, open ears and open eyes.  Please share far and wide.

In Case You Missed It:

Here is another BGB video from a previous article published on this Blog. It re-enhances the contents of the above documentary film.


View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Are You Naïve Enough To Still Trust Them?

Have you noticed how the word ‘TRUST’ has been creeping into the official narrative? Trust the government, trust the NHS, trust the police, trust the science, trust the so-called experts, trust the mass and corrupted media and of course when they say “trust us” when they tell you the most ridiculous scare story of all – the earth is burning up etc. etc. etc. There’s a reason for this trust business – trust has been totally shattered and lost. The pathetic way used to try and retrieve that trust by the authorities  (an impossibility under the current climate – pun not intended) is to repeat the mantra of “trust us” at every opportunity.

I’ve been meaning to write a piece on climate change (notice it’s now man made ‘climate change’ as opposed to the old descriptor ‘man made global warming’ which has lost traction. Then we had the Maui incident recently, apparently labelled ‘wildfires’ as a result of climate change.  I held off writing anything about the incident, until firm evidence had surfaced. We have to be very careful in our reporting, because some are a little over zealous in the independent media. Slip-ups have  fatal consequences on credibility, The authorities are fast realising that, as they keep shooting themselves in their feet, as the truth quietly and irrepressibly floats to the surface and trust in authorities disappears.

Theories are spreading online that the devastating fires on Maui allegedly started “too suddenly” and “burned too harshly” to be classified as a natural wildfire. The general consensus among Maui locals is that these deadly fires were not a natural disaster, but a deliberate act.

As we all seek the truth, it’s important to stay grounded in facts and reality. Here are some details worth contemplating:

  • A viral video suggests that it depicts lasers setting fires to Maui… is actually a video of a transformer exploding in Chile.
  • The head of the Maui Emergency Management resigned just one day after he defended his decision of not deploying evacuation sirens.
  • Cell communications went down.
  • While the fires were raging, the water supply was turned off, leaving residents and firefighters unable to save businesses, homes, and lives.
  • Citizen-chartered boats on course to rescue residents were turned away.
  • Maui’s Police Chief also oversaw the controversial Las Vegas massacre in 2017.
  • President Biden offered only $700 in emergency assistance per Maui household the same week he allocated another 24 billion dollars to Ukraine.
  • The World Economic Forum was spearheading a plan to use Maui as a prototype for AI-controlled clean energy.
  • In January 2023, a conference held in Maui focused on transforming the entire island into a “15-minute smart city.”
  • Real estate developers have been pushing hard to acquire Lahaina. Indigenous locals have denied every offer to sell their sacred land.

Only time will tell what really happened on the beloved island of Maui. Do technologies exist that could be responsible for these fatal fires? Yes, they do. Are there people heartless enough to orchestrate such an unthinkable act of mass murder? Unfortunately, there are. Man-made catastrophes – which often present similar signs as these tragic fires – occur more often than any of us would like to believe.

To better understand the dark motivation to destroy properties, see this clip from The Great Awakening:

That is a very healable angle on what is going on.  Others have pointed to the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEPs)  that have been deployed for the purpose of burning down the houses, businesses and homes of the residents, whilst blaming it all on climate change. To view a grounded and very credible article on the Global Research website:

Whilst doing my own research for my proposed article on global warming/ climate change, I came across an excellent article written in Off Guardian by Iain Davis, who is an exceptional journalist and writer. Having thoroughly explored and analysed Iain’s piece, I came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no point in reinventing the wheel. There is nothing that I could add or take away from what he has written. So I’ve reproduced it in full below. I wholeheartedly agree with his observations and thoroughly recommend that visitors to this blog also read it in detail. Let the contents seep in and pass the information to everyone you know and have contact with.

The Infuriating Climate Alarm

Iain Davis

In the UK, we all know that this summer has been rubbish. We had a few weeks of glorious sunshine in June and since then it’s been bloody miserable. It’s been cold, wet and the dog has got trench-foot. Which isn’t great because he stinks at the best of times—bless him.

Yet, according to the UN Secretary General and blithering buffoon, António Guterres, we’ve entered the “era of global boiling.” Though not in the UK—or anywhere else for that matter

Just as we were during the pseudopandemic, we are once again invited to reject the evidence of our own senses and “trust” whatever we are told by the “experts,” although Guterres is not a meteorologist. Mind you, Bill Gates isn’t an epidemiologist and everyone “trusted” his “expert” opinion during the pseudopandemic, so who cares?

I know! I know! Weather isn’t climate change. While climate constantly changes, the process can only be understood through the accumulation of evidence revealing a highly complex system that is subject to radiative forcing.

It is safe to say that no one who seriously questions “climate change” alarm, denies that climate changes. What they question are the claims made by organisations like the UK Met Office:

The evidence is clear: the main cause of climate change is burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. When burnt, fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the air, causing the planet to heat up.

There isn’t one, published scientific paper, anywhere on Earth, that empirically proves that increased atmospheric CO2 precedes and causes global warming. The evidence is far from “clear.”

Climate change alarmists offer all kinds of convoluted arguments, usually by applying highly questionable statistical models, in their attempt to prove causality. Yet this very basic, empirical scientific proof is notable only for its absence.

But let’s not let scientific facts get in the way of a good story. The planet is boiling I tells ye!

Cats – wondering why human beings don’t know what to do when it’s hot.

If CO2 is the problem then the solution seems pretty simple, not to mention quite pleasant: plant as many trees as we can, wherever we can, and don’t cut them down to burn in biomass power plants that emit more CO2 than brown-coal fired power stations. But that is not a “solution” that anyone in power is interested in.

No, the proposed solution to supposed planetary vaporisation is Sustainable Development debt slavery. Which all raises a few questions about, for example, UK Met Office gibberish. It’s almost as if there’s some sort of agenda at play. Which, of course, there is.

But we’re not going rehash arguments about the climate change woo-woo Science™. There’s no point anyway. Climate change alarm is a death cult, not an exercise in intellectual honesty.

Instead, let’s look at just a few examples of obvious climate alarm tripe. As we do, we’ll also ponder why, if anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory is so sound, so-called “climate scientists” and the mainstream media—legacy media—feel the need to perpetually lie about its alleged effects.

In 2009, the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, which provides much of the HadCRUT data underpinning the IPCC’s climate change models, was caught fiddling the climate data in order to “prove” AGW theory.

Scientific fraud was evident and key “climate scientists” involved were subsequently unable to provide any data to support their misleading conclusions. Something that was later proven in court. Yet still the legacy media (LM), in this instance represented by the appalling propagandists at the Guardian, manage to deny the blatant scam.

This is all irrelevant because, irrespective of the fake science, all scientists agree that the planet is being cooked like a hard boiled egg. Except the Nobel laureate physicists who don’t. Oh, and all the other scientists who don’t either.

They are not “real” scientists and therefore must be cancelled and definitely barred from explaining to the IMF that the IPCC’s modelled predictions are drivel. Global financial institutions are set to profit from “da climate Science™” and are not interested in having their plans undermined by pesky, Nobel prize winning scientists.

Gutteres’ boiling planet yarn is based upon the recent LM alarm about the Cerberus and Charon heatwaves that supposedly plagued central and southern Europe. The LM used scary colours on their maps to make sure everyone soiled themselves. As if naming the summer after mythical devil-dogs and boatmen for the dead wasn’t enough.

