Category: Politics (Page 2 of 7)

Succeeding In Holding Officialdom To Account

Another Stunning Victory For BGB!

This time against the big fish in the Westminster Cabinet. As our regular visitors and followers will know, since the beginning of 2020 a big part of BGB’s work has been persistent correspondence with officialdom, with Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests, queries, questions and the educating of some of the morons involved, by informing them of the scientific evidence and facts that have been revealed by foremost professionals in their field – the ones that are not allowed within a hundred miles of the mainstream media!  This correspondence to officialdom –  including everyone from local government, to the Welsh Government in Cardiff and the UK Government in London, and also everyone else involved in the Corona Scamdemic – from injectable poison manufacturers to Jane Rainer the head of the Yellow Card Reporting System (the MHRA) and her staff. No one gets let off the hook.

This huge task has been run by the person I call my ‘Wingman’ – Wynne Jones. His diligence and persistence is legendary, and we get results. One famous one was announced in a past article (click HERE). Now we have the latest success, when the Cabinet Office was forced to bow down, following an Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) investigation, instigated by us, we had been refused information from Westminster with a lame excuse. We don’t accept that nonsense. A dog with a bone jumps to mind!

Correspondence Log For CJ58 in Our Correspondence Journal

You can read all the correspondence involved in this case in the following embedded PDF file. It’s in date order so the juicy bit is at the end. But it’s not totally over, terrier Jones is now stuck to their windpipe and demanding more blood!

Some of the print is quite small, so use the zoom facility to enlarge where necessary.


It pays to correspond with officialdom, and it upsets them no end. Why not do a bit of letter or e-mail writing yourself?

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed

Genuine or Contrived?

A hoax is a deception. The deception is rooted in getting people who aren’t in on it to accept facts, statements, or images that are incorrect and often somewhat unbelievable. They are planned and executed in secret – more so when instigated by those who have absolute power, wealth and influence; especially influence over governments.

THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! Owned and controlled by about six major companies, with handpicked owners/ heads who dictate what the media relay to the public via their employees.

The biggest weapon in the misinformation and propaganda war directed at the gullible section of society (along with the super weapon in your pocket/ handbag – called a ‘Smart Phone‘), is the mainstream media. The attempts at frightening people, with the fear of death through a deadly disease leading to mass inoculation via injection programmes has been practiced through dry runs – quite a few times in the past. Think: Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Ebola, Zika, HIV AIDS, Polio (actually caused by the use of DDT and injections), Mad Cow Disease, SARS, SARS-Cov-2 etc. etc. etc.

In the past, false information and downright lies – that have been purposely fabricated – oozes out of the mainstream media (MSM). On every occasion the official government narratives are totally supported, and propagated through the corresponding propaganda. However, in times past, there comes a point when the narrative breaks down and the MSM start to back peddle; arguably to save their own skins, or because certain elements within the MSM start to develop a conscience.

Fast Forward To 2019

 Things have changed from previous fear campaigns designed to get needles into arms. The powers that be, have learned that the only way to keep the ball rolling is to make sure that ALL the MSM are onboard, obedient and totally controlled. To establish that goal two things have been found to be necessary:

  1. The MSM have to be centrally controlled from above, and forced NOT to deviate from the official narrative. That, by 2019 has been accomplished by making sure that all MSM outlets are owned or controlled centrally, by the time the fake Covid pandemic story was released, every MSM outlet was bought and paid for. All MSM was owned or headed up by a globalist group that controlled the spread of news. They consist of just six companies/ heads of companies, that take their orders from a central source. That central source is primarily Thomson Reuters.
  2. All dissenting, alternative truth-telling sources have to be censored, forced into silence and hidden from view of the public. A huge effort has been implemented in order to do that since the Covid story first broke. The same now applies to the war in Ukraine. Consequently a vast swathe of the population have been duped into accepting and spreading the misinformation they receive from the MSM whilst ignoring any other narrative.

BUSTED Reality Of The Murky World Of Journalism

Leaked footage and whistleblower confessions reveal how the criminal media, corrupt scientists and wicked governments strategically plan to deceive the public.

Created by David Sorensen


Worth noting is the fact that Udo Ulfcotte died shortly after revealing this bombshell. You can come to your own conclusions regarding that, a lot depends on whether you believe in coincidences.

From The Ukraine

The feared Ukrainian Security Forces (SBU)

In the same vein, below is a video interview with Gonzalo Lira who has been reporting events on the ground in the Ukraine. I read today that he is now presumed dead. He was reportedly captured by the SBU the security services of Ukraine. Almost no person has ever heard of them outside of eastern Europe and our journalists globally are not ready to tell you what the SBU is. And yet, it is undoubtedly one of the worst, if not the worst criminal organisation in Europe and one of the most terrifying political police forces we have known for half a century. Its exploits could be on a par with the notorious STASI (GDR) or even the Securitate (Romania), which made so much noise. However, one day Europe and the world will have to accept to see the face of death and blood that is the SBU. So much silence on the part of newspapers.

Contact with Lira was lost on April 15, when he was in Kharkov. There has been no trace of him since, with social media afire with speculation that he has been tortured and killed.

Authorities in Chile are understood to be apprised of his disappearance, as Chilean embassies and consulates around the world are inundated with messages from concerned members of the public. Lira also has US citizenship by birth.

More information HERE

Recent Interview With Gonzalo Lira

Beware – going against the official narrative can get you killed these days . . . .

BGB always takes every precaution to make sure that everything published is proven facts and information, based on thorough research (that is why the challenge to disprove anything published here is put out at the foot of every post/ article written). However, occasionally, information received cannot be fully verified. At the time of compiling and publishing the above article, it was assumed that given the extended period that Gonzalo Lira went missing (April 15th 2022), and also the declaration that he previously made that if he was off-line for more than 12 hours, then it could be assumed that he had fallen foul of an Ukrainian SBU snatch squad. It was generally assumed that he was probably dead.

