
Michael O’Bernicia

Michael O’Bernicia hails from the north east of England – a true Geordie – not altogether a bad thing in my book. Along with other colourful characters from other well known parts of the UK – and I would put south Walians, Scousers and Yorkshiremen in the same group.  From really tough working class backgrounds they are blunt no nonsense types. They are also often colourful and controversial – they tell it as it is – whether you like it or not is immaterial; when they sense injustice, they start firing from the hip. Not the types you want to make enemies of. To other more soft bellied and woke types they are a nightmare. The general more ‘softy’ modern types that inhabit other areas of our Isles are often in shock when they tangle with these types of tougher and rougher around the edges people. O’Bernicia is a classic example. There is no politeness or holding back for fear of hurting feelings – he tells it as he sees it. He is also tenacious, and with an impressive track record of  taking the establishment to court under  Common Law jurisdiction and winning (more info HERE). He seems to know his stuff when it comes to Common Law, despite others playing down what he has achieved in the past.

Mask Wearing & Injection Mandates In Schools 

Forced mask wearing in schools  is a subject that has been brewing for a while; the coerced ‘death jabs’ for our children in school and the segregating of injected and non injected pupils is an even more serious subject than masks.

O’Bernicia and his team (which includes Merseysider Mark Oakford) have looked at the problem in detail and offer a solution that may be more legally practical and efficient than the campaign currently undertaken by some parent with the issuing of notices to school staff.

Bernicia’s model is based on the time tested legal notices procedure. Some may know the power of issuing a notice. There is a clear guideline though. Issuing a single notice is not sufficient, it has to be a three part process.

  1. A notice is primarily issued with a time deadline (Notice of Conditional Acceptance). If the notice is not responded to or ignored then:
  2.  A Notice of Opportunity To Cure is issued, basically a reminder – with a short extension to the original deadline for response. If the second notice is ignored and not responded to, then:
  3. A Notice of Default is served.

Why Three Notices?

Actually it’s one in three parts. By law, following this recognised procedure, a court will rule that by a non response or the ignoring of the notices then the notices are respected in court by default. This puts the defendant(s) in an extremely vulnerable and compromised position.

This is the process employed by e.g. local governments when serving notices for local tax collection. If all notices issued are ignored or not responded to, then judgement is entered by default.

This is the proper way to serve a notice. The current process, employed by many parents is to confront the staff at a school to serve a single written notice face to face. This often causes confrontation, is not efficient and is lawfully weak. On the other hand, the notices (specimens below) do not need to be a face to face incident. Each missive must be sent by recorded mail or special delivery and all mailing receipts must be retained, so that it can be proven that every notice was duly served upon the intended recipients.

Unless the governors abandon their plans to mandate masks or injections in the school, they should be held liable for any and all harm, damage and injury caused.

Furthermore, using a Common Law Lien process developed over the course of the past thirteen years, the injured parties will be able to obtain damages secured against the personal legal estates of the school governors, for the injuries caused by the masks/ injection mandates.

All Done For You

BGB has produced the necessary notices that parents can use as templates. If the notices refer to injection mandates for all pupils then the notices can be edited and altered for injections rather than masks.

The following are download links to all three notices. They are in a zipped folder and contain three documents in each zipped folder. They are in the most popular word processor formats, so that you can open them and edit them yourself – there should be at least one that suits your particular software. The formats are: .odf/ .doc/ .docx


1 Notice of Conditional Acceptance (first notice)

2. Notice of Opportunity To Cure (second notice)

3. Notice of Default (third and final notice)

SPECIMEN Documents


PEOPLE’S UNION of BRITAIN (PUB) Three Notice Process To Stop Schools Mandating Masks

Here is PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK schools are insisting that children wear masks and are injected to continue their education.

Notice of Conditional Acceptance

In the event you are a concerned parent, once you have filled in the relevant information, the Notice of Conditional Acceptance should be sent to the school governors who have indicated that your child must wear a mask or be injected, conditionally agreeing to grant your consent in the event they can provide you with the material evidence you ask for.

Moreover, everybody should engage in this process acting as a Trustee of the People’s Union of Britain [PUB], in order to establish their legal protection, under the provisions of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust.

Each missive must also be sent by recorded mail or special delivery and all mailing receipts must be retained, so that it can proven that every notice was duly served upon the intended recipients.

Example 1






Dear Sir/Madam,


In relation to UK Government COVID-19 Policy, under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served notice that I conditionally accept that you have the right to mandate mask wearing for all the children at your school, provided you deliver to me the following:

1) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks are incapable of harming my child.
2) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks have undergone rigorous safety studies.
3) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that I will not suffer or develop any adverse reactions or die as a result of inhaling the Graphene Oxide [or any other substance] contained in all designated facemasks.
4) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide protection from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19.
5) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to mandate mask wearing for the children at your school and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment.
6) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to impose mandatory wearing of the designated masks upon the children in your school.
7) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers if there is any possibility that serious or even fatal adverse events might ensue if my child obeys the mask mandate, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter.

