Month: January 2021 (Page 2 of 2)

Accurate Covid-19 Data Analysis For Thinkers But NOT MSM Echo Chambers

Confusion Dominates The Uneducated Public

A lot of the fear (mostly, purposely generated by governments and the Mainstream Media) has completely confused the public – including the open minded ones. The rest are a lost cause (“there’s none as blind as those who do not want to see”), because they are basically ignorant and are groomed and brainwashed ‘Stateists’. They believe everything the state and corporate, elitist  propagandists say. They trust them implicitly and don’t have the ability to think for themselves. They are so closed minded that they won’t study the evidence or the correct science even when it’s shoved under their noses. Their closed minds won’t even allow them to think back to how many times they’ve been fooled and lied to by authority in the past. But let’s not go off on that tangent – it is a long winded article in itself.

This article with it’s accompanying video, is mainly for the confused, who have been isolated from the data/facts, and don’t know who to believe, or where to go for the knowledge about this contrived pandemic; the ridiculous authoritarian guidelines they’ve been forced to adhere to and perhaps more importantly, the propaganda and pseudo science they’ve been exposed to 24/7. This group is not stupid, and most have an honest and open mind – they just need access to the information (they also need to stop using mass media as their only source for information).

The True Data That Gets Buried

In this latest January 2021 Ivor Cummins video, we are given the latest  truthful and straightforward analysis of the data from the data bases of official sources (like the UK Office For National Statistics and others globally). This saves you the effort of digging up the information for yourselves.

Data analysis is not for everyone (personally it tends to rather bore me too). However Ivor Cummins puts this information over in the simplest form possible, and the analysis is very interesting. The important thing about this analysis is that it digs down and reveals the truth, unlike the cherry picked and then spin doctored statistics provided by the MSM, which is often not accurate and incredibly contorted and confusing.

A good example are the ‘in house’ graphs displayed that show shocking increases in deaths of people tested with  Covid-19 – not from Covid-19 (notice the subtle difference?). And the increasing number of ‘cases’ – born from the numbers of positive test results (it is now common knowledge that the PCR test is wildly inaccurate and kicks up over 80% false positives).

Check out this Fact-Sheet:



These are then portrayed as infectious cases, making this a testing based ‘CASEdemic’, not a killer pandemic. As a ‘by the way’, the story spun that asymptomatic people who do not show any sign of illness or symptoms can spread the infection is pure myth – that hypothesis has not been proven in any lab.


Crucial Viral Data Update To  Jan-4th 2021

Main Stream Media (MSM) ‘Talking Heads’ i.e. Script Readers For The Propaganda Machine

BGB will bring you further data analysis updates as they are collected and published in due course. For the time being here are two more charts, from other trusted sources, and official data bases, that prove the propaganda you hear from the ‘talking heads’ on the evening news are selling you lies, dressed up to create fear, panic and CONFUSION.

Graphs Showing Reality of This Hoax Pandemic

But What About The Imminent Collapse Of The NHS?

Compare 2019/20 to 2020/21

A little different to the spin you’re being fed by the BBC’s ‘Talking Heads’ and Boris’ corrupt advisors (follow the money) and clueless/ corrupt cabinet ministers.

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Here’s Wishing You All a Better 2021

Don’t Let Them Dictate How You Spend Your Holidays

I hope you had a nice holiday – despite all attempts by the governments to make it as miserable as possible for you!

I’m publishing this post, to wish everyone a better year in 2021 than you’ve just encountered in 2020. That can only happen if we open enough eyes & minds to the reality of the evil that has been purposely unleashed on humanity.

Here’s a little video from BGB with a message from young Gareth Icke, that he gave at a protest rally in London towards the end of 2020 . I found it very encouraging, and I hope you take the full core message through with you into 2021 and beyond:

My holiday has been particularly miserable. My mother passed away on the 20th of December, and apart from the bad timing of when it happened, this ludicrous and absurd lockdown has compounded the usual stresses of a bereavement. I had promised that the blog would be active again in the new year, but as the funeral is not until the 6th, it is not really appropriate or respectful to start publishing blog posts until the dust has settled, and we are over our initial grief.

So don’t despair, the blog will be back broadcasting the truth, but just a bit later than anticipated.

Many thanks for your continued interest, patience and support.


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