Thankfully, it has now emerged that he is actually alive and well, which serves as a great relief to us all. The video below is proof of this. Consequently BGB retracts the implication that he had been captured and killed.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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An Eagerly Awaited Special Announcement

Now Working Together . . . 

Some of our followers will be  aware that Big Gee’s Blog and Teifi Common Law Assembly have recently, been in discussions about working closer together.

Since March 2020 and up until now, BGB has been tirelessly waking people up, by writing articles, along with hundreds of videos containing evidence and proof that the Covid-19 scam (often called a ‘plannedemic’) was the result of an attempt by the Cabal to inflict an attack on humanity; made possible by a compliant, gullible, and over obedient global population, with an incredible lack of knowledge, and an overwhelming appetite to swallow all the lies and propaganda pumped out by the government via mainstream media.

Their Covid narrative is now shattered, so they’ve moved on to their next fear tactic campaign, with a distraction exercise in the guise of a war in eastern Europe, that is touted as the the beginnings of a third World War – who is not afraid of that narrative?. We warned about this at least a year ago, and sure enough, it appears they had an exit strategy, exactly as we predicted. But it’s not a time to relax – be assured they won’t give in that easily, this war against humanity is far from over.

Not Just A Case Of Waking People Up

At BGB we’ve also been unceasingly sending out correspondence and freedom of information requests, (we have three volumes with 100 items of correspondence in each, that you can view by clicking on the ‘Holding Officialdom To Account‘ tab at the head of this page). This work has mostly been done through the incredible efforts of the one I call my ‘wingman’ Wynne Jones. We now have a second ‘wingman’ in the guise of Owen Lucas, the founder of the Teifi Common Law Assembly. The TCLA has it’s own website (see the right hand panel of this page for a link to it). However from here on, we will be working on a joint project on the justice front.

The Reason For This Latest Development

As mentioned previously, two years is a long time for people to avail themselves of the truth. If the penny hasn’t dropped in that time, the chances are it never will for the hypnotised portion of the public. Of course we are still attracting new ‘fresh’ viewers, but we now have to plan for the next stage in our development and efforts.

The ones that have planned and carried out these crimes against humanity need to be rounded up, taken to court and banished for a life behind bars. The job is however difficult, because the statute court system has been infiltrated and compromised. Despite stalwart efforts by some of the keenest minds in the current legal system, their effort is extremely hampered, because to all intents and purposes, justice under conventional court jurisdictions has vanished as fast as our freedoms have.


It is becoming abundantly clear that the only solution is to convene Common Law courts, under the auspices of ‘We’ the people. To this end, both BGB and TCLA are going to work towards establishing this jurisdiction in our own ‘community‘ which will take in the three counties of Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire here in west Wales. Whilst this project will only advance the Common Law jurisdiction in three small counties, it will provide a template for those who wish to set up similar assemblies in the communities that they are associated with elsewhere – worldwide – especially in countries that traditionally used Common Law (e.g. English speaking countries with ties to the old British Empire and those within what is referred to as the Commonwealth).

Owen and I will be periodically publishing a video-cast between us – around two a month is anticipated in the early days. The first of which, describing our project, and the way we will be working together can be seen below:

This does not of course mean that we will stop publishing news and other important happenings associated with the disaster called Covid , but the mainstay of our work will from now on, be in the field of Common Law. We will also be sharing content between our two web sites.

I encourage all of BGB’s current followers and subscribers to also subscribe to new post notifications on the Teifi Common Law site, as they have to BGB. I will circulate a mail-out to BGB’s subscribers explaining how to do this in the near future.

For now, you may follow the links below to subscribe to the Teifi Common Law Assembly & The Common Law NEWS website:.


Exciting times ahead we feel . . . . we are determined to fight back against what has happened in the last two years, and win the war against elite, globalist tyranny, along with billions of like minded ones across the globe . . . . 

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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The Naming and Shaming Starts

Our Patience Has A Limit

Unlike the mainstream media – especially the press –  we never do character assassinations. We believe it is important to judge people in office by their efficiency and the work they do. Should that level of competency, efficiency or basic ability to serve the public fall to an unacceptable level, then we feel fully obliged to highlight those deficiencies and further expose the failings to the public.

As an example we could – as the mainstream media and his political enemies do – focus on Drakeford’s family affairs and questioned suitability to hold the office he does. If you want to know more you can visit this link, but BGB will not broadcast that material.

The same applies to Mair Eluned Morgan (Baroness Morgan of Ely) the current minister for health and social services in the Welsh Government. With a privileged background (the daughter of Revd Canon Bob Morgan and Elaine Morgan). She was educated at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf, winning a scholarship to the United World College of the Atlantic, all hand-picked establishments (see here) contacts aplenty and especially being one of Tony BLiar’s former ‘Babes’ and prodigies, (like Jacinda Ardern the premier of New Zealand). It’s no surprise that they arrive in their positions at young ages – not due to talent, but by a leg up the greasy pole, by adopting and adhering explicitly to the machinations of those who dwell in the dark corners and influence them.

Holding Officialdom To Account

As many of the followers of BGB are aware, one of the main planks of the work we do is holding officialdom to account.

Whilst our Correspondence Journal (now in it’s third volume with 100 entries per volume), records and publishes the enquiries/ freedom of information requests or direct correspondence with government corporations and individual ministers and committees in government; and then the eventual responses from both governments and bodies in England and Wales, but that is only a fraction of the correspondence work we engage in.