Please deliver to me these reasonably requested items within seven days of your receipt of this notice, given the seriousness of the matters raised and the apparent imminence of the school governors adhering to the UK Government policy of mandating the designated facemasks for all UK school children.

I look forward to hearing from you without delay in signed writing and strongly advise you to accept that my child has ever right to refuse to wear a mask in school, unless and until you deliver to me the evidence described in the foregoing.

In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,

Trustee of People’s Union of Britain
All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust
Errors & Omissions Excepted

Example 2

Notice of Opportunity To Cure

Given that the evidence you will be asking for does not exist, in the extremely likely event you don’t receive what you asked for within seven days, the Notice of Opportunity To Cure should be sent, reiterating the terms of the first notice, giving the school another three days to respond appropriately.

However, the only acceptable responses would be either providing you with the material evidence requested, or an agreement to cease and desist in their plans to mandate mask wearing in the school.






Dear Sir/Madam,


Following your failure to respond to my notice dated [add date], in relation to UK Government COVID-19 Policy, under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served notice that you have a further three days to deliver to me the following:

1) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks are incapable of harming my child.
2) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks have undergone rigorous safety studies.
3) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that I will not suffer or develop any adverse reactions or die as a result of inhaling the Graphene Oxide [or any other substance] contained in all designated facemasks.
4) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide protection from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19.
5) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to mandate mask wearing for the children at your school and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment.
6) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to impose mandatory wearing of the designated masks upon the children in your school.
7) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers if there is any possibility that serious or even fatal adverse events might ensue if my child obeys the mask mandate, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter.

Please deliver to me these reasonably requested items within three days of your receipt of this notice, given the seriousness of the matters raised and the apparent imminence of the school governors adhering to the UK Government policy of mandating the designated facemasks for all UK school children.

I look forward to hearing from you without delay in signed writing and strongly advise you to accept that my child has ever right to refuse to wear a mask in school, unless and until you deliver to me the evidence described in the foregoing.

In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,

Trustee of People’s Union of Britain
All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust
Errors & Omissions Excepted

Example 3

Notice of Default

If the school governors propose that you should enter reasonable discussions before they take a position on the issues you have raised, this process should be suspended pending the outcome of further communications. The same would apply in the event this happens at an earlier stage.

However, if you don’t receive what you have reasonably requested and the school governors refuse to cease and desist in their plans to mandate mask wearing, the Notice of Default should be sent, notifying them of the potential civil and criminal liabilities they have incurred.






Dear Sir/Madam,


Following your failure to respond to my notices dated [add date] and [add date], in relation to UK Government COVID-19 Policy; under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served Notice of Default.

Please be advised that your silence on this very serious matter has given rise, by tacit procuration, to your agreement that:

1) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks are incapable of harming my child.
2) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks have undergone rigorous double-blind safety studies.
3) There is no independent material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that my child will not suffer any adverse reactions or die as a result of inhaling the Graphene Oxide [or any other substance] contained in all designated facemasks.
4) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the designated facemasks approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide protection from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19.
5) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that that you have sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to mandate mask wearing for the children at your school and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment.
6) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to impose mandatory wearing of the designated masks upon the children in your school.
7) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers if there is any possibility that serious or even fatal adverse events might ensue if my child obeys the mask mandate, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter. perhaps even manslaughter.

Please be advised that I will be holding you jointly and severally liable for any and all civil damages claims, in the event my child complies with such a mandate under protest and duress for the sole purpose of remaining in school and they suffer any injury, damage or harm as a result.

In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,

Trustee of People’s Union of Britain
All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust
Errors & Omissions Excepted

Next Steps

Unless the governors abandon their plans to mandate masks in the school, they should be held liable for any and all harm, damage and injury caused.

Furthermore, using a Common Law Lien process developed over the course of the past thirteen years, the injured parties will be able to obtain damages secured against the personal legal estates of the school governors, for the injuries caused by the masks mandate.

Needless to say, the templates for that non-judicial process of obtaining damages payouts will be posted at in due course, along with a webinar which will cover any question and queries people are likely to have.

However, it is anticipated that many of the school governors who are served the preceding three notice process will either suspend or terminate any and all plans to mandate masks in their school, rather than risk bankruptcy by ignoring or dismissing the serious issues raised.

It’s important that you, as a parent, implement this campaign of putting the schools on notice, regarding the welfare of your child/ children. Schools are legally compelled to care for the welfare of all children in their care. It is a duty of care and failure to do so makes them jointly and severally liable if they fail in that duty of care.

They are your children, you are their guardians, it’s YOUR responsibility to protect them at all costs.

View all of BGB’s videos by visiting the BGB archive channels at:

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