Reuters said ambulances had been put on standby to rescue people from the sunshine; Sky warned that the fingerprints of climate change were forcing people to “shelter from the heat;” CNN reported that the heat was at “unbearable levels” and the constantly petrified Guardian, alleging that “human-caused climate crisis is supercharging extreme weather around the world,” added:

The European Space Agency (ESA) said the next week could bring the hottest temperatures ever recorded in Europe.

While the Guardian mentioned the ESA, they neglected to report its subsequent data clarification. The ESA made it clear that they were providing satellite readings of “land surface temperatures” not the “air temperatures” that are commonly given in weather reports.

On a hot day, land surface temperatures tend to be considerably higher than air temperatures. The degree of difference varies, depending on numerous factors such as the heat absorption and radiation properties of the surface material and so on. As pointed out by the pro-climate alarm website SkepticalScience:

[. . .] on a sunny day in a heatwave, many land surfaces become hotter than the air – that’s how tarmac can melt in a sunny spot.

Contradicting themselves, and ignoring the ESA clarification completely, SkepticalScience then said that the reported air temperature high of 48.8°C on July 17th “did happen.” However, as pointed out by the genuinely sceptical Watts-Up-With-That (WUWT), this claim presents us with a major conundrum.

The LM consistently reported “air temperatures” that were the same as the ESA’s reported “land surface temperature.” The air temperature should have been notably lower, but wasn’t reported to be so.

Quite simply, that just can not be true. It is all very odd, because the actual recorded air temperatures were lower than those reported by the LM, such as the Guardian and the BBC.

This is not to say that it wasn’t very hot in southern and some parts of central Europe and the US. But the ridiculous, exaggerated LM claims that July was the hottest month in 125,000 years were unmitigated claptrap. As Kit Knightly, writing for the OffGuardian, rightly observed, there is simply no way to know this.

The University of Alabama and Hunstsville (UAH) Global Temperature Record is also a key data set for the IPCC. The UAH measures temperature anomalies and, using this measure—which is not the same as a consistent average—confirmed that July 2023 was the hottest July and the hottest single month since 1979, when satellite records began. Given, for example, that an “air temperature” anomaly of 50°C was recorded in Paris in August 1930—before satellite records began—the “hottest ever” claims don’t remotely stack up, even from an anomaly perspective, and certainly don’t constitute any evidence of the “ravages” of CO2 driven climate change.

Reports from European holiday makers that they had to avoid the midday sun, as they mingled with the crowds enjoying the lovely weather, is hardly a sign of the end-times. Noel Coward wrote the song “Mad Dogs and Englishmen,” advising people to avoid sweltering midday temperatures, in 1931. It went down well because it was funny and something people could relate to. Probably because the 1930s was the hottest decade of the 20th century.

Hell on Earth apparently. – source:

SkepticalScience is among the climate alarm pushers who assert that the heatwave was obviously caused by climate change. As noted by James Corbett and James Even Pilato, that notion is speculative to say the least.

Both NASA and the ESA reported that the Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano eruption in January 2022 increased the amount of stratospheric water vapour by a minimum of 10%, possibly up to 30%. So vast was this expulsion of H2O that it is likely to increase average global temperatures for several years to come.

If you are looking for LM reports on the staggering global climate impact of this event, don’t bother. There aren’t any.

Instead, the BBC, for example, published an article on July 14th 2023 which spoke about the amazing expulsion of lava and ash and the spectacular associated volcanic lightning. They even linked to the NASA report which said the additional volume of atmospheric water vapour was enough to “fill the equivalent of 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.” But the BBC propagandists couldn’t bring themselves to report the rest of the quoted NASA statement, which read:

The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth’s global average temperature.


From a global warming perspective this is kind of a big deal.

Just eleven days later—July 25th—BBC amnesiacs told the world that the European and US heatwaves would have been “near impossible” without climate change. Despite previously citing the NASA and ESA findings which clearly show this claim is totally groundless.

The BBC offered a ludicrous report from World Weather Attribution (WWA)—deceptively calling it a “study”—to supposedly “confirm” that “climate change” had increased the heatwaves by 2.5°C. Based upon nothing but LM reports and speculative computer models, the WWA report was scientifically illiterate dross that presented absolutely no evidence at all to support any of its wacky conclusions.

The  Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption and the ESA spawned media “confusion,” over the difference between surface and air temperatures, was entirely ignored by the BBC as it pumped out its climate change propaganda. Rounding off its disinformation, the BBC wrote:

[. . .] increased temperatures from burning fossil fuels was the main driver in the more intense heatwaves.

A conclusion, it is worth reiterating, for which there is no evidence. The BBC’s role is to make you imagine that the evidence exists.

SkepticalScience, which isn’t sceptical enough to explore atmospheric science or check what its scientific sources really said, didn’t deem it necessary to mention any of this either. But it did ram home that anyone who questions climate alarm is a “climate denier”:

People who create and/or circulate such myths are denying plain reality. That reality is that it got extremely hot across southern Europe for a prolonged period in July 2023. Such prolonged heat is a serious health-hazard, never mind the appalling wildfires.

Aah, the wildfires!

Presumably ignited by the 40+°C heat. Or so the LM would have us believe.

Reporting the “end of the world,” the BBC were certain that the “heatwave spreading across Europe is fuelling wildfires in Portugal.” Someone should tell the Portuguese the end of the world is nigh, because comments from people in Portugal during the “catastrophic heatwave” don’t give rise to any cause for alarm.

This is all reminiscent of the climate alarm that spewed out of the LM during the Canadian wildfires in June that sent a pall of smoke across the US eastern seaboard. The New York Times said this provide us with a “grim climate lesson;” CBS said that the fires were started by lightNing caused by dry hot weather as “climate change continues to warm the planet” and the always unreliable BBC wrote “climate change increases the risk of the hot, dry weather that is likely to fuel wildfires.”

But the prize for most outstanding baloney must go to the Guardian for its unhinged piece, “Canada’s Wildfires are Part of a New Climate Reality.” Claiming that the fires were the “harbinger of our climate future” and that climate change could “double the acreage burned by wildfires each year,” the Guardian exposed itself when it revealed that its headline “new climate reality” was “sourced” from a tweet by US politician Bernie Sanders. Probably after he read a New York Times or other LM article that told him what to think.

None of these wildly inaccurate LM affirmations were remotely plausible. In a fully referenced article, weather forecaster Chris Martz, outlined the many reasons why there is no foundation for the claims that the Canadian boreal forest wildfires were, in any sense, attributable to CO2 caused “climate change:”

Headlines and armchair experts articulated with boastful confidence that the primary cause of the Canadian fires [. . .] was climate change. Despite the fact these claims are neither supported by the greater body of peer-reviewed work nor the observational record.

The actual reasons for the Canadian wildfires were the encroachment of human settlements into woodland areas—increasing the human ignition risk, decades of poor forestry management and inclement weather conditions that produced the lightning strikes which appeared to simultaneously ignite some of the fires.

Prior to the heat driven thunderstorms, Canada had been experiencing average or below average temperatures for the time of year. As Martz accurately observed:

This justifies the case that the fire weather conditions were a transient response to ongoing weather conditions which primed the environment, not a long-term pattern that could be altered by the climatic base state.

Martz reported the Canadian government’s forest burn area records from 1959 to date. Contrary to all the claims spewed out by LM disinformation agents, the records clearly show that total burn areas and fires peaked in the late 1980s. They have steadily decreased ever since. There is, once again, no correlation with increased CO2 levels nor any evidence linking the boreal wildfires to “climate change.”