In between the initial contact and the result there is sometimes reams of of correspondence in between that is not published here in our Correspondence Journal. Responses are often wishy washy  ‘chaff’ that is of no meaningful substance. Then there’s the waffle – which is often just the regurgitation of official lines. They use elaborate manoeuvres in the art of ducking, weaving and hiding. Then there’s the classic refusal to respond tactic – we get no response. In some cases we get refusals to divulge information under the Freedom Of Information guidelines, internal reviews are requested and on occasion we complain to the Independent Commissioner’s Office and only then – based on their conclusions – we more often than not get a result. Here’s an example:


Now For Those To Be Named and Shamed

Some high ranking ministers like Drakeford and Morgan, adopt the tactic of no response to us. They both seem to have conveniently forgotten that it is the dog that wags the tail and not the tail that wags the dog. Humorously the Welsh Government was known as WAG (Welsh Assembly Government). How appropriate! But the dog is us the people, the tail is our government.

Sadly, some have forgotten that. These ministers believe that they ‘rule’ the people, as witnessed over the last two years especially, forgetting that it’s the people who have put them in their positions, to act as our servants. Many of ‘us’ (the people) have forgotten that as well sadly. When the master requires information from his servant, the servant is obliged to respond.

Drakeford and Morgan, in their arrogance, obviously believe that they are above the Goyim (cattle). Quote from a Jewish Chronicle:

Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world . . . .

The Hebrew word goyim is the word that the Jewish people use in Hebrew to refer to non-Jews. The unclean cattle or ‘Gentiles’.

Perhaps Drakeford and Morgan believe that we are so far below them that we do not warrant a response – who knows? To be kind to them maybe they have no answers – although they have plenty of advisors and staff to commandeer for the task.

The Following Is a Compilation Of Correspondence That Awaits a Final Response

Note that correspondence to Drakeford & Morgan are highlighted in yellow. As the two most powerful members of the Welsh Government, they should set an example to their minions. It seems that both are hiding under their desks as we hammer on their doors – hoping we will go away – that won’t happen. The longer they take to respond the deeper the hole they are digging for themselves.


This is just a little ‘name & shame’ exercise. There is now a letter of complaint on it’s way to their standards committee.

Whilst we are working hard with this correspondence, you the readers also have a part you can play. Strong letters from a single source don’t work so well, a mass of letters has a huge effect on these parasites. Make your views known to them, wherever you are in the UK.

To write to your own MP, MS or SP click HERE and use the templates we have prepared for you.

Many hands make light work!”

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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The Pressure Cooker Effect – THEY Are Coming Apart At The Seams

Why Are They So Afraid?

Because the net is closing in on them. The people are at last becoming aware of their foul objectives, and the people are reacting with increasing speed and intensity. Protests are gaining momentum like a giant rolling snowball gathering snow. The Cabal’s henchmen are beginning to feel as if they are in a pressure cooker, with the heat rising and the explosion imminent!

Lying Is A Two Edged Sword When The Truth Is Revealed

The official narrative is falling apart, and people are noticing that the emperor has no clothes. Everywhere you look, they are desperately trying to hold things together. The panic to get the job done has increased to the point where they will throw the kitchen sink at people to get them injected with vials of deadly substances. However that exercise has stalled spectacularly, as people are waking up; the inoculated are marching side by side with uninjected fellow humans (it’s called vax regret) . I think most of us have twigged that the figures they quote for ‘vaccinated’ people are further lies, just like the trail of lies paraded out by governments and the mainstream media from the start of the campaign to cull the human race and usher in the ‘Great Reset’.

The Pincer Movement By The Keenest Legal Minds On Earth

Then we have the likes of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team who have been diligently gathering expert evidence, and are now nearly ready to zero in on the psychopathic criminals. How they will manage to get their hearings in a compromised legal system, designed for this system is another matter. At the same time our legal friends on the Common Law front have not been dragging their feet either.

Babbling Gibberish Due To Stress

Here is a short video of Boris Johnson giving a speech at a CBI meeting. Watch it and decide for yourself if he is fast losing the plot. It would not surprise me if he throws a long term ‘sickie’ soon, or lands up in a mental hospital following a nervous breakdown!

From day one, he has given a good impression of a scared rabbit caught in the car headlights. He is being pushed to the front by the global puppet masters in the background, either through blackmail, bribery or corruption. Although he comes over as a buffoon, he is intelligent enough to realise that if this eugenics attempt at genocide does not work, there’s a nasty end in store for him. Hence the sheer panic as things start to fall apart.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

It won’t be over in a flash, sadly – just like with a fever – it has to run it’s course before it gets better. The really distressing thing is that the roadsides will be laden with victims of this war – many killed by the bioweapon in a syringe, many others as a consequence of the knock on effects. For those of us who can struggle through, there is a promised land that awaits us.

BoJo and his fellow crony henchmen of the Cabal will pay dearly – they have very good reason to be wetting themselves through fear.

In conclusion.

There is a shortcut to end this fraudulent scam that will kill millions – possibly billions, and that is non compliance.

Stop obeying and acting on what you’re told, stop listening to lies. Finally DITCH your ‘smart’ devices. The biggest weapon used against you is that ‘smart’ phone in your pocket. Without people carrying these devices around on their person, the whole structure of their electronic surveillance network collapses and the game is over in weeks. Think about it.

You can still have older ‘flip’ or ‘slider’ phones that are basic phones with texting ability. Do you REALLY have to have the eye candy and gimmicks that are integrated into that computer surveillance device that you take everywhere with you? If you haven’t got a device to read QR codes and can display vaccine passports around with you, or the ability for Big Brother to know where you are and who you are in contact with for track and trace capabilities, then they are snookered. Their power over you is a chunk of ‘smart’ electronic equipment that they have got you addicted to and that you stay close to twenty four hours a day. That is the weak link in their chain, break that link and they are defeated.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Will ‘Joe Normie’ Have An Epiphany?

What Is IT?

To clarify, we are not talking about an epiphany in the traditional religious sense here, but in the secular context. Here is the Cambridge dictionary definition of the term:

A moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you”

So, is the average ‘Joe’ in the street, (commonly referred to in dialogue during this Covid hoax as ‘Joe Normie’), likely to get up tomorrow morning and miraculously get his/ her epiphany moment on opening their eyes?

