A Conversation Between Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt

It’s very easy to have your perceptions of reality sculptured into your mind, by incessantly only hearing one side of a debate. There are two sides to every coin. Sadly the only thing you hear from the Mainstream Media (MSM) is just one side – the official one – as dictated by the W.H.O., Big Pharma, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and all manner of corrupt governments. Not that governments are corrupt in their totality, but the heads of, and the most influential in government – including the advisors – are hirlings of those who are working to an agenda. It’s a simple task, you put the right ones in the right positions of power and control over a number of years, and everything/ everyone below them are dictated to by a tiny number at the top. It’s the top down pyramid model of management and control. The others, for example in government – are either gormless and ill informed, so go along in ignorance. They are as gullible and likely to be as easily duped as the general public. Some ARE educated and open minded enough to rebel and speak out, but they are stifled and muzzled, or their comments are blacked out by the MSM. It is simply not reported. All of the ‘independent/ commercial’ MSM are owned, controlled and financed from a tiny group of owners. The ‘state’ owned MSM (like the BBC) rely on that source for their revenue and huge advertising income with support from the likes of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, their news policy is dictated by the government, they currently receive millions from pushing the false narrative about Covid-19.

Intelligent humans need to see a full picture, before deciding what is truth and what is fraudulent. In the legal world they call it audi alteram partem (or audiatur et altera pars) which is a Latin phrase meaning “listen to the other side”, or “let the other side be heard as well”. The information from the other side is being stifled and viciously censored, by the mass news media (MSM)  and social media. That very fact should make alarm bells go off in everyone’s head. If you need censorship, to keep information from people, the first question should be “WHY?”.

In an effort to bring you the views of the ‘other side’, here is a very revealing conversation between two prominent doctors:

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