Like most people who question climate alarm, Martz is concerned about the environment and recognises that the obsession with CO2 reduction does nothing to address the real environmental problems. He wrote:

Sitting on our hands and blaming climate change for every abnormal environmental event is a waste of time when our efforts would be better spent on addressing how to manage risk and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 programme yesterday morning, some numpty—sorry, I didn’t catch her name—claimed that the seas were boiling. Because climate change … Duh! I’m sure she is a learned numpty, but seemingly clueless nonetheless.

This followed on from the usual BBC climate bunk highlighting that Florida seawater surface temperatures had achieved 37.8°C. This, we were authoritatively informed, was all caused by climate change. The Guardian piled in to ramp up the terror. That being said, Guardian columnists also think we should end farming to save the planet, so perhaps taking the Guardians word for anything isn’t the wisest course.

Both the BBC and the Guardian had simply parroted a story fed to them by the newswires. There was no more “journalism” than that. They investigated nothing, didn’t verify anything and just published whatever they were told to publish.

The high water temperature reading was taken from just one sensor buoy in Manatee Bay, near Key Largo. Writing for WUWT, Jim Steele pointed out that the temperature reading of the same buoy had dropped to 29°C within a day. Other measurement buoys in the surrounding waters were consistently reporting much lower water temperatures. This was due to the fact that the Manatee Bay buoy floats in a sheltered, coastal “solar pond,” largely protected from cold water flows.

If CO2 propelled climate change caused the buoy reading to climb to 37.8°C, then it must have caused it to cool down again the next day. Equally, “climate change” must also be responsible for the much cooler waters surrounding Manatee Bay. This is, of course, an absurd contention. As Steele highlighted:

Clearly those water temperatures were being driven by dynamics other than rising CO2.

Clearly! So why couldn’t the LM figure that out? Are they all irretrievably stupid or is there something else going on?

As we noted earlier, weather is not climate change. Except when it’s really hot.

While it was scorching in Europe and the US, the LM regaled us with an slew of climate change fairy tales. However, as soon as the weather in the same European and US regions returned to at or below average temperatures they fell stony silent. According to LM propagandists like the Guardian, “climate change” always reverts back to weather when it is chuffin’ freezing.

Wherever we look, those who are pushing the idea that climate change threatens some sort of cataclysm just can’t stop misleading, manipulating, deceiving and propagandising. The question is why. If we accept that climate change is a concern, why do they feel the need to constantly lie about its alleged impacts?

It is never ending. Frankly, it has become infuriating. Maybe that’s the point.

Every nonsensical climate alarm story we have discussed deploys applied behavioural psychology to convince you to believe evident insanity. You are supposed to unquestioningly accept that the planet is “literally” on fire. Or, as the the UN Secretary General insists for no apparent reason, that the era of “global boiling” is upon us.

We are very close to climate lockdowns to “save the planet.” None of this has anything to do with climate change.

The only thing that is “literally” true is that the net-zero, sustainable development solution is “literal” population control. The mind-bending propaganda can only succeed if you ignore the view from your own window, which invariably reveals that it is actually pissing down.

When the farcical climate lockdowns arrive, may I suggest you dress for the weather, grab a bottle of water, and go out and enjoy yourself. What are they going to do? Lock us up in our own homes again?

I’ll see you out there.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Highjacking ‘Environmentalism’ – a Master Stroke

It All Starts With Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030

Way back in 1992 , the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the ‘Earth Summit’, was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 3-14 June 1992. This global conference, held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the first Human Environment Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972, brought together political leaders, diplomats, scientists, representatives of the media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from 179 countries for a massive effort to focus on the impact of human socio-economic activities on the environment. A ‘Global Forum’ of NGOs was also held in Rio de Janeiro at the same time, bringing together an unprecedented number of NGO representatives.


In reality sustainable development – United Nations style – is a smoke and mirrors project,  linked in closely to the World Economic Forum’s vision for control and eventual one government solution where-  in Klaus Schwab’s words –

“You will own nothing and be happy”.

Make no mistake the climate change myth is tied in very closely to other things, like scam pandemics, economic collapse, fifteen minute cities, and other fear porn mongering to keep us in a state of constant  anxiety  and fear .  The whole concept of sustainable development sounds so good and is wrapped up in kind words. Who would argue that it’s a bad thing? After all, most people, and even politicians involved in governance, would immediately see it as an improvement on  the current state of affairs – the reality is that it’s sugar wrapped poison. The kind words that appeal to environmentalists, and good principled and morally inclined people is bait to allow the globalist elites to move forward with their plans, for total control of the 500 million (not a wild assumption, but openly referred to in Agenda 2030, but well buried in the document) that they want the world population to be culled down to half a billion from the current eight odd billion.

If you believe that Agenda 21 and now Agenda 2030  is all about sustainability for the good of the world’s population, then you are hideously mislead – especially the run of the mill environmentalists in our midst. Below is a BGB reproduction of a video by Jerry Day. His words of wisdom will hopefully open your eyes wider  to the reality. But first, here is the video BGB reproduced some time back featuring Rosa Koire – who since the recording sadly passed away on May 30th, 2021 . The video is one of the best explanations of Agenda 21:

Here is a PDF file of Agenda21 for you to read for yourself:


Here also is a PDF file of Agenda 2030:

Agenda-2030- Sustainable_Development

Moving On To Jerry Day’s Video;

Environmentalism Is Destroying The Environment

The Reality From A Real Expert – There Are More Of Them About Than We Are Led to Believe.

As mentioned above, the climate change scam is part and parcel of the greater goal of those who control things, including paid for key personnel in governments around the globe (the ones who are not in key positions, have little interest in what’s happening and are therefore cloth eared ignoramuses). The mainstream media, big pharma and other global industrial corporate interests – who are unimaginably rich – make up the coven of greedy eugenicist that are a part of the Davos claque. That’s why it’s left to the public to wake others up to the disaster that is close to coming to fruition.

We have been led to believe that virtually all so called ‘experts’ are agreed that we have a man-made climate changing catastrophe on our hands. This hogwash, is promoted by the media. The sad thing is a large (but decreasing) number of the public has fallen for it. Let’s hear the other side of the coin from a true expert – Professor Ian Plimer, who is one of the world’s foremost geologists, and who is a REAL expert on the subject.

Professor Ian Plimer is Australia’s best-known geologist. He is Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne, where he was Professor and Head of Earth Sciences (1991-2005) after serving at the University of Newcastle (1985-1991) as Professor and Head of Geology.

He was Professor of Mining Geology at The University of Adelaide (2006-2012) and in 1991 was also German Research Foundation Professor of Ore Deposits at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München (Germany).

He was on the staff of the University of New England, the University of New South Wales and Macquarie University. He has published more than 120 scientific papers on geology and was one of the trinity of editors for the five-volume Encyclopedia of Geology.

Professor Plimer spent much of his life in the rough and tumble of the zinc-lead-silver mining town of Broken Hill where an interdisciplinary scientific knowledge intertwined with a healthy dose of scepticism and pragmatism are necessary. He is Patron of Lifeline Broken Hill and the Broken Hill Geocentre. He worked for North Broken Hill Ltd, was a consultant to many major mining companies and has been a director of numerous exploration public companies listed in London, Toronto and Sydney. In his post-university career he is proudly a director of a number various unlisted private Hancock Prospecting companies.

A new Broken Hill mineral, plimerite, was named in recognition of his contribution to Broken Hill geology. Ironically, plimerite is green and soft. It fractures unevenly, is brittle and insoluble in alcohol. A ground-hunting rainforest spider Austrotengella plimeri from the Tweed Range (NSW) has been named in his honour because of his “provocative contributions to issues of climate change”. 




