It’s the eighth of November – the second week in the big pathetic lockdown month in England – this is the month when reality will really start to kick in for many, perhaps this will wake people up, let’s hope so. Lockdown related deaths will soar again (according to confusing interpretation of statistics based on an useless testing process using RT-PCR) with empty hospitals and sick people at home (not with the hoax Covid-19 disease) but they will be the innocents that will die at home – at the hands of the government’s madcap policies. It’s no exaggeration to say that we are experiencing a genocide of the sick and elderly.

An Update On Future Richie Allen Sunday Podcasts.

Richie tells us this week that this is the last Sunday Review he’s doing for the foreseeable future – that’s sad. However it is to be replaced by a new Friday programme, so we’ll see how that pans out.

Anyway, let’s hear what Richie Allen has to say in this week’s Sunday Review, brought to you as always via BGB. Click below to hear the 8th of November 2020 episode:

You can also listen directly to this Podcast from the Podmatic platform below. The Podmatic version renews automatically, as Richie broadcasts his latest shows throughout the week, so if you come back to this page later on in the week you can hear what he also has to say on his weekday shows between now and next Sunday.

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