Dr Simone Gold speaking on the EXPERIMENTAL! – mRNA vaccine

This not just for Americans, the message is for EVERYONE, especially those in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada – as those countries seem to be the epicentre for the lies and propaganda, that is being aggressively spread by governments and especially the Mainstream Media (MSM). They in turn are influenced by the huge global corporates working through their corruptly paid for – hijacked – organisations like the World Health Organisation and the United Nations. For more information on who influences the world health organisations, the governments – by extension – and the media, click HERE.

BGB highly recommends that you watch this entire video. But if you can’t spare the time, here are some excerpts from the first eight minutes of Dr. Gold’s talk. (Some of it has been paraphrased  for the sake of brevity.)


I speak as a representative of America’s Frontline Doctors, a volunteer physician organization started specifically to combat the serious and life-threatening disinformation campaign that has really taken over America and the entire globe. It’s very very scary stuff.

I’ve been a doctor for a long time and before me my father was a doctor. I’ve never seen anything like this where we have groups of physicians, scientists and government bureaucrat agencies essentially lying to the American people and people across the world.

I have many many examples. One brief example I’ll give you is that the National Institute of Health right now has as its policy recommendation for patients with Covid-19 stating that unless you’re in the hospital requiring oxygen there is no actual treatment available for you.

That is a complete falsehood. Completely false. In most of the world, non-first world countries, there is plenty of treatment easily available, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and here in America, if you could find a doctor to prescribe it..…

This disinformation is why we (AFD) became public. . . .  This is a crime against humanity. Doctors have testified before Congress that the vast majority of deaths would have never happened….

You must understand the magnitude of the lie to understand what they’re trying to tell you about these experimental vaccines. The disinformation was apparent from the beginning. We call this illness Covid-19, but it’s real name should be after the name of the location where it arose, which is Wuhan China.

(But) the Chinese party didn’t like that name. They set about putting a lot of pressure on the media and politicians to change it, and they started calling it the coronavirus.

They called it the coronavirus because it is actually a coronavirus, but that became very confusing to doctors and scientists because there are seven coronaviruses. This was just number seven. We used to use the name ‘coronavirus’ on our charts when it was just the common cold.

A person would come into the ER room in my case and they would just have a common cold but I would just write coronavirus on the chart, as did other doctors. That was too confusing so it became Covid 19.

It was never a racist thing to call it the Wuhan virus because there are so many diseases named after the location where they arise. There’s Zika, Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, the list goes on. German measles, Spanish Flu, the list is endless. So you have to understand the deception was there from the very beginning.

That was the first lie

The next big lie was the maligning of this common, ordinary, cheap, safe medication called hydroxychoroquine. Those of you who have traveled abroad, have taken mission trips for example, or anybody in the military, are quite familiar with this drug. Doctors would just give it out, you know like candy.

(When) I was going to take a holiday in Africa about 20 years ago and I was a medical student, they just handed me the pills. Here you go. I never asked any questions. It was just a big fat nothing; taking hydroxychloroquine. (But) all of a sudden we as doctors began hearing that hydroxychloroquine was unsafe.

You can’t understand how much of a lies this is. Hydroxychloroquine is over-the-counter in much of the world. It’s taken in many African nations. They call it Sunday Sunday medicine because you take it every Sunday. People keep it in their pocket like the way Americans might keep a Tylenol in their purse. It’s absolutely ordinary stuff. It was over-the-counter, really, in any country which had malaria, or any country that had citizens that would visit malaria countries on holiday.

For example it was over-the-counter in France. The only reason that it wasn’t over-the-counter in America is just because there wasn’t any demand.

It has been FDA approved for 65 years

In America we use hydroxychloroquine for two main reasons: lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. And also for malaria for people going on holiday…. It’s been FDA approved for 65 years. We’ve given it to babies. We give it to children. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to nursing mothers. We give it to the elderly, and we give it to the immune compromised. Those last two categories have taken this medication for decades. There is never a pretense that it is not safe.