For those who are protesting and riling locally against solar and wind power (which is a truly commendable effort on their part) I would suggest that they pick up on the above video featuring Prof. Plimer at the 32 minute mark. In that section he gives brilliant rebuttal facts about wind and solar generation. Many of the points he makes were unknown to me until I viewed this video. I say this because the video is rather long, and although it’s content is fascinating, some of us are rather short on patience when it comes to sitting down to see and listen to these pearls of information in their entirety.

Putting effort into protesting and writing letters etc. is good – as far as it goes. What needs to be done is to dismantle the lies we’ve been fed by attacking local Agenda 21 policies at the local level. Challenge your council about whether they have adopted these policies at a local level, all of which spring from the UN’s summit on sustainable development as far back as 1992 at Rio De Janiro and further back at Stockholm in 1972 (this is all explained in Rosa Koire’s video above).). The madness starts at that point with national and local governments being coerced into action according to the UN’s policy on climate change and sustainable development. It is a multi faceted beast that also   involves health scares and the dismantling of our economic infrastructure.

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Dark Secrets of The United Nations

The Roots Of The Organisation

The United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945 – just after the Second World War. It morphed from the earlier organisation – The League of Nations – that was formed immediately after the First World War that ended just about twenty years before the outbreak of the Second World War. Both wars were planned, contrived and financed by the Globalist Élites (also known as billionaire  oligarchs. the illuminati and the Cabal, although the ‘Cabal’ is further back in the shadows and directs control via it’s front stage henchmen in the World Economic Forum (WEF) based in Davos, with Klaus Schwab at the helm. I don’t want to go off on a tangent here; If the reader would like more information on the origins of the Cabal, you can view a past article on this Blog that explains more on the origins of the Cabal

View Published ARTICLE

Treachery Of War Financiers

Up to our present time, the UN has again morphed – this time it is run from Davos under the banner of the WEF. The UN mission statement from 1945, that it was set-up to bring peace to the world is a heinous and outrageous lie. In the inverted world of the’ Globalists  ‘peace’ means ‘war’. The UN’s central mission has been the proliferation of war, and all the evils that follow after those wars. War is profitable peace is not.

In the same fashion as the Napoleonic wars were financed by the biggest banking family of that time period –  the Rothchilds.  So too wars have been fermented by the UN – as we see in the current  Ukraine (proxy) war driven by NATO and fuelled by the Davos clique through the banking system and their control of penetrated governments of the world – (Schwab’s words not mine). However, the hand played by the  the UN goes a lot further, as their agenda for mankind, working alongside one of their instrument of devastation – The World Health Organisation (WHO) the lock-step-agenda  is becoming clearer by the day as people are waking up to reality.

The Rothschild family have funded the losers and the winners of all wars since the Napoleonic Wars of 1803 to 1815. They fund both sides so that whichever side wins, they profit. In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte is campaigning against Wellington. Jacob Rothschild, in Paris, funds Napoleon while Nathan Rothschild, in London, funds Wellington. Soon, the family decides that it is more profitable if Britain wins the war as the British royal family is indebted to the Rothschild family: thus, Jacob limits the funds to Napoleon’s army.

Knowing that Britain is winning the war, Nathan starts selling off his British bonds in lump sums. Other traders conclude that France must be winning and Britain losing. They also dump their British bonds in large sums. As a result, the price of the bond plummets and becomes very low. Once Nathan sees that the other traders have sold all their bonds, he begins buying them back at ridiculously low prices. When the news reaches the ordinary citizens that Britain has won the war, the value of the British bond rises so high that Nathan makes a huge profit. Ever since, the Rothschild family use their money and power to design the economies of other countries in the world. They also create economic crashes to make a profit out of them, just like they do in Britain in 1815.

From The Mouth Of A Whistle-blower

You can choose to ignore the findings of myself and many hundreds of thousands of other researchers – who are routinely and disparagingly labelled “conspiracy Theorists” by the corrupt and paid for mainstream media, along with so-called ‘Fact Checkers’ who are also influenced by those currently in control of world events. PLEASE don’t take our word for it, but you should take heed of what you hear and learn from those who have broken ranks, to help us wake up the public to the situation.

BGB at all times makes the effort to bring you the information from the horse’s mouth. Our goal is to expose the truth and spread the word to everyone who is not aware of the situation that humanity finds itself in today. Time is short – we desperately need to educate those amongst us who are naïve, gullible and innocent. Eventually, everyone will see through the lies, and the perceived reality that these powerful elites have led us to believe.

Calin Georcescu

Dr. Calin Georcescu

You may not have heard of him previously, but he is a former, high ranking Romanian executive director at the UN (he was previously the EU representative president at the infamous ‘Club of Rome)’.

In the following BGB reproduction of a ‘Stop World Control’ video, we are treated to a conversation between Dr. Calin Georcescu and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who now heads up the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC Law). He was formerly involved with the Berlin Covid  Investigation Committee, collecting evidence for a trial against those involved in the Covid scam.

This is a big shell shock for many who  see and hear this video for the first time. It opens our eyes to what the UN’s dark secrets are. It also helps us to see the connections between the UN, WHO  and the WEF and all others involved at the highest level.



Can I ask that you help us in our quest to get this information out to everyone we  possibly can on earth. Please feel free to download it,

and then redistribute it – if you have the means to do so. 

Alternatively , you can forward the URL address of this article by e-mail  to everyone you know.

Or, if you would like to embed the video in your own web site or Blog, then please

Thank you.

A Bit Of Dessert After The Main Course . . . 

If you fancy a bit of afters, here is a little video from The People’s Voice, that further exposes what the Cabal have in store for us via the WEF. Individually, we need to rise up against this contrived insanity:


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Joining The Dots Is Quite Easy – After It’s Been Explained To You

Coincidences Are Rare

As a drowning human reaches and grasps at anything that will stop them sinking,  So too,  when you point out to someone who is not in the ‘know’ , how events and connections are linked through evidence of collusion in order to to commit an illegal act, (called a ‘conspiracy ‘). The drowning man will tell you it’s  “just a coincidence” – to save his argument from sinking.

Here is the definition of ‘conspiracy’ from the Cambridge dictionary:

noun [ C or U ]
the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal:
The three men are accused of conspiracy.
[ + to infinitive ]

She has been charged with conspiracy to murder.
I think there was a conspiracy to keep me off the committee.

conspiracy of silence

a general agreement to keep silent about a subject for the purpose of keeping it secret:
The conspiracy of silence around these buried munitions endangered public health.

That should be straightforward. But,  if you view the actions of organisations  over a prolonged period – as individual occurrences  (such as the machinations of bodies like the World Health Organisations, World Economic Forum, United Nations, governments –  mostly those in the western hemisphere who have been infiltrated and especially the move over the last few years to herd us into a pandemic scam situation, and of course, the corrupt and controlled mass media outlets – such as the BBC ), most unaware people will explain it away as ‘coincidences‘. Better still, they label anyone, regardless of their professional status, as  ‘conspiracy theorists’ if they dare to go against the official narrative, or provide evidence of a conspiracy. The humorous thing is that as the so labelled ‘conspiracy theories become a reality as they emerge into the light of day, the ‘theorists’ are running out of theories!  As ever more people are waking up to the reality of what is happening., exactly as predicted.

The reality is that this conspiracy is so huge and spread out, that most people view it as something that cannot possibly be true, hence they response by saying “it’s just a coincidence”.  Coincidences are rare.