A Quick Explanatory Note – You Decide If J.N. Will Have An Epiphany

I was sitting in my car in a supermarket car park this week, watching people come and go to the store, as my beloved was doing our weekly grocery chop inside – whilst I was catching up with my latest book I’m reading. As I had happened to park right by the door, the comings and goings were easy to observe. After an hour or so of this activity of watching the actions of hundreds of people, I noted that just two people entered the store without a mask – my wife being one of them.

It seems I am not the only one to get depressed at viewing these scenes. Let Dave Cullen in this BGB reproduced video explain to you how he also feels about the situation:

What’s Going On This Side Of Paddy’s Pond?

Earlier this week a discussion and a vote on the continued ’emergency powers’ for the next six months was supposed to be held at Westminster. What we saw was a brazen attitude towards these far reaching powers that have taken away our basic rights and freedoms. A bit like a schoolyard bully who has put his foot on someone’s packed lunch and destroyed it, then having a fit of laughter when the victim asks to have it replaced. Even worse, the rest of the school’s ‘pupils’ couldn’t be bothered to get involved.

List Of The Disinterested

Below is a list of 85 MPs that didn’t even bother to vote on this matter, thereby committing us all to a very dark (in more ways than one), painful winter of our discontent. Brace yourselves and get ready for the result of the death jabs starting to fill our cemeteries (see the official numbers already mounting up). Also it appears that a lot more items are disappearing off the shelves – and it’s only October – next we’ll see supply chains break down and a fuel crisis looms all for a hoax pandemic fuelled by fear, continually stoked up by the government and the likes of the BBC.  Note also that the Yellow Card reporting system admits that only between 1 & 10% of injection fatalities and crippling ‘adverse effect’ cases are reported by doctors and hospitals to this government agency. So the real situation could be a hundred times worse than reported :

Click on the above image to view the general letter template page that has been prepared for you. You can change the contents in any way you choose.

Why not write to your MP if they are on the above list, and ask them politely why they did not take part in the vote. Is it not their duty to do such thigs on behalf of their constituents? Especially on such overwhelmingly important subjects.

My own MP (Ben Lake) was one of the culprits (highlighted in the document above). He will be receiving a letter from BGB and it will include the following points:

  • Did you have more pressing matters that needed your attention on the day of the vote?
  • Was this a fence sitting display by you, or do you have no interest in the subject matter that impacts on the welfare and social despair of your constituents?
  • Have you personally done any research into the Covid-19 scandal? Or have you just gone with the flow, just accepting what hand-picked government ‘experts’ have declared and then been repeated by the mainstream media as pure propaganda and lies?
  • Are you happy with the way that the government has short circuited the democratic processes of debate before The House and the holding of government decisions accountable through parliamentary scrutiny by the whole house?

The above are just key points that will be brought to his attention. More points will be included. The letter will in due course be published in our Correspondence Journal for public display.

You should do the same, regardless of where you are in the UK. You can use any  part of our letter for your own correspondence. MPs need to be aware that we are not all like ‘Joe Normie’. Perhaps you could also draw attention to the recent meeting by Boris Johnson with Bill Gates, a person who is orchestrating many of the policies implemented by western governments, regarding injections, despite having absolutely no qualifications in any field of medicine and science.

They Were Having A ‘Larf’ Weren’t They?

In the short video clip below, you can get an insight into how the ‘non vote’ was conducted. To say the scene was an infantile display is an understatement. These are supposed to be grown up adults in positions of ultimate power over us, getting paid a lot of (our) money to do a serious and very responsible job on our behalf – so much for that theory. What is even worse is their general overall attitude towards the work; they obviously don’t take it seriously and many couldn’t even be bothered to take part in the vote that never was. So much for parliamentary scrutiny to protect our democracy:

I don’t know about you, but I got the distinct impression that the whole issue is a joke for them – at our expense – the people who put them there as our servants and not masters. I believe that it was an insult to our intelligence (with the exception of ‘Joe Normie’ who does not seem to display any intelligence so would doubtless not be insulted).

It is evident that these ministers believe that they hold the initiative, control the narrative through corrupt mainstream mass media and can behave with utter impunity – the death and misery of people all around is something that they take so lightly, that they can laugh about it in our faces. Are you happy with that ‘Joe Normie’? Because those of us who take this situation seriously, certainly are not.

What Urgently Needs To Be Done

The first overriding thing is to hold these politicians to account. They need to be prosecuted for malfeasance in public office. Their support for the roll-out of gene therapy experimental injections (without proper informed consent) that are killing and maiming the public should be a matter for an International Criminal Court, for crimes against humanity. Their actions are in direct contravention of the Nuremberg Code (1947).

How can we play a part? The extremely simple solution is to exercise the power of ‘NO’.

We write reams of material about this fake pandemic, we talk for hours on end about it, and to be brutally blunt, we constantly moan and whinge. What we should do is just say no to the ludicrous directives issued by the government, Stop complying, stop acquiescing to their demands and simply refuse to co-operate. We also need to ditch the very tools that they use to impose their diktats – smart phones and smart devices – that we have become addicted to. Without ‘apps’ and constant monitoring devices in our pockets and handbags, we would be free of the technological controls that can be implemented by them.

If we did those simple things, this genocidal madness would be over in weeks. However would ‘Joe Normie’ wake up and support such action? The depressing answer is probably not. Nevertheless there is a huge awakening going on – but it’s slow – as witnessed by the people I saw going into the supermarket this week. The good news though is that judging by the way that some were removing their masks – sometimes before they came out of the doors, there are many out there who are just complying due to peer pressure, from the ‘Joe Normies’ around them. So, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope, but not for Joe sadly.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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Is South Africa Where The Dominoes Will Start To Fall?

