An ‘Odds n’ Ends’ Post Today
Starting with ‘Judge’ Scott Workman who is the founder of Friends of The Original Constitution organisation and website.
A painting of the signing of the American Declaration of Independence. on July 4, 1776, at the Pennsylvania State House, Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
I have to admire the people of the USA for one thing in particular, the size of their balls! From day one, they have done things BIG. Even their Constitution is big, not in size – but in content. It’s a wonderful document. No less so the American Declaration Of Independence.
The largest ethnic group of signatories (16 in all) on the original draft of the American Declaration of Independence were Welsh. Thomas Jefferson’s family who came from Snowdonia (‘Eryri‘ in Welsh, meaning the remote haunting high place of eagles) spoke Welsh fluently – as their mother tongue. Much as it fills me with pride to know that – as a Welsh patriot – it’s not the fundamental source of my admiration. My real admiration is the big mindset of these people, the target is never too difficult to reach for them. It brings to mind in Zhineng Qigong where there is an encouraging and intriguing saying: “What you wish for you WILL receive“.
Quote from the D of I:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Big and powerful that. Few realise how difficult a target that was in the period it was written. Unlikely to succeed, but succeed it did, and it spawned a fresh start and inspired people from all over Europe and beyond to flock there and congregate, to create the most powerful nation on Earth – under the American Constitution banner – until relatively recently, as evil entities have conspired to rip it all up.
The corruption has been eating away at the US Constitution for a considerable time. I said the ‘citizens’ or ‘people’ of America have big balls, however, not necessarily their government – despite the safety nets written into the original Constitution by the wise Founding Fathers. As big as the principles of the people have been, all that the governments (in various colours – because they are all now controlled by the ‘Deep State’) have done is paint the nation as a dangerous, hated warmongering basket case in the eyes of the world.
Sadly when people think of America what they have in their mind’s eye is the harsh, brash, arrogant and superior attitude of the government, and the psychopathic elites at the top. In my experience the majority of the people are hospitable, with high morals, they are generous, and kind with old fashioned principles and good manners (especially in more southernly states). But driven too far they have the balls to upset apple carts – on a big scale.
A Big Upset In The Making?
Scott Workman (Friends of the Original Constitution)
So we come to Scott Workman. Founder, First Delegate, Organizer; Nonlawyer Representative of the Constitutional Convention and Court for the United States of America. He is planning a $500 TRILLION lawsuit against the fraudulent Federal Government and over 140 Monopolists via the organised Constitutional Convention and Court. They don’t do things small or by halves do they?
My personal first reaction to this was “pie in the sky”, “an unattainable goal”. But having listened to Scott Workman’s video, and knowing what the People of America have audaciously managed to pull off in the past – because they are not the kind to baulk at the enormity of the task – who knows? It’s incredibly interesting to say the least. Here’s the BGB reproduced video of the original:
After listening to Scott Workman, I can say that I am 100% supportive of his mission. The outcome, if successful, is a picture of a future world we would all like to see and live in, after the rot in this present system of things is ripped away.
Copy Of The Friends Of The Original Constitution’s Lawsuit File
However, is the beast too big to be taken down in one big swoop? I personally fear so, but hope that I’m proven totally wrong. What is evident though is that the legal profession all over the world is girding itself up to take on the dark powers behind this genocidal attack on humanity. They are coming at it from all angles. Others, unlike Scott Workman, are taking it on in smaller bite sized pieces, they are accumulating legal successes in various courts in different countries, thereby setting precedencies. These successes are building up into a legal tsunami; that is the way big hitters like Dr. (at law) Reiner Fuellmich is approaching the problem. With his past successes in taking on big corrupt corporations like Volkswagen (diesel emissions fraud) and Deutsche Bank (corruption and bribery) and winning, I believe he has the know how and tools to get the job done. The big problem for all of the legal teams is whether the judges and the judicial systems are too compromised and corrupt to allow justice to be done. We’ll have to wait and see, but it’s looking good up until now.
America’s Frontline Doctors First Annual Conference
AFLD held their first annual conference recently, since they were first set-up in July 2020.