Dr. Jacob Nordangård

A hugely interesting character, whose field of expertise stretches to minute and detailed research into the organisations that power the likes of the World Economic Forum.  He has also written books on the subject and all his research can be backed up by a post mortem of historical facts.

Democracy, Power and the Global Coup d’Etat. A Talk With Jacob Nordangård, PhD.

PharosThe following paragraphs and film is an excerpt lifted from the Pharos site. It’s important to listen to the likes of Dr. Jacob Nordangård, a truly open and critical minded, multi talented academic. The main reason being that it helps us to connect the dots from way back, which has culminated in the aggregation of the global elites with all of the private enterprise/ political sector data to fulfil their great goal of world control of humans and the final establishment of a  New World Order under a  one world (tyrannical) government. What we have just experienced in the last three years or so, is no accident, it was planned and formulated by this evil network to achieve their ultimate goal.

Anyone who has witnessed the recent world events from an angle other than the propaganda (or silence and censorship of the truth)  based mainstream media,  will surely have realised that something cataclysmic is taking effect. However, whist an ever increasing number of the public will have picked up on this, many will not have got a wider picture that involves joining up the dots and putting the pieces together to form the complete picture.


The Swedish scholar and PhD, Jacob Nordangård has made it his academic mission to analyse and map the global power networks and how they drive societal change. In his latest book he argues that we are experiencing a global Coup d’Etat, orchestrated by a technocratic elite, obsessed with a utopian vision of the perfect society, regardless of the sacrifice of individual human rights along the way.

In his dissertation at the University of Linköping, he traced the history and lineage of the EU bio fuel policies and this led him to understand the key role of the ultra rich Rockefeller family in shaping the climate narrative and the UN Agenda 2030. In Part 1 of two talks with Kathrine Johansson, PhD, who is herself a skilled researcher and academic, Jacob Nordangård gives us the big picture behind the digital vaccine passport and the key alliances between global corporations and institutions driving the current transnational policies. Besides being a author, an academic scholar and a lecturer Jacob Nordangård is also a musician and an artist, making him a true renaissance man.

Having had a taster of what Dr. Jacob Nordangård has to say, you are now  invited to watch the BGB reproduction below, of an  originally compiled video by Oracle Films. In this film below, Jacob Nordangård gives a presentation to an audience to explain how the jigsaw pieces historically fit together from way back, with special emphasis on the Eugenics subject, the Rockefellers influence and other big global figures that include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and many other powerful actors – including the banking system – that culminate in the World Economic Forum, headed by the dark figure of Klaus Schwab:

“The Bird’s Eye View & The Worm’s Eye View”.

One sees the overall world pf connected events the other sees ‘coincidental’ single events

That’s a phrase I’ve used a few times on my Blog. What it means is, there’s two ways of looking at things. There’s the bird’s eye view that sees a wide angle aerial view of everything – which is the big picture based on meaningful research by serious researchers. Then you have the worm’s eye view, which only takes in the immediate area that the worm can see – it doesn’t mean they don’t want to see (those are the moles that live in darkness),  it’s just that their view is purposely  restricted by those who want to keep them away from the reality.  Many of the worms get a glimpse of individual occurrences, but cannot connect them up, as they cannot see them all as a larger canvass. Worms have this handicap because they only absorb small pieces of information or the snippets put out by the compromised and corrupt mass media that is owned and controlled by the globalist cabal.

It is therefore imperative that you see and hear what  Dr. Jacob Nordangård has to say in his lecture in the above video.

ENJOY and be awakened to what this is all leading to.

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Who Watches the Watchers? Who Guards the Guards?

So Who Is THEM?

There’s an increasing swathe of people getting the truth out there –  to those who have not yet understood what is going on across the globe. That’s the innocent, gullible and naïve who have difficulty joining the dots. Those involved in opening the  eyes and minds of the general public on the street, refer to those who are causing mayhem and destruction as “THEY” or “Them”.

The reality is that there are laws and rules (or no law) to protect THEM.. Whilst “WE” the People, are micro managed in our behaviour; – there are consequences for “US”,   severely executed by THEM – when WE are guilty of stepping out of line. When WE are perceived to have broken statutory law, and regulations put in place by THEM, without any consultation within their government or by consultation with WE the People and the rest of the public that THEY rule. Wasn’t it the PEOPLE who are supposed to rule THEM? Aren’t THEY supposed to be the public’s servants?

Political elites refer to the “Little People” (US) as those of little influence and mainly  the unaware. The term goyim (referred to as The Gentiles in Jewish communities, but not relevant in that context here) , cattle or “useless eaters” (as Henry Kissinger once said.) The term can have a misleading meaning since it suggests that it is the best who hold decision-making positions. In reality, political elites are often the product of social reproduction and only those who have already substantial economic, social and cultural means can access this status.

It is possible to suspect the political elite of sharing interests specific to the privileged categories from which it mainly comes. The fact remains that the increase in the technicality of public action is increasingly leading leaders to seek the opinion of personalities from civil society (association leaders, experts, scientists, etc. and of course the global business elites), which calls for qualifying the the thesis of the homogeneity of political elites.





See this excellent video on this  very topic by Neil Oliver – a  GBTV presenter:


If the embedded video does not display in your browser, please follow this link:

The elitist and pluralist approaches oppose each other on the question of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the ruling class.

In Elementi di Scienze politica (1896), Gaetano Mosca uses the term “ruling political class” to describe the minority that holds power in a society. According to him, “in all societies, from the least developed and civilized to the most advanced and powerful, there appear two classes of people – an ordinary class and a ruling class, who is beyond any watchers or guards. To keep that equilibrium , the the ordinary class have to be kept in the dark, be ignorant of their role and always to be subservient and totally controlled – usually by fear. The ruling class are always the least numerous, assumes all political functions, monopolizes power and enjoys the advantages it entails, while the second, the most numerous, is directed and controlled by the first, sometimes more or less legal, sometimes more or less arbitrary and violent”.

This minority, organized and conscious, forms a social class. It is therefore marked by a community of thought, of interests, of culture, of kinship, of economic power. It imposes its values ​​and its principle of legitimacy on the majority. However, this elite remains stratified: in the centre is a core leader (“the senior leaders”) more powerful than the others (“the secondary leaders”). It is this core that provides cohesion and strength as well as commanding the whole.

The sociology of the elites shows that the ruling categories come overwhelmingly from privileged social backgrounds, but that they cannot, in a democracy, govern alone.

From a more sociological point of view, studies show that the elites are very largely from privileged backgrounds. The manifest inequality of access to elective functions according to social background leads to the introduction of a gap between the representatives of the people and society.

Some people speak of a “state nobility” to designate the phenomenon of reproduction of the ruling elite through the increasingly pressing need to obtain a degree leading to positions of power.

The elites or the power elite?

Today, the elite ends up designating the occupation of an enviable position. “The elites” in the plural, is an expression constructed by contemporary sociology to explain the political transformations of societies developed from a non-Marxist perspective. The use of the syntagm “elites” “makes it possible to embrace, under a more abstract concept, the various types of leading or dominant groups which have succeeded one another and whose dated names have changed over the course of the regimes. [Above all, it recalls] the plural form of groups in struggle in the field of power and their constantly contested legitimacy

By Marxist

The Marxist thesis sheds some light on the analysis of power situations in society. It is a reading based on an economic analysis, which denies the specificity of politics. The fact of holding the levers of the economic machine gives the class that holds it access to political power (in the sense of control of the state apparatus). The state cannot be an arbiter, it is only a means of political domination in the hands of the holders of economic power. Economic power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of families who own the means of production, and inherit these means and political power. The power belongs only in appearance to the elected officials, in reality it is in the hands of the business circles. All the social, economic and political hierarchies merge into a single class which, thanks to the control of the state apparatus, exploits the rest of the nation and derives from this exploitation not only material benefit but also honours and privileges.

