A Fascinating MUST WATCH Video.
If you haven’t watched any of the previous videos that I’ve posted on here – you REALLY need to watch this. Make a nice cup of tea for yourself and settle down to watch it all the way through. It’s rather long, but at the end of it you’ll realise why those of us who have not been duped are kicking up such a fuss about the hoax pandemic.
It’s no mean feat to gather this information, and present the findings to the public at large. I’m not a panicker by nature, but believe me, my panic is not whether I personally catch this mysterious ailment – it doesn’t bother me. But I do worry who is behind it and for what purpose. I also worry about what world my children and grandchildren will inherit. I’m not even sure if any great grandchildren will actually make it to life on this earth- unless something drastic is done about the precipice we are heading for.
If anyone is confused about what I, and others, (especially those within medical and legal circles, who are not complicit in the conspiracy, or are not just doing their job blindly, but rather are prepared to open their eyes to what is going on around them – and speaking out with no fear); then after viewing what Dr. Buttar says in this video, you will be well aware of what is happening, whilst everyone else is kept in the dark, under house arrest.
There is hope, because it’s not too late yet, for the masses to wake up and say “enough is enough”. If they don’t it’s game over. The Cabal of elites will have succeeded with their centuries old agenda.
This video will explain to you how the dots connect with regard to:
- Who are the main players in this hoax pandemic;
- The source of the outbreak (wild or weaponised – it doesn’t really matter);
- Where it started why and how;
- The way it’s connected with past ‘dry runs’ of a pandemic (SARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu etc.);
- The effects of past vaccines, pushed on the populations of the earth and what it was truly meant for;
- The current threat that if you refuse to get vaccinated you will have your personal freedoms taken away totally, unless you succumb;
- How this outbreak links to 5G roll-out, and the effects that pulsed frequency radiation at higher frequencies have on health and our own susceptibility to the effects of any viral (or exosome) behaviour;
- The despicable part that the propaganda pumped out by the mainstream media has had on vast swathes of the world’s population. Propaganda that is blatantly bloated with bare faced lies;
- The reason why any information that goes contrary to the lies officially put about are harshly censored. Surely if it was the truth that the MSM were spreading, they should not have any fear of dissenting voices.
People need to stop, observe, question and act on what is happening in front of their eyes.
Just watched the video by Dr Rashid Buttar Big Gee and circulated link to friends. It needs to be widely circulated. Thanks for making it available on your blog. The message is getting out there. Should generate debate with more and more people questioning the information we are being bombarded with by the mainstream media, all based on the output from computer models. There is an acronym [GIGO] Garbage in Garbage out. Change the assumptions input to a computer model and you will get a different output.
Excellent, thank you Wynne – the secret is to get the word out. If everyone did the same it’s amazing how far the message would travel (six degrees of separation and all that)!
Dr. Rashid Buttar is a star, I can’t understand how he gets so much done in the hours given to us in a day – it makes my little effort pale into insignificance. BUT every little bit helps, and I feel like I’ve got a clear conscience that I did the little I could. Whatever we’re good at we need to apply it to this problem.
You can’t force people to open their eyes,By spreading the truth, it’s hoped that a seed will sprout here and there. Those seeds will grow and produce more seed – that’s the way things work.
Can you send a link to the video to Mark Drakeford and ask him to view it before he makes a fool of himself at the next media briefing session. Perhaps you can also remind him to wash his hands, wear his mask and only leave his home once a day, but not to venture further than 20 metres from his doorstep to avoid possible contact with another member of the human race !! While shopping at my local supermarket I have noticed more and more people wearing face masks. As I choose not to wear a mask I am given strange looks if I venture inside their 2 metre exclusion zone. I think the BBC have done a wonderful job in frightening the country to death. I blame Hugh Pym and his constant reference to the computer model that appears to confirm that prior to lock-down one person could spread the “virus” to 3 people but after lock-down that was reduced to below 1. If schools are partially re-opened the figure increases slightly but is still below 1. Sadly, 95% of the population believe that the output from the computer model is factually correct. The question BBC so-called journalists [civil servants] need to ask regarding the computer model is. What input data [assumptions] have been made. End of rant.
I feel like paying people (my two sons in particular) to sit through this and watch it with me and open their eyes to a new world. It is an eye opener for sure and the truth is not stranger than fiction when you look around these days and see the wide eyed terror in peoples eyes as they hid in their masks and give everybody a wide berth. Thank you for making this accessible and I will share it with as many people as I can. Great stuff and good work everyone
Thank you Cam. Before you embark on your plan to bribe your sons to watch the Dr. Buttar’s interview, hold back, because as I write this, I’m watching (or actually listening whilst I write) another interview live in the series with Brian Rose, where he’s talking to Dr. Andrew Kaufman. This one, in step with the Buttar interview will blow their minds!
When it’s finished, I’ll process the video and upload it to my Brighteon, free speech video platform. I’ll then publish another post containing this latest video – probably tomorrow morning.
Awesome stuff. Thanks Gee