Food For Deeper Thinkers

Albert Einstein once said:

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance”

Yet, we see this being the default response by so many people to so many things. Rejecting something we know nothing about is a recipe to staying ignorant, which means stagnancy in our overall development as a species. If we wish to advance and grow, we should be open to thing we come across and learn more about facts – before we condemn them in ignorance. The key is curiosity,  and a thirst to understand.

The Power Of Fear

Without naming anything specific, you know that there are some major issues affecting humanity right now, and you are told to condemn certain perspectives without entertaining them at all. Whenever someone is telling you to think a certain way to not even be aware of what anything different has to say, you can be sure that it is a fear-based reaction by someone who doesn’t want to lose their control over a situation. I.e. lose control over a subject they have not personally studied or researched for themselves; thereby having their ignorance exposed – this is a sure sign that their basic thinking process is governed by fear.

New Techniques

The current system has updated its techniques though. In the past, there were overt controls like the “Iron Curtain” that completely banned certain perspectives and the means of disseminating them. Well, that doesn’t work that well. We all know how much more alluring and tempting something is when we are told not to engage with it. The new and improved strategy is to either ridicule alternative perspectives or provide what appears to be an explanation that negates the alternative perspective. The first reaction of those affected by this technique is to point a finger and utter ‘conspiracy theorist’ as loud as they can. In effect what they are doing is shutting their eyes and covering their ears for fear of having their assumed mainstream fed knowledge challenged.

The illusion of knowledge.

When the control system feeds us something that they say is the truth, they will dress it up with all sorts of seemingly reasonable retorts and use people and entities perceived as having authority on a subject to provide the illusion of knowledge. This could be even more dangerous. If we want to avoid getting conned, we need to question everything and everyone. It doesn’t matter if the person giving the information is called the leading authority on the issue. Peoples’ egos will sell out for a lot less than you may believe. They may indeed be more knowledgeable than anyone on the subject, but that doesn’t meant they’re telling you the truth about it.

A Good Book To Read – on the philosophy of discernment:

How Do We Know?: An Introduction to Epistemology (The Philosophy of Discernment)

Knowledge vs. Ignorance

Confucius once said:

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s own ignorance.”

Do we know how ignorant we are? You probably don’t consider yourself ignorant. However, reflect on everything you have come to believe as being true, when it comes to some aspect of reality. Did you ever look any deeper into it? If you did, have you looked at all the perspectives on it?

Now, more than ever, it’s critical to stop being ignorant and start gaining true knowledge. Knowledge protects; ignorance endangers. We can see the potential – and actual  danger – of what ignorance will lead to when people blindly accept the beliefs that are told they should have about something.

The Role Of Psychopaths

Remember, psychopaths absolutely love power and control and are naturally attracted to positions within society that provide that power and control. The likelihood of people wielding the most power in the world being self-serving psychopaths is very high. This means that when they tell you something, it should be automatically something you are willing to question and investigate. If they act primarily out of their own self-interest, then dive deeper into why they appear to be saying or doing something that is limiting your freedom and sovereignty. Chances are that it is not for your own good, but rather, for the furthering of their own dreams. Let’s not turn their dreams into reality, because we all lose in the end if those dreams come true.

Live in the light, but don’t pretend the shadows do not exist. Wilful ignorance of what is being done to humanity could be our downfall, because we are giving away our creative power and helping manifest a reality that breaks us down, rather than lifts us up.

It’s time to stop being ignorant and start understanding what is really going on, because our very survival depends on it.

A Case In Point – Nanoparticles

When it’s mentioned that nanoparticles can in 2020, be introduced into a biological entity (your body), and these particles can be programmed or triggered via certain radio frequencies (think 5G)_to activate and perform certain functions within your body, then the fear driven reaction – in sheer ignorance – of the majority (condemnation without investigation), will be to automatically refute that claim by accusing the messenger of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

Now bear in mind that the actual technology you see around you is at least two decades behind the current research and capabilities of technology that is in the pipeline. It is the undiscerning mindset of those who have been programmed to accept the perceived reality fed to them by the authorities, that has been impressed on their thought processes, they then jump to the conspiracy theory conclusion – in utter ignorance.

“Surely the governments wouldn’t do that would they?”

Oh yes they would! If I explained what they planned to do with an atomic bomb on two Japanese cities, or what the Germans were doing in concentration camps, you would probably have said the same thing back in 1940. The more critically minded already had knowledge of things, but were they listened to?

What You Need To Know About PCR Test Swabs, mRNA Injectables, Nano Particles, Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism

Here is a video for you to watch, on the above subjects involving the ‘pandemic’. It may not seem so far fetched if you’ve  read and digested the above article:


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