It is against this grid that the theme of the elites was constructed. In particular, the work of Vilfredo Pareto (Treaty of General Sociology, 1917) will refute this Marxist analysis. The two postulates of Marxist reasoning (the economy governs the relations of social classes, the ideology of a society is that of its dominant class) are disputed by Pareto. He affirms that the economy does not govern the relations of social classes; he himself came to sociology precisely because economics does not explain everything… economic facts themselves cannot be explained solely on the basis of economics.

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The Heatwave That Never Was in 2022

Did you notice it? Or was I fast asleep for two days?

A Film by Paul Burgess, Voice of Wales Climate Specialist.


Stop being influenced by FEAR PORN through the likes of the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media. You are continually being put in a state of panic, for various nefarious reasons that are all connected.

  1. Climate change (now a dwindling concept that masses of the public have by now woken up to – so ‘they’ who control the narrative  need to re-establish the nonsense – each time we experience a nice summer).
  2. Pandemics (the hoax Covid pandemic has been totally debunked – stats are showing the real goals behind mRNA injections and the rising numbers of those crippled or killed by 20% of the injections administered)
  3. Phoney wars (with people quaking at the prospect of a nuclear world war)
  4. Famine (brought about by all of the above including a very real planned starvation programme)

ALL of this is tied in with the attack on humanity by the elite, globalist cabal and their attempt to depopulate the planet. Make no mistake, unless we all wake up, do some research and study the facts, then the utter madness that you are experiencing through lies and twisted facts will continue.

I would recommend you cancel the thievery of the money you pay for BBC programmes by your TV licences, even better, stop soaking up misinformation and disinformation from any source on your television and start reconnecting with reality!

Familiarise yourself with unbiased news based on truthful facts. UK Column News being a fine example.

Here are some links to factual sites that totally blow the man-made climate change, and the need to reach net zero carbon dioxide emission levels out of the water.

The above are just a sprinkling of sites dealing with the ‘Noble Lie’ (man-made climate change). I’ll leave you to find many more from trusted sources and eminent scientists.

Always Remember:

‘Consensus’ is not science. Consensus is usually closely tied to government research grants – nothing to do with real, proper & truthful science.

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The Dark Art Of Climate Manipulation

Possibly More Worrying Than False ‘Pandemics’?

I really hate to pile more agony on your shoulders – but we have to face reality. We’re all worn down with what we’ve experienced in the last two and a half years or so. There’s a culpable feeling of relief amongst the whole population that it’s over, the fact is, it’s only really just begun. There are more fear porn generated false ‘pandemics’ queuing up in the pipeline – that in itself is a huge worry – but it’s only a part of the story.

The attack on humanity is not single pronged, it is multi faceted. Much of it is going on under our noses (or rather above our heads). It’s been going on for at least 70+ years. What am I talking about? Geo-engineering. It’s a sector of warfare science that has been developed to the point where those behind this science can now manipulate the weather with ease, with the combined use of aircraft spraying of reflective particles into the atmosphere and the combined use of targeted microwave energy acting in harmony (resonance) with the spraying, thereby disrupting natural weather systems and manipulating them. Think back to the wildfires in California and Australia, and now in the past months, never before witnessed floods in eastern Australia. Coincidence or the hallmarks of weather tampering – blamed on the bogeyman of manmade climate change? Or protection for the planet in the guise of blotting out the sun for more nefarious reasons? It’s not fanciful thinking – it’s happening right now, with the help of the likes of Bill Gates – that most innocent, generous and well known of philanthropists. See this article published by Forbes in January 2021.

Climate Change

What if the spraying of reflective particulates is already well underway, and what the impact may be, not just on the survival of the human species but on ALL life on earth, when it becomes disconnected from it’s life source – the sun.

The following video gives us a chilling insights into this technology and how it is already impacting on us in many ways. In fact it may be the greatest worry of all for us – as we come under attack from many directions:

Geoengineering is a very real conspiracy – not some neurotic, cooked up theory. It’s the deliberate and large-scale  intervention in the Earth’s climatic system. Simply put, it is the spraying of chemicals via planes into the atmosphere. Independent testing over the past decade confirms that Chemtrails around the world contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers.

When I were a lad . . . .

(Remember those lovely Hovis ads. ?  – before someone pulls me up about my grammar – nothing to do with this article though!)

I was fascinated by science and technology, especially new developing technology, that I naively assumed would make our future life a Shangri-La (synonymous with any earthly paradise, particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia). Some at the elite level today, still use that human dream to promote their modern technology; people like Elon Musk, or Yuval Noah Harari (a leading advisor to Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum) and many others who are pushing the transhuman, artificial intelligence and neuro link hook-up to our brains and thoughts – to work in a hybrid mode with computers – in other words a vision of – no – not Shangri-La but Hell. These are sick people who use our inherent attraction to a better future, to entrap us in their nightmare world.

More On Manipulation Of Our Global Weather

I was approaching my early teens when I read somewhere about the successful seeding of clouds in Tasmania by Hydro Tasmania in 1964. It resulted in rain on parched drought ridden ground. What a leap forward I thought to myself – soon deserts would be made green again! That snippet of information that I read, was seared into my memory up to this day – because of the impact the statement had made on me. However, what it actually displayed was a lack of knowledge and understanding by a youngster with no experience of the real world, or of how geo-politics work.

Transforming the drought ridden areas of the world into productive greenery was never the real goal. It didn’t take long for the true goals of this technology to be realised. How it could be used in warfare e.g. Agent Orange (in Vietnam), and in the process of killing innocent people through defoliation of forests and by chemical poisoning and weather manipulation, Like all formulas, it could be interpreted backwards, and therefore used in the exact opposite direction – droughts, wildfires, chemical poisoning etc.

Background To The Technology and Science.

Vincent Schaefer, born in 1906, died in 1993 and was from he General Electric Laboratories  in the, United Sates. He discovered the principle of cloud seeding through certain events on November 13, July 1946. In Australia, CSIRO ( Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization ) did some very important and significant trials between 1947 and the early 1960’s.

The first case of man-made rain was in 1947 near Bathurst, N.S.W. CSIRO scientists worked on cumulus clouds. They released dry ice on top of the clouds, which worked best on clouds that were very cold. They continued to conduct trials until 1952.

From 1953 to 1956, they carried out similar trials in Queensland, South Australia and a few other states. This time with both flying and ground-based silver iodide generators.

The research led to the first cloud seeding experiment in Tasmania by Hydro Tasmania in 1964. Between the late 1950s and early 1960s, cloud seeding was used in the Snowy Mountains, on the Cape York Peninsula (Queensland), West Sydney, and the New England district. (N.S.W.). Just imagine how that technology has exponentially progressed from those early years of experimentation.

The documentary video, above – called ‘The Dimming’ – provides a surreal but factual summary of the chemtrail phenomenon and the effect that chemtrails are having on the  environment right now.