Their message is loud and clear. Not only are they battling on the medical front, against great odds, as the authorities and big tech media platforms are increasingly putting the pressure on to try and gag them, but failing.
These are hard working and principled doctors, whose sole aim is to bring the truth to the people and an end to this ridiculous ‘pandemic’ scare and misinformation. They’re having a hard time of it, because they are specifically targeted for special attention, not least from censorship. If you look up AFLD on a venomous and lying platform like Wikipedia, you’ll realise what a foul platform that is – totally under the control of the Cabal and the organisations they are involved with up to government level and beyond.
Here is a BGB reproduced video of some of the short speeches they delivered during their convention:
Senators Speak Out
Senators Rand Paul & Scott Jensen – both qualified medical doctors, both fighting for truth and exposure of what is happening.
Here also below is a ten minute delivery by Kentucky Senator (& medical doctor) Rand Paul, who is also fighting, but within the den of rogues, Cabal henchmen and corrupt thieves that pass as government. Another similar Senator is Scott Jensen. For those of us involved in this fight for truth and freedom it’s very encouraging to see politicians like these stand up to expose the sewer they work in. More power to their elbow, along with other politicians in other countries who are making the same stand.
The public are not aware of this, because it is totally blacked out by the mainstream (false) news media. That is why it’s so important for platforms like BGB and many others, to get the truth out there.
The voices of truth are drowned out, they are viciously attacked at every opportunity in the media and elsewhere.. The mainstream media hang on every word they say in the hope of finding a crumb of evidence that they can use to defame them. They exaggerate lies about them and worse of all they turn the unaware public against them through false news propaganda.
It’s a sickening state of affairs, but they have the steely resolve to expose the fake pandemic that has been created as a means to get the whole population of the earth inoculated in the biggest attempt at selective genocide ever undertaken in the history of mankind.
Finally, – Letters of Appreciation
Let’s end on another bright note.
Although I say so myself, the dedicated work and time put into this blog is enormous. It’s a labour of love, but extremely draining, and totally voluntary. We don’t ask for donations towards the work and we don’t ask for any accolade. It will however continue until we see an end to the cruel madness we’ve experienced since the end of 2019.
Whilst we don’t look for praise for the work we’ve undertaken, the encouragement we receive from those who appreciate this work is encouraging beyond words. It’s often the fuel that keeps us going when things get tough. The fact that we are continually receiving feedback from our dedicated subscribers, who are growing daily (we have recently received an avalanche of registrations and new post notification subscriptions) is very much appreciated and serves as a barometer to the support we are garnering, as our message expands and propagates throughout the Internet. Thank you all.
Here is a sample of just two letters (we continually receive many more) of appreciation we received this last week alone, from new subscribers who felt compelled to let us know how they felt about our work:
The first is from ‘Rory’
Thanks, Big Gee
I am grateful to you for following up of the graphene-oxide content of these experimental drugs. Furthermore, warnings of possible other avenues of ‘dispersion’. Sadly anything is possible from this government of occupation.
I am standing my ground and not bending to my principles. Walked out of the St Georges Whiskey Distillery with my family while on holiday recently [our last summer holiday for some time?], the 10 or so patrons looking up like helpless sheep. I refused to be masked up. I didn’t argue as I find their eyes glaze over; they don’t hear you. It is as if you are a homeless person on the street they cannot see for that period of interaction. Their excuse? that they are only a small business – how ironic when you are chopping your market by 10% through your ignorance, and siding with the very institution that is out there to destroy you?
Recently my daughter was denied orthodontal service by the NHS as I refused to wear a mask into their hallowed site. There are many other incidents of ‘apartheid’ on superstitious lines. How the many have fallen to the covidian cult.
Of possible interest to you may be Mark Passio and his talks about natural law. I am almost through an 8 hour video [ironically on that youtube platform] which was recorded before this all took off. It is helping me to understand how close people are to the universal truths [the truth shall set you free], but at the same time, how duped people are through all these systems and even the English language itself.