That’s the drug that you’ve been hearing about now for nine months, 10 months, telling you it’s unsafe. It’s an incredible lie of incredible proportions. Once you understand that, you will be suspicious of everything that follows.

I used hydroxychoroquine on one of my first patients with Covid-19, and in about 48 hours she was completely well. And this completely matched what I had read in her scientific literature. It was completely consistent.
. . . . . .

Later on in the video, Dr. Gold highlights one of the reasons why so many African nations and India have such low death rates from Covid-19 is because their residents take hydroxychloroquine prophylactically to prevent malaria. A by-product of that usage appears to be either preventing, or drastically reducing the consequences, of catching Covid-19.

Here’s a partial  map from the CDC showing where malaria occurs:


Red signifies areas where malaria transmission occurs Yellow signifies areas where malaria transmission occurs in some places Blue signifies areas where malaria transmission is not known to occur

Checking Dr. Gold’s numbers on worldometers.com.
As of 19 January 2021, the numbers looked like this:

Country Deaths per 100,000 population
USA 123
India 11
Kenya 3.2
Zambia 3.1
Namibia 11.5
Cameroon 1.7
Zimbabwe 5.2
Sudan 3.6
Senegal 3.2
Angola 1.3
Rwanda 1.1
Gambia 5.2


If that’s not impressive enough, look at the numbers in these particular African nations!

Uganda: Only 7 deaths per million of population.
Nigeria: Only 7 deaths per million of population.
Mozambique: Only 8 deaths per million of population.
Ivory Coast: Only 5 deaths per million of population.
DRC: Only 7 deaths per million of population.
Somalia: Only 8 deaths per million of population.
Niger: Only 5 deaths per million of population.

Yes, the death rates from Covid-19 in these nations is only eight deaths per million of population – or even less.

I mean, the death rates from Covid-19 in Africa are drastically – I mean drastically! – lower than in the United States.

Clearly, something beneficial is going on there.


Doctor Simone Gold makes a lot of sense to BGB. She, and other professionals like her need to be heard, but their voices are being censored, which begs the question – why?

A glaring example is Dr. Vernon Coleman, who has publicly put out the challenge to all mainstream media outlets to find ‘so called’ official ‘professionals’ to debate one to one with him, live on-air. To date his challenges have been  ignored. The truth is, you cannot debate lies with someone whose weapons are truth and facts.

Another example of a ‘gagged’ spokesperson exposing the scamdemic is Professor Dolores Cahill, who is one of the founding members of The World Doctors Alliance.

Another organisation has produced The Great Barrington Declaration. Their petition has collected the following signatures to date:


Concerned Citizens
Medical & Public Health Scientists
Medical practitioners


The MSM would have you believe these are all tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. The BBC were stupid enough to recently describe a protest against lockdowns some weeks ago as “A Conspiracy Theorists protest” there were about 38,000 people present. If you don’t see this line of verbal opposition as something ludicrous, then we despair!

We are talking here about some of the foremost people in their profession crying out about the lies and misinformation that has resulted in vast swathes of humanity becoming so scared that they can’t think straight.
Here is a video interview with Prof. Dolores Cahill predominantly about the blackout of information from the MSM and the hideous way that vaccine dangers have been covered up for over two decades:
And here is a second more recent video of an interview conducted by James Corbett featuring Prof Cahill. This time the subject of the interview is The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance who are seeking to create travel options that don’t require travellers to submit to vaccination, face masks or quarantines.
Plenty of food for thought there, but these highly qualified professors and doctors are ALL conspiracy theorists if they dare to speak out against the official narrative.

We live in frightening and extremely dangerous times. These are uncharted waters – everyone needs to know what’s actually going on – you won’t get that truthful information by relying solely on the Mainstream (false) News Media who are acting out a script that’s provided for them by those who own and finance them.

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