Fig. 1 – typical contrail from a single aircraft at high altitude. Figure. 2 Chemtrails. Click on the image to view a short video (1min 37s)

It is important to distinguish between contrails and chemtrails. Contrails are streaks of condensed water vapour created in the air by the exhaust of jet airplanes at high altitudes. Contrails can exist in two forms: water droplet and ice crystal. Contrails typically become visible about a wingspans distance behind an aircraft flying at high altitude. The trail dissipates quite quickly, usually within a minute or so. Chemtrails, on the other hand, are visible directly behind an aircraft, with little or no gap between the aircraft and the start of the trail. Chemtrails are said to vary from contrails in their length of persistence. Chemtrails do not dissipate quickly; they tend to form into mushy clouds which can block sunlight.

Some people are reporting what they describe to be unusual activity in the sky, including jets leaving trails at low altitudes, spray lines creating X’s, S’s and parallel lines, lines that slowly spread to create a canopy of haze, and reports of unusual smells, tastes, and even illness related to the trails. Also, a reddish-brown gel, dropped from low-flying aircraft, has been observed by people in the past and has been documented. Samples of this substance have apparently been analyzed by Margareta-Erminia Cassani and found to be teaming with biological organisms. Other tests have shown that chemtrails contain more than 3 times the legal level of the toxic substance, barium.

Chemtrails may also be one of the primary contributory factors in the collapse of honey bee colonies worldwide. There are currently three main hypothesis for the purpose of chemical spraying in the skies:

  • weather modification;
  • population control; and
  • testing of biological agents on the general populace.

Even if we assume that these trails have nothing to do with eugenics or weather modification, we cannot ignore the fact that our skies are being heavily polluted with aviation fuel emissions that contribute towards a host of different health problems. Jet engines run on kerosene (paraffin). Up until the 1990s, most petrol-driven road vehicles used leaded petrol, which was not only harmful to the environment, but caused asthma as well as lowering of the IQ. The tetra-ethyl (lead) found in aviation fuel and its combustion products are potent neurotoxins that have been shown in scientific research to interfere with brain development in children. Leaded petrol has now been banned for use in motor vehicles. But for some reason, this law doesn’t seem to apply to aircraft.

I encourage you to research this subject in more detail to gain a fuller picture of what chemtrails contain, their impact on the environment, and the history of aerial spraying that has taken place in many countries. Here is one good place to start your research:

There are many others too numerous to list here.

How Widespread Is The Practice?

Very widespread – across the Globe. I even came across this information, regarding an incident over Shrewsbury, a market town and the county town of Shropshire, England, on the River Severn near to the Welsh/ English border – normally quite an insignificant rural part of the UK, (pop. around 70,000) but obviously not overlooked.

Shrewsbury, 18 May 2022
Chemtrails – E-mail sent by reader to the local paper (name with held for data protection)

Picture taken at Shrewsbury, Shropshire on the 18th of May 2022

“In Shrewsbury, Wednesday 18th, the day broke a beautiful sunny day, then around eight to ten aeroplanes came over dropping chems [chemtrails], like the ones above and then as before, the whole sky went white again. For decades I used to look up at the most spectacular crystal blue skies during the summer, piercing blue would make your heart burst they were so beautiful. We’d have planes fly over and yes, of course, you could see the jet streams behind them but they would so quickly disappear.

Now our skies are nothing but white ‘cloud’ streaks going every which way. They stay like that for the whole day. The mornings are sometimes clear for a while and then they start chem trailing. Some mornings we’ll wake up and they’re already there. I’m no scientist, you cannot tell me that this is normal. Don’t tell me that it’s always been like this and I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist. They are spraying something in our skies and people, including you journalists, are just too bloody asleep to wake up and realise that we live in a very different world than the one we are being sold. There is something going on…this is not normal.

When Journalists investigate you can do wonderful things for humanity, when you do not investigate and dismiss concerns, out of hand, you are by definition potentially complicit in any potential crimes being committed.


The only way we can have any hope of getting to the bottom of this, and to stop our skies from being polluted and poisoned, is to raise awareness of this subject. We need to get the word out to as many people as possible – before it’s too late. Please try to do your bit to help.

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“We Don’t Debate With Anti-Vaxxers Whether They’re RIGHT Or Wrong” – Says The BBC

What A Strange Thing To Say!

So, what they are actually saying is: “we don’t want ANY debate”. Debate is something that usually means that one side or the other is proven ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. However the BBC just doesn’t want ANY debate. Why is that we wonder? Surely they should be at the forefront – to bring truth to light. Sadly they don’t operate in that way, which is always a dead give-away that they are peddling lies and misinformation, and then accuse others of doing that, with phoney so called ‘fact checkers’.

Could it mean that by inviting someone on to their screens to debate live – not edited and not pre-recorded – could end up with their propaganda message being exposed for what it is – A FRAUD? Or more likely the official line that they have biasedly pushed so hard could crumble in full view of the public? So, they don’t debate – whether the side that goes contrary to their line could be RIGHT (or wrong). Doesn’t that sound suspicious to you? It certainly does to me.

Past Track Record

The BBC have form when it comes to this kind of high handed exaggerated, government line behaviour on hotly debated subjects. The climate change hoax is one that comes to mind. The propaganda says that the ‘consensus‘ of opinion (who decides that by the way? The BBC?) Is that the world is plummeting to destruction, through increased emissions of CO2. There is a whole army of scientists and experts that say this is NOT so, as it’s NOT so with this Covid-19 situation, with accompanying documentation and peer reviewed papers to back it up. However they are muzzled as the MSM does not report their findings. For example the myth that polar bears are becoming extinct through their environment suffering the ravages of global warming. The latest surveys indicate that in fact the polar bear population has risen to numbers higher than they have been reported for decades. Is this information in the TV public domain? Certainly not, the BBC patriarch and wise man on all things in the natural world was seen crying on camera because he was convinced that the polar bear was nearing extinction. That’s the BBC line. So they said that they would no longer report on the other side of the argument, and would not debate the subject. Same old tactic – “shut down the other opinion – whether they are right or wrong – and just listen to us”. . . . A perfectly acceptable way for a propaganda machine to work – but not for the truth lovers amongst us.

More On The Climate Change Fear-mongering Front

Now that we have entered into a Grand Solar Minimum period (warned about for a long time by unbiased scientists who have nothing to lose by telling the truth), the earth is now actually cooling and not heating up. It’s the sun stupid – regardless of what the propaganda would have you believe that it’s cows farting or gardeners using too much peat in their gardens, thereby producing greenhouse gases like Methane and CO2.  Fact: the greatest greenhouse gas is water vapour (at any one instant, the Earth’s atmosphere contains 37.5 million-billion gallons of water vapour – enough to cover the entire surface of the planet with 1 inch of rain if condensed). CO2 is a life supporting gas (0.0391 percent of the atmosphere).

Global warming poster girl – exploitation of a poor little autistic child who has been frightened into hysteria. This is cruel mental abuse of a handicapped minor.

Without high enough levels of CO2 in the atmosphere ALL life dies on the planet. All this information is hushed up on the MSM, the reason again is money, grant money for research and bribery handouts by the usual suspects. All designed to mislead, cause illogical fear and to confuse people with pseudo science, in exactly the same way as the Covid-19 scam has been rolled out. The wheels were coming off the climate change nonsense – enter a ‘pandemic’ instead. The big weapon in this warfare is FEAR, blasted out through propaganda outlets by the likes of the BBC. They even take advantage of a poor little autistic girl from Sweden, who has been frightened to the point of hysteria – I call that child abuse. What easier victim than an autistic child? When it comes to propaganda there are no limits to the levels stooped to.

