The Background

Before we get at the meat of this post, you may need to hear the background to this potentially explosive turn of events.

Rather than have me write it all out for you, please indulge BGB by listening carefully to this  broadcast by Richard Vobes, who himself has interviewed Andrew Bridgen MP.  In this short video clip he explains what has led up to this disgraceful attempt by MPs – across the parties in Westminster – to gag probably the most truthful and principled lone MP in that den of vipers.

You may possibly have missed these events, because the mainstream media, in their now familiar style, have tried to bury the events that took place.


Moving On To The Present

Last week UK Column News’ Brian Gerrish had an update interview with Andrew Bridgen MP. This information needs to be spread far and wide.  So BGB has reproduced that interview conducted by Brian Gerrish below,  so that our audience can be made party to what is going on –  from the horse’s mouth as it were.

Please feel free to copy the contents, or provide a link to the video (it might be a good idea for you to download and save Richard Vobes’ video as well, because it is hosted on You Tule, and through their policy of censorship, they may remove it without warning).

Here is the full interview that was conducted by Brian Gerrish on the 18th of April 2023. It should be noted that I, nor BGB have any political affiliation to any political party. I personally do not subscribe to any political organisation or any organised man-made religion. Regardless of any politics that any politician is associated with, our interest is solely  to get truthful information out there – regardless of who the messenger is.

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the contents.

If you feel aggrieved by what you’ve just witnessed, be sure to write to your own MP, to make them aware of your disgust.  They need to know, that despite their attempts to gag Andrew Bridgen, the cat is well and truly out of the bag, and they have nowhere to hide.

If you don’t have the contact details for your MP, then please

To get the information.

You may also like to view BGB’s  letter template page.


View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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