Fortunately I am principled, and desirous of truth despite what it may be.
This has prevented me from falling into the ignorance gap. This in turn creates bad people and a bad society in which people through ignorance either commit evil, or allow evil to be conducted on them. Morality is simple, as in the natural law [theft in all its forms], and yet despite being so close to it, people reject it. We are thus where we are today. We are sovereign, and not slaves. By respecting these simple first principle laws and accepting truth, society would regulate itself; we would have little ‘need’ for government [I believe this word in itself means mind control or control of the mind from its Latin derivative]. Society would be calling out these ‘bad’ people.
I know it will get a lot worse in the not too distant future, but there is a dawning of new hope. I have learned so much about people I thought I knew, society, and the fragility of all the bubbles I grew up with around me…. the rabbit hole is so deep.
As a related aside, I taught a few years back [yes, I had to go, I was corrupting the kids in an unacceptable way] and was surprised back then as to why a pupil was ‘studying’ the history of medicine in GCSE. I distinctly remember thinking to myself that there is so much other material out there. Now I know why: It was to bash kids brains with Germ theory. Naturally terrain Theory never got a mention, and in retrospect, what an amazing period of discovery to discuss and debate.
Keep up your good work, salute!
And here’s one from ‘Alun’:
Hi Gwilym
Thanks for your service in sharing the truth for the benefit of humanity. Truth will always prevail!
The end of this evil cabal’s hold on humanity is just around the corner. What I envisage is a world where the ill gotten gains of the elite will be used for the benefit of humanity.
The “Great Big Reset“ is not the outcome the elite imagine it to be! It is in fact an event that will bring about their own destruction. The wonderful thing is that they are completely oblivious to this.
In Zhineng Qi Gong there is a wonderful expression “What you wish for you WILL receive “! In my 10 years of spiritual growth and practice I have observed that this is one of the universal laws!
Things will never be the same again as you rightly said BUT things will get better for future generations. It’s very important to believe this.
Keep up your wonderful work
Alun |
A big thank you for their words of encouragement and from everyone that contacts BGB. The above are just samples of the last two received this week. Our gratitude is extended to ALL our followers who have contacted us.
Remember that the opposite to love is fear – not hate. Keep on spreading the word in a spirit of peace!
This will be the last post published by BGB until September. If anything drastic occurs that we think our subscribers and followers and the unwary public need to know about, then we’ll return to barracks if need be! However if everything remains equal, we are taking a break to recharge the batteries! We’ve been at it virtually day and night – non stop – since before March 2020, when BGB was launched and now we believe this is an opportune time to take a breather. We are a tiny team of just two, so you can imagine how much dedication and long hours have been invested in the blog. We do everything in-house, from the graphics to the written content and everything in between from the IT hosting side to our bulging Correspondence Journal. We haven’t taken a day off until now.
It is our opinion that this summer’s creaking relaxation of illegal mandates, is a little tit-bit handed out to the public by the controlling powers. Come the autumn and winter, get ready for another attack, using pseudo science and propaganda to promote ‘variants’ – which is a nonsense, as the original (supposed) novel SARS Cov-2 imaginary ‘virus’ has never been separated, isolated or sequenced, so it’s existence is unproven. How on earth you can identify a variant if the original has not been identified? It makes a mockery of their whole exercise.
Nevertheless they WILL try and play the variant card, to justify another round of death jabs, lockdowns and the other tyrannical measures to pretend there’s yet another wave on the way. Their tool for that will continue to be be PCR test which has already been rubbished and exposed – even by it’s inventor Dr. Kary Mullis – as a tool which is not fit for purpose. It was never designed to diagnose anything. But they’ll keep on testing and use (false) positive results from it and then promote them as ‘cases’ to keep the fraudulent hoax going.
By September, we’ll be back, fully charged and ready for the next round in this evil war that’s being waged against humanity. Hopefully by then, the legal teams will have gained more traction and many more of the public will have woken up.
We look forward to your company when we get back from our break. Enjoy what’s left of the summer, before the perceived winter flu/ Covid-19 variants season starts!
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