Oh No! Another Tin Foil Hat Warrior.
Mention the New World Order (NWO) to most people, and the feedback you observe is: the eyes roll up and the smirk appears across the face. This is the standard ‘Sheeple’ response. “You’re a Conspiracy Theorist”! “You’re mad – not like the rest of us in this flock”. “The nice shepherds would never tell us lies that are that outlandish”. OH YES THEY WOULD! They have a very long proven track record of it. All they need is a flock of gullible and trusting Sheeple that they can scare shitless, panic, don’t think for themselves, ignore the facts and basically respond in a wholly predictable way, due to their perception of reality that they have been groomed to accept from birth. True reality is something totally different, and it’s there, staring everyone in the face, assuming that you’re not a Sheeple with your head buried under the tail of the next Sheeple in front of you in the flock.
Sadly, there are billions of Sheeple across the globe – about a quarter of them are currently under house arrest along with the rest of us – the remaining ones will soon be in a similar or worse situation. It’s pointless saying “I did warn you” but that’s exactly what the more alert, who think for themselves and observe what goes on have been saying for a long time. All conspiracy theorists? Hardly. The result of blind obedience and acceptability of what the dark suits in the shadows (that control all mainstream media) tells you is currently being played out in full view in front of you, and the resultant suffering is now being experienced by the masses. Exactly as predicted by those disparagingly labelled and ridiculed as ‘conspiracy theorists’. Who’s rolling their eyes now? And unless you wake up right now it’s about to get worse – much worse.
There are still those who actually believe that this is a temporary thing, (regardless of the speed that our freedoms and rights have been taken away from us – virtually overnight). They say we will be given back those freedoms as soon as the ‘scaredemic’ is over. Think again.
I have close friends in political circles who still cling on to the belief that by next year, service will be resumed as normal, and that they can get on with their usual democratic processes, with happy elections as usual. The penny, it seems, still hasn’t dropped – perhaps it never will – when it comes to some die hard Sheeple. Business as normal next year? Dream on dear friends. Do you honestly believe that this is just a blip? A speed bump in the road, and everything will be fine later on, a little changed, but fine all the same. There’s a big surprise waiting for some, as they look forward to normal single country or local government politics (normal navel staring) in their own back yard starting once again – where it left off a few weeks back. Take a look at the broader canvass my friends. IT’S A GLOBAL power grab.
A Word From One of The Most Respected Investigative Journalists Around
James Corbett runs The Corbett Report. It is edited, webmastered, written, produced and hosted by James Corbett.
An award-winning investigative journalist, James Corbett has lectured on geopolitics at the University of Groningen’s Studium Generale, and delivered presentations on open source journalism at The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation’s fOSSa conference, at TedXGroningen and at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.
He started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. Since then he has written, recorded and edited thousands of hours of audio and video media for the website, including a podcast and several regular online video series. He is the lead editorial writer for The International Forecaster, the e-newsletter created by the late Bob Chapman.
His work has been carried online by a wide variety of websites and his videos have garnered over 50,000,000 views on YouTube alone. His satirical piece on the discrepancies in the official account of September 11th, “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory” was posted to the web on September 11, 2011 and has so far been viewed nearly 3 million times.
For more information about Corbett and his background, please watch the “Who is James Corbett” video below:
Now Finally, To The Meat Course Of This Post.
Here is one of James Corbett’s latest reports on the current situation with regard to how this so-called pandemic effects those who have promoted the NWO over the decades. Such famous personalities as Gordon Brown, the ex prime minister of the UK, George Bush (senior and junior) the Rockefeller Foundation, Henry Kissinger and many more – too numerous to list here.