Salvation May Start Where We Supposedly Started As A Species

Sometimes referred to as “The Dark Continent”

When it comes to a possible start to the fall of the (henchmen) dominoes of the Cabal, this continent could, very possibly, be the ‘dark horse’ when it comes to the eventual justice that WILL be meted out to those who have attempted genocide against our human race.

Not Alone

There are brilliant legal brains at work on all continents. It is only a matter of time before the breakthrough comes. However, our brothers and sisters in South Africa have jumped to the head of the queue. We don’t hear much from this continent in the Covid-19 hoax pandemic context, but make no mistake, they have been doing their homework, and get top marks.

They have managed to file a crucial lawsuit in the highest court of their land – the Constitutional Court of South Africa. The defendants will be the president, the government and even more tellingly the reserve bank of South Africa – this is a key element. If successful, the bank will be liquidated, those in charge punished, with the assets returned to the people of South Africa. This is an incredible leap in the right direction, and should raise the hearts of all of us who have been reporting on the evil that has exploded on the world scene in the last eighteen months.


In the BGB reproduced video below, you will get the full details from the spokesman for the team that have brought about this incredible feat:



We shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves, but to get this lawsuit filed in the top court of the land in South Africa is one hell of a start. It seems that they have boiled down the core problems that form the basis of this action into a very simple, potent and compact argument. We eagerly look forward to the result when the action is heard (assuming the majority of us survive to that time).

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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I Bring You Good News Of Great Joy That Will Be For All The People

The post below has caused a lot of confusion. It is a SIMULATION SCENARIO and not an ACTUAL event.

BGB apologises for this. It also caused us confusion (along with initial excitement) but after further investigation, the information passed on to us did not stipulate that it was a SIMULATION we erroneously published the original information as an actual event. That was BGB’s error and hence this short notice of Correction & Retraction.

We ALWAYS aim to be truthful and factually correct in everything we publish. On this occasion (the first time it’s happened) we tripped up by reproducing something that was not factually correct, but did so in all innocence, but we still apologise for the error.

Further Explanation:

𝗦𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁: 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘀𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽 – 𝗔 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗘𝘅𝗶𝘁 𝗘𝘅𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗲

German channel:

This simulation game event “BasisCamp – A Global Pandemic Exit Exercise” is organised by members of the Corona Investigation Committee, members of the German party “dieBasis” and numerous previous guests.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼: The German government has resigned and an interim government has been formed. Under the leadership of the new Chancellor, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, and other members of the interim government, the current situation will be analysed and an assessment of measures will be made with the help of current experts from various fields.

𝗖𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝘀:

  • Chancellor: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
  • President:Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert.
  • Minister of the Interior: Viviane Fischer.
  • Minister of Health: Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.
  • Director of the RKI: Stephan Kohn..
  • Minister of Labour and Social Affairs: Alkje Fonte.
  • State Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs: Prof. Dr. Harald Walach.
  • President of the Child Protection League: Hans-Christian Prestien.
  • Minister of Education & Research: Dr. Matthias Burchardt.
  • Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy: Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz.
  • State Secretary for Media and Arts: Uli Masuth.
  • Psychologist, expert in mass psychology: Prof. Mattias Desmet.

The above characters are enacted by real and qualified people – not professional actors.

Are We Seeing The Planned Exit Strategy Of The Cabal Starting To Unfold?

As followers of BGB will be aware we are currently in the middle of a short break. However we promised that we would still keep our ear to the ground, and if anything of significance should arise, then we would let you know. This is an example of such news. Here is the announcement by Germany’s Federal Government (released on the 26th of this month), that they are halting ALL death jabs for the Covid-19 hoax pandemic in Germany – with immediate effect – and reassessing their position.

It’s evident that the nonsense so far, and the injuries and deaths following inoculations has stopped them in their tracks. They daren’t carry on, as the tide is fast turning and the public are waking up to what has been attempted against them, the injury and death figures are there for everyone to see, and they have stalled, because not enough unwary people are queuing up for the jabs. To have made a success of their attempt at world control and their depopulation plan, those plans had to be enacted swiftly for it to succeed. Time has run out for them.

I’m sure all of those who are awake will be overjoyed to hear this. Is this the rumblings of an exit strategy by those behind this scam? They will still be held accountable for their evil deeds – there is no escape from justice.

Also great to hear that Dr. (at Law) Reiner Fuellmich is involved. He has said from the start of his lawsuits, that once the pillars of this hoax pandemic are exposed (especially the PCR testing fiasco) then the rest of the house of cards will collapse. Let’s hope we are seeing the start of that process.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:


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Huge Lawsuit – White Coats Convention – US Senator Rand Paul – BGB Letters Of Appreciation

An ‘Odds n’ Ends’ Post Today

Starting with ‘Judge’ Scott Workman who is the founder of Friends of The Original Constitution organisation and website.


A painting of the signing of the American Declaration of Independence. on July 4, 1776, at the Pennsylvania State House, Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

I have to admire the people of the USA for one thing in particular, the size of their balls! From day one, they have done things BIG. Even their Constitution is big, not in size – but in content. It’s a wonderful document. No less so the American Declaration Of Independence.

The largest ethnic group of signatories (16 in all) on the original draft of the American Declaration of Independence were Welsh. Thomas Jefferson’s family who came from Snowdonia (‘Eryri‘ in Welsh, meaning the remote haunting high place of eagles) spoke Welsh fluently – as their mother tongue. Much as it fills me with pride to know that – as a Welsh patriot – it’s not the fundamental source of my admiration. My real admiration is the big mindset of these people, the target is never too difficult to reach for them. It brings to mind in Zhineng Qigong  where there is an encouraging and intriguing saying: “What you wish for you WILL receive“.

Quote from the D of I:

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Big and powerful that. Few realise how difficult a target that was in the period it was written. Unlikely to succeed, but succeed it did, and it spawned a fresh start and inspired people from all over Europe and beyond to flock there and congregate, to create the most powerful nation on Earth – under the American Constitution banner – until relatively recently, as evil entities have conspired to rip it all up.

