A Simple Question – How Is This?


By Way Of Explanation:

The Miracle

Lazarus was the poor fellow who died about two thousand years ago; but Jesus resurrected him back to life a few days later, after he had been put in the grave. His sisters warned Jesus  that he was too late and by now their brother must be stinking (a hot country Palestine) and that it was impossible to resurrect him back to life by divine miracle, which the Messiah did of course.

That explains the ‘Lazarus’ reference in the heading – when it comes to Bo-Jo. Remember he was portrayed as being in an ICU and possibly on his death bed due to the wicked Covid-19 disease causing Corona virus that had singled him out – possibly because it knew that by knocking out the Churchill-like figure who was leading the ‘war’ against it, we could ALL be infected and defeated, with bodies lying in the street and our protector gone – or something like that – according to the BBC anyway.

Selwyn Froggitt

Selwyn Froggitt with his famous thumbs up pose.

Was a buffoon character played by the late Bill Maynard in a comedy called ‘Oh No It’s Selwyn Froggitt. It was an ITV situation comedy which ran on the ITV network from 1974 to 1978. His catch phrase was “Magic” whilst holding up two thumbs. I only mention that to help the Millennials and Generation Z, who may read this Blog, and not have a clue about what I’m on about.

Going Back To The ‘Lazarus’ Affair & Recent New Face Mask Wearing Directives

The rumours began a week after Boris Johnson began self-isolating in the flat above No. 11 Downing Street. The story, spread by the prime minister and his aides, had thus far been quite reassuring.

Apparently, he had tested positive for Covid-19 (amazing as the virus has not yet been isolated or identified, and the RT-PCR test is known to be up to 80% unreliable). But the symptoms were nothing to worry about. Mild even. And at a time when deaths from the pandemic were reported to be rising at an a alarming rate according to the BBC – who have led the false news media pack during this ‘scaredemic’. But Johnson had a firm grip on the crisis and the machinery of power (or so the impression was given to a now ‘faint from fear’ public – well the gullible Sheeple anyway).

All of this changed on Thursday 2 April. At the lunchtime briefing for lobby correspondents, Downing Street stuck to this soothing script. The prime minister continued to have a temperature. What a hero!

But, subject to medical review, there was every prospect he would be able to emerge from isolation the next day, the press was assured. Seemingly, Johnson had shaken off the virus with the same alacrity as the health secretary, Matt Hancock, back after a short interlude.

But that did not happen. Over the next five days the public were taken on an emotional roller-coaster; a prime minister who was apparently in good spirits and working hard, was by then in an intensive care unit (ICU) and in real danger of “taking one for the team” – as his father, Stanley, would put it (don’t you just love the turn of phrase of these public school ‘old boys’).

Everyone was getting ready for a state funeral – not realising that the whole thing was a stage managed drama to scare people further (“Oh my God! If the Prime Minister can catch it and die – what hope have we all got?” ). An excellent bit of staged drama by good old Auntie Beeb. Had plenty of practice though.

Here’s how the British Bullshit Corporation relayed the solemn news on it’s flagship News Night programme – not a dry eye amongst the viewers – well not amongst the gullible, compliant and State trusting Sheeple at least:



The Mystery

A picture taken this last week of ‘Lazarus’ Johnson, proudly displaying his swanky new face mask – and of course the famous Selwyn Froggitt thumbs up pose. Apparently it’s a buffoon thing.

Correct me if I’m wrong. If the illustrious Bo-Jo had actually caught the virus (annual winter flu bug to the rest of us – as verifiable death figures bear out – in fact the death rate is below that of the 2017/8 figures for flu over the same period in that year), then surely he would have built up an immunity to the nasty and deadly ‘virus’. As he fully recovered (probably because he wasn’t put on a ventilator!); then why is he now recently doing his Selwyn Froggitt impression and wearing a FACE MASK in public? After all, he never bothered with one when we were supposed to be at the height of the raging deadly plandemic. Odd!

If he’s had it, and consequently built up an immunity, then surely he is not contagious any more. Neither is he at risk of catching it again from one of us dirty, germ ridden vermin from among the public. So why the mask all of a sudden?

Ah! But what about the ‘second wave’? I hear you say. Yes, of course,  that’s it – we’re seeing the preparation groundwork for Act II – silly me I forgot about that. That will be followed by Act III – the mandatory experimental gene splicing vaccine – it’s called GM (genetic modification). Nothing to worry about.

Curiouser and curiouser as some character in a children’s book once exclaimed.

If you’re sucked in by this drivel, then I genuinely feel sorry for you. It’s not real folks, like films and stage dramas are not real. It’s a scam, and many of you have sadly fallen for it.

And Finally – a little tip.

Don’t bother with those expensive surgical face masks. For £1 a pair, you can buy some KNEE PADS from the Poundland shop – they are just as efficient at blocking viruses, but cheap as chips. Oh! And as they pass air around the sides, they don’t cut your oxygen levels down by about 20% like standard masks do – causing hypoxia (a deficiency of oxygen) & hypercapnia (a build up of excessive carbon dioxide in your blood) and of course an increased viral load behind the mask. Classic symptoms of this phenomenon are: fainting and crashing your car, whilst suffering a terrible headache and steamed up glasses!

Keeping an eye out for that sneaky virus – but I’m safe I’ve got my knee pads MASK on – must be compliant with those truthful and trustworthy guys at the W.H.O. and in Government! They only have our welfare at heart you know! DUCK! Here comes another of those damned flying cows . . . .

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