More information on the effects of a Grand Solar Minimum period HERE. I don’t suppose you’ve noticed the big hush-up on MSM regarding this winter’s weather over northern Europe, the north American continent, and parts of Asia? Our planet is colder TODAY than it was during much of the 2010s, the 2000s, large portions of the 1990s, as well as late-1987–and cooling! As the Americans say “go figure”.

Back To The Wise ‘Old Man In A Chair’

International best-selling author, a GP with over 50 years experience, a former health agony uncle on the TV and a national newspaper columnist Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why and how the BBC has betrayed the public and demonised truth-telling doctors and scientists in order to help sustain the covid-19 fraud and please the Government and those who have corrupted the system with huge donations and bribery money – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. With money, power and influence; Bill Gates has bought out the world health services, including the W.H.O. with a big dollop to the UK state sponsored broadcaster – the BBC. He has positioned himself as a ‘Health Tsar‘ and whatever he has to say the MSM is paid to propagandise it.
For more unbiased information about other important related issues, please visit:
Dr. Vernon Coleman’s site at:

Now, let him explain in his own inimitable style in the BGB reproduced video below, what the likes of the BBC are really up to:

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The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind – Until They Rolled Out The COVID-19 Scam

So CO2 Is a Poisonous Gas That Will Cause The Earth To Burn Up?

Giant Ground Sloth and mega fauna (size compared to a modern human in height) during the Cenozoic period. How much CO2 was in the atmosphere then?

Some 500 million years ago, when the number of living things exploded on earth, with giant creatures and a lush green plant environment, when everything – including mammals were of giant proportions compared to modern times, the ancient atmosphere happened to be rich with about 7,000 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2). I’ll repeat that around 7,000 parts per million in the atmosphereIn 2020 the CO2 in the atmosphere is a paltry 400 ppm (and they’re worried it might go up to 403 this year)! And we’re all going to die?

Stop being hysterical through the fear porn, and think about that for a moment. Facts indicate that if the ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere drops to around 130 ALL life on earth would cease to exist. CO2 is the gas of life. People have been led to believe that it’s some sort of poison! How has this happened?

The Inverted Modern World – How It Came About

Education, the lack of knowledge of the average person, the dumbing down of educational knowledge, but worse the indoctrination of our children with false knowledge, synchronised with what the Cabal wishes people to think and believe – in order to fulfil their plans for humanity. It’s the brainwashing or conscious programming process from birth for a purpose that most of us know nothing about. The result? No one thinks for themselves, no one asks questions or disputes what is spoon-fed to them by the establishment.

The Result?

We have a whole new generation of children living in abject fear of destruction. With young people, like that poor autistic child in Sweden, in genuine hysterical fear, she has obviously been exploited by her parents (a case for severe child abuse in my opinion), and the evil purveyors of the Cabal using her as the poster child for their mad false theory, to help bring humanity to it’s knees. The same applies to the current ‘twin’ attack, through the phantom virus pandemic  fear, and ensuing panic through the COVID-19 hoax, which is very real in the minds of the scammed and brainwashed public.

Then we have an ancient old world TV presenter, who is as much of an institution as the company he works for – the BBC. We all know what their function is – propaganda broadcasting for those who pay the piper and call the tune – including the Gates Foundation (53 million donated last year to the BBC – why?). So they wheel out the old chap, who has the same role as the great uncle when it comes to the family get together – the harmless old soul so loved by the great nephews and nieces.

He’s such an institution (who’s been with the British Bullshit Corporation for almost as long as it’s been in existence). Surely he wouldn’t lie to us? Well sadly, whether it’s premeditated or through ignorance, he’s definitely not to be trusted with facts, which probably get conveyed to him directly from the IPCC via his very generous paymasters. Perhaps money talks when it comes to truthful principle, or if I was kind, I would suggest that at his age he may be the victim of one of those age related ailments that effect the powers of recall. This is the man who warned us – with tears in his eyes – about the demise and very real prospect of an extinction of polar bears – because their habitat has been destroyed by man’s CO2 release of that poisonous gas. Have you counted how many polar bears are in the Arctic since he uttered that statement? No? Well go and do some personal research, you can start here:

The Covid-19 hoax “pandemic” scam will go the same way – it WILL get fully exposed. It is a hyped up, propagandised version of what we’ve experienced over the last six month. If you are gullible enough to believe what you see and hear from the Cabal, then you perhaps deserve what is about to happen. Nothing is what it seems in this manufactured, inverted world of perceived reality, fuelled by intense psychopathic evil.

NASA’s “Smoking Gun” of Climate Fraud

NASA (an arm of the Cabal) have cooled the past so as to create a fake modern warming trend that correlates almost-perfectly with rising atmospheric CO2 levels. Below is the PROOF (research courtesy of Tony Heller).

Back in 1974, at the height of the global cooling concerns, the National Center For Atmospheric Research (NCAR) generated this graph of Earth’s average temperature change:

Clearly visible in the graph is 1) the large spike in temps during the 1940’s, 2) the subsequent rapid cooling to 1970, and 3) the overall cooling from 1900 to 1970.

In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences published a very similar graph for Northern hemisphere temperatures –one we regularly feature on Electroverse– which supports the three conclusions of the NCAR graph:

However, by 1981 the graph had started to tilt to the left:

The temperature in 1970 was suddenly now 0.1C warmer than in 1900!

Unsurprisingly, this change coincided with NASA “Climate Prophet” James Hansen’s interest in demonstrating a CO2-driven warming trend:

NASA had just committed climate fraud, and they got away with it.

Spurred-on by the complete lack of scrutiny, NASA, saddled with the task of proving the politicised global warming theory, brazenly continued cooling the past so as to exaggerate their already exaggerated warming trend.

Serving as an example of this, the next graph shows how their 1880-2000 global warming trend has been overstated again (doubled, in fact) since 2001–again, simply by cooling the past:

NASA obtains its global temperature data from NOAA’s GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network), but data is missing for about half of the Earth’s surface, including most of Africa, Antarctica, and Greenland.

That missing data is filled-in with computer modelled readings, meaning that 50% of the global temperature data used by NOAA and NASA is fake.

Furthermore, the only places with complete coverage are the U.S. and Western Europe — and, rather tellingly, it is these areas which are the ones starting to show the GSM-induced cooling trend.

Since 2015, according to NOAA’s own data, North America has been cooling at a rate of 2.03C per decade. This is a whopping drop, one 29 times the “official” average rate of increase since 1880: “The global annual temperature has increased at an avg. rate of 0.07C (0.13F) per decade since 1880” (NOAA’s latest report from Jan, 2020).

North America, 2.03C decline

And here is the smoking gun of NASA/NOAA climate fraud:

The global “adjustments” being made correlate almost-perfectly with the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels–i.e., the data is being manipulated in order to prove the greenhouse gas global warming theory:

This isn’t science.

This is a criminal act — the biggest scam in the history of mankind.

And this evil is compounded by the fact that the exact opposite is bearing-down on us all — the COLD TIMES are returning, and -unlike during times of warmth- prolonged periods of cold have ALWAYS caused untold suffering for humans–including crop loss, famine, and even the total collapse of empires.

Earth’s climate is cyclic, never linear.

And the next global chill appears to be gaining pace, intensifying in line with historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow. Even NASA themselves appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) seeing it as “the weakest of the past 200 years,” with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Prepare for the COLD — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.

Grand Solar Minimum + Pole Shift

[Featured Image: Natalie Matthews-Ramo/Slate]

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