The corruption has been eating away at the US Constitution for a considerable time. I said the ‘citizens’ or ‘people’ of America have big balls, however, not necessarily their government – despite the safety nets written into the original Constitution by the wise Founding Fathers. As big as the principles of the people have been, all that the governments (in various colours – because they are all now controlled by the ‘Deep State’) have done is paint the nation as a dangerous, hated warmongering basket case in the eyes of the world.

Sadly when people think of America what they have in their mind’s eye is the harsh, brash, arrogant and superior attitude of the government, and the psychopathic elites at the top. In my experience the majority of the people are hospitable, with high morals, they are generous, and kind with old fashioned principles and good manners (especially in more southernly states). But driven too far they have the balls to upset apple carts – on a big scale.

A Big Upset In The Making?

Scott Workman (Friends of the Original Constitution)

So we come to Scott Workman. Founder, First Delegate, Organizer; Nonlawyer Representative of the Constitutional Convention and Court for the United States of America. He is planning a $500 TRILLION lawsuit against the fraudulent Federal Government and over 140 Monopolists via the organised Constitutional Convention and Court. They don’t do things small or by halves do they?

My personal first reaction to this was “pie in the sky”, “an unattainable goal”. But having listened to Scott Workman’s video, and knowing what the People of America have audaciously managed to pull off in the past – because they are not the kind to baulk at the enormity of the task – who knows?  It’s incredibly interesting to say the least. Here’s the BGB reproduced video of the original:

After listening to Scott Workman, I can say that I am 100% supportive of his mission. The outcome, if successful, is a picture of a future world we would all like to see and live in, after the rot in this present system of things is ripped away.

Copy Of The Friends Of The Original Constitution’s Lawsuit File


However, is the beast too big to be taken down in one big swoop? I personally fear so, but hope that I’m proven totally wrong. What is evident though is that the legal profession all over the world is girding itself up to take on the dark powers behind this genocidal attack on humanity. They are coming at it from all angles. Others, unlike Scott Workman, are taking it on in smaller bite sized pieces, they are accumulating legal successes in various courts in different countries, thereby setting precedencies. These successes are building up into a legal tsunami; that is the way big hitters like Dr. (at law) Reiner Fuellmich  is approaching the problem. With his past successes in taking on big corrupt corporations like Volkswagen (diesel emissions fraud) and Deutsche Bank (corruption and bribery) and winning, I believe he has the know how and tools to get the job done. The big problem for all of the legal teams is whether the judges and the judicial systems are too compromised and corrupt to allow justice to be done. We’ll have to wait and see, but it’s looking good up until now.

America’s Frontline Doctors First Annual Conference

AFLD held their first annual conference recently, since they were first set-up in July 2020.

Their message is loud and clear. Not only are they battling on the medical front, against great odds, as the authorities and big tech media platforms are increasingly putting the pressure on to try and gag them, but failing.

These are hard working and principled doctors, whose sole aim is to bring the truth to the people and an end to this ridiculous ‘pandemic’ scare and misinformation. They’re having a hard time of it, because they are specifically targeted for special attention, not least from censorship. If you look up AFLD on a venomous and lying platform like Wikipedia, you’ll realise what a foul platform that is – totally under the control of the Cabal and the organisations they are involved with up to government level and beyond.

Here is a BGB reproduced video of some of the short speeches they delivered during their convention:

Senators Speak Out

Senators Rand Paul & Scott Jensen – both qualified medical doctors, both fighting for truth and exposure of what is happening.

Here also below is a ten minute delivery by Kentucky Senator (& medical doctor)  Rand Paul, who is also fighting, but  within the den of rogues, Cabal henchmen and corrupt thieves that pass as government. Another similar Senator is Scott Jensen. For those of us involved in this fight for truth and freedom it’s very encouraging to see politicians like these stand up to expose the sewer they work in. More power to their elbow, along with other politicians in other countries who are making the same stand.

The public are not aware of this, because it is totally blacked out by the mainstream (false) news media. That is why it’s so important for platforms like BGB and many others, to get the truth out there.

The voices of truth are drowned out, they are viciously attacked at every opportunity in the media and elsewhere.. The mainstream media hang on every word they say in the hope of finding a crumb of evidence that they can use to defame them. They exaggerate lies about them and worse of all they turn the unaware public against them through false news propaganda.

It’s a sickening state of affairs, but they have the steely resolve to expose the fake pandemic that has been created as a means to get the whole population of the earth inoculated in the biggest attempt at selective genocide ever undertaken in the history of mankind.

Finally, – Letters of Appreciation

Let’s end on another bright note.

Although I say so myself, the dedicated work and time put into this blog is enormous. It’s a labour of love, but extremely draining, and totally voluntary. We don’t ask for donations towards the work and we don’t ask for any accolade. It will however continue until we see an end to the cruel madness we’ve experienced since the end of 2019.

Whilst we don’t look for praise for the work we’ve undertaken, the encouragement we receive from those who appreciate this work is encouraging beyond words. It’s often the fuel that keeps us going when things get tough. The fact that we are continually receiving feedback from our dedicated subscribers, who are growing daily (we have recently received an avalanche of registrations and new post notification subscriptions) is very much appreciated and serves as a barometer to the support we are garnering, as our message expands and propagates throughout the Internet. Thank you all.


Here is a sample of just two letters (we continually receive many more) of appreciation we received this last week alone, from new subscribers who felt compelled to let us know how they felt about our work:

The first is from ‘Rory’

Thanks, Big Gee

I am grateful to you for following up of the graphene-oxide content of these experimental drugs. Furthermore, warnings of possible other avenues of ‘dispersion’. Sadly anything is possible from this government of occupation.

I am standing my ground and not bending to my principles. Walked out of the St Georges Whiskey Distillery with my family while on holiday recently [our last summer holiday for some time?], the 10 or so patrons looking up like helpless sheep. I refused to be masked up. I didn’t argue as I find their eyes glaze over; they don’t hear you. It is as if you are a homeless person on the street they cannot see for that period of interaction. Their excuse? that they are only a small business – how ironic when you are chopping your market by 10% through your ignorance, and siding with the very institution that is out there to destroy you?

Recently my daughter was denied orthodontal service by the NHS as I refused to wear a mask into their hallowed site. There are many other incidents of ‘apartheid’ on superstitious lines. How the many have fallen to the covidian cult.

Of possible interest to you may be Mark Passio and his talks about natural law. I am almost through an 8 hour video [ironically on that youtube platform] which was recorded before this all took off. It is helping me to understand how close people are to the universal truths [the truth shall set you free], but at the same time, how duped people are through all these systems and even the English language itself.

Fortunately I am principled, and desirous of truth despite what it may be.

This has prevented me from falling into the ignorance gap. This in turn creates bad people and a bad society in which people through ignorance either commit evil, or allow evil to be conducted on them. Morality is simple, as in the natural law [theft in all its forms], and yet despite being so close to it, people reject it. We are thus where we are today. We are sovereign, and not slaves. By respecting these simple first principle laws and accepting truth, society would regulate itself; we would have little ‘need’ for government [I believe this word in itself means mind control or control of the mind from its Latin derivative]. Society would be calling out these ‘bad’ people.

I know it will get a lot worse in the not too distant future, but there is a dawning of new hope. I have learned so much about people I thought I knew, society, and the fragility of all the bubbles I grew up with around me…. the rabbit hole is so deep.

As a related aside, I taught a few years back [yes, I had to go, I was corrupting the kids in an unacceptable way] and was surprised back then as to why a pupil was ‘studying’ the history of medicine in GCSE. I distinctly remember thinking to myself that there is so much other material out there. Now I know why: It was to bash kids brains with Germ theory. Naturally terrain Theory never got a mention, and in retrospect, what an amazing period of discovery to discuss and debate.

Keep up your good work, salute!


And here’s one from ‘Alun’:

Hi Gwilym

Thanks for your service in sharing the truth for the benefit of humanity. Truth will always prevail!

The end of this evil cabal’s hold on humanity is just around the corner. What I envisage is a world where the ill gotten gains of the elite will be used for the benefit of humanity.

The “Great Big Reset“ is not the outcome the elite imagine it to be! It is in fact an event that will bring about their own destruction. The wonderful thing is that they are completely oblivious to this.

In Zhineng Qi Gong there is a wonderful expression “What you wish for you WILL receive “! In my 10 years of spiritual growth and practice I have observed that this is one of the universal laws!

Things will never be the same again as you rightly said BUT things will get better for future generations. It’s very important to believe this.

Keep up your wonderful work


A big thank you for their words of encouragement and from everyone that contacts BGB. The above are just samples of the last two received this week. Our gratitude is extended to ALL our followers who have contacted us.

Remember that the opposite to love is fear – not hate. Keep on spreading the word in a spirit of peace!

This will be the last post published by BGB until September. If anything drastic occurs that we think our subscribers and followers and the unwary public need to know about, then we’ll return to barracks if need be! However if everything remains equal, we are taking a break to recharge the batteries! We’ve been at it virtually day and night – non stop – since before March 2020, when BGB was launched and now we believe this is an opportune time to take a breather. We are a tiny team of just two, so you can imagine how much dedication and long hours have been invested in the blog. We do everything in-house, from the graphics to the written content and everything in between from the IT hosting side to our bulging Correspondence Journal. We haven’t taken a day off until now.

It is our opinion that this summer’s creaking relaxation of illegal mandates, is a little tit-bit handed out to the public by the controlling powers. Come the autumn and winter, get ready for another attack, using pseudo science and propaganda to promote ‘variants’ – which is a nonsense, as the original (supposed) novel SARS Cov-2 imaginary ‘virus’ has never been separated, isolated or  sequenced, so it’s existence is unproven. How on earth you can identify a variant if the original has not been identified? It makes a mockery of their whole exercise.

Nevertheless they WILL try and play the variant card, to justify another round of death jabs, lockdowns and the other tyrannical measures to pretend there’s yet another wave on the way. Their tool for that will continue to be be PCR test which has already been rubbished and exposed – even by it’s inventor Dr. Kary Mullis – as a tool which is not fit for purpose. It was never designed to diagnose anything. But they’ll keep on testing and use (false) positive results from it and then promote them as ‘cases’ to keep the fraudulent hoax going.

By September, we’ll be back, fully charged and ready for the next round in this evil war that’s being waged against humanity. Hopefully by then, the legal teams will have gained more traction and many more of the public will have woken up.

We look forward to your company when we get back from our break. Enjoy what’s left of the summer, before the perceived winter flu/ Covid-19 variants season starts!

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:


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Is A Scared Canadian Province Going To Lead The Way Out Of This Nightmare?

Are They Feeling The Heat And Wilting Or Preparing Their Exit Strategy?

Emergency Program Act Ministerial Order No. M275

I, Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety, and Solicitor General, order that, effective at the end of the day on June 30, 2021, the attached declaration of a State of Emergency throughout the whole of the Province of British Colombia, made on March 18, 2020, and subsequently extended, is cancelled.”

. . . .

The Province of British Columbia formally extended the provincial state of emergency, allowing health and emergency management officials to continue to use extraordinary powers under the Emergency Program Act (EPA) to support the Province’s COVID-19 pandemic response. 

The state of emergency is extended through the end of the day on July 6, 2021, to allow staff to take the necessary actions to keep British Columbians safe and manage immediate concerns and COVID-19 outbreaks.”


In other words, the State of Emergency in British Colombia, as a possible precursor for the rest of Canada, is no longer valid.

People in BC are free to move around, without wearing masks, without social distancing, without any of the restrictive measures imposed by the Trudeau Government on 18 March 2020. Coerced vaccination is over. And no more vaccination certificates.

Planned Tyranny Agenda

This is the approximate date (mid-March 2020) of the general lockdown throughout the world, in all of the 193 UN member countries at once. A sudden tyranny imposed by an entity that shall remain unnamed, “high-above the UN system”, has been cowardly accepted by the UN system and by all its co-opted member governments.

Yes, all 193 UN member governments have been coerced, by threat or reward, to follow this nefarious criminal and deadly agenda – a depopulation and life-digitization agenda to be implemented under the guise of a pandemic, actually, a plannedemic. It is virologically impossible that a virus, deadly or not, spreads throughout the world as a pandemic at once, within days.

And even less so, a virus, like the Corona virus which is essentially a flu virus – with mortality rates from about 0.3% to 0.8%. This “new” Covid virus is not a new version. It is an updated version of the SARS virus that was directed at the Chinese genome in 2002 / 2003.

In retrospect, the 2002 / 2003 SARS virus was like a trial balloon. Both the 2002 / 2003 and today’s versions were laboratory-made – certainly not in China, as the west keeps claiming. Readers may have noticed, western lies are endless, repetitive and ever viler and more vicious.

Today’s Covid-lie version which is supposed to invade and lock down the entire world, has been renamed as SARS-Cov-2, and in January 2021 renamed again by WHO as Covid-19. This worldwide plannedemic was planned for decades before. See also the 2010 Rockefeller Report.

The Rehearsal

The master “trial” i.e., simulation before launching the virus globally, was Event 201, a computer simulation in New York City on October 18, 2019. It was sponsored by the World Economic Forum – WEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which, by the way, is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. May it be noted that the Gates and the Rockefellers are among the most notorious ecumenists on the planet.

The Event 201 was attended by professionals with links to UN agencies, especially WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the IMF, and more, (the usual suspects) as well as renowned national health agencies including the CDC. See this.

The 201 simulation produced some 65 million deaths and a gutted world economy – massive unemployment, famine, misery and more death from famine and desperation – does that sound familiar to what we have experienced for the last seventeen months? Oh! Just coincidence say the mainstream media addicts and the other closed minded and gullible members of the public!

The Covid-19 Plannedemic

In reality, the worldwide damage done during these last 17 months is unfathomable.

As of today, this plannedemic has already affected at least 2 to 4 billion people throughout the world – and more – many more – will be affected within the next five to ten years – “coincidentally” the so-called UN Agenda 2030, or Agenda 2021 – if, and this is the Big IF – We, the People, do not wake up and stop this crime of epical proportions in solidarity.

Part of this agenda is an extreme, well-planned food shortage throughout the world.

Reports are coming out of India that the government buys up food crops from farmers at preferred prices – just to let it rot and destroy. Millions of tons of food crops are being devastated, expected to be leading to massive death by famine.

These food shortages in India and elsewhere may also affect Europe, the US and other parts of the world. In the US, Bill Gates has recently become the largest single “farmer”, as his foundation bought up more than 269,000 acres of farmland throughout the United States (about 110,000 hectares).


Is this land being used for producing food, or for preventing food production? The Gates farmland purchase was reported by NBC – but strangely, the NBC reference to their report has been deleted from the internet. Fortunately, it is still available on different other websites, i.e., on this one.

As it stands, Canada may be leading the way for the rest of the world to peel off the criminal Covid restrictions and – most importantly, Canada is legally pursuing and prosecuting the perpetrators of these human rights infringing Covid measures.

They are supported by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the German-American lawyer, and his team of lawyers, and the large German Investigative Committee. Dr. Fuellmich’s claims of crimes against humanity have already been accepted by Canadian’s Highest Courts. In Canada the highly successful Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati is also preparing a huge case against the Canadian Government and is suing individuals within the administration. He has a glittering past record in this field of prosecution, including successful judgements in the past against the likes of Stephen Joseph Harper a Canadian politician who served as the 22nd prime minister of Canada from 2006 to 2015, and now every layer of the Canadian Government including ‘Baby’ Trudeau (Justin). The net is tightening, thanks to our high profile and extremely talented legal friends. Time for an exit strategy for the bad boys – before the brown stuff hits the whirly thing? Incidentally where’s ‘Billy Boy’ Gates these days? He seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth – like the stealthy drug dealer who quietly slips out of the back door when a police raid is in progress at a crack house (or should that be a ‘vaccine’ house!).

All of this – or most of it, especially the abrogation of the nefarious Canadian “Declaration of the State of Emergency”, may not yet be known to the wide Canadian public, because mainstream media do not report it. Therefore, people may still be subject to – totally illegally – pressure and coercion of mask wearing, vaccination and constant and dangerous PCR-testing.

Good News 

May this refreshingly good news – the abrogation of the Emergency Law – soon be surfacing for all to see and understand – so that a massive solidarity move can bring back Canada to normal along with the rest of the world..

May Canada become a shining example for the world, in overcoming this deadly psychopathic attempt by a few dirty-rich “non-humans” – to drastically reduce world population and digitize the survivors into “robotic humanoids”.

Whether you’re reading this as a casual visitor to this site, or a dedicated subscriber (as a perpetually increasing huge number are)  –  YOU NEED TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION to keep on waking people up.

The above article has been written by BGB. It is based on an original article written by Peter Koenig for Global Research. He is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. All excerpts reproduced above, from his original article are copyrighted by him. The editing and formatting, including additional writing/ videos/ graphics etc. have been added by BGB.


11.00 p.m. Saturday, July 10th 2021:

Since the above post was published by BGB this morning, I have been directed to the following video, which supports the information previously published in this post. Not only does this video reiterate what has been written above, there is even more information contained in it. Please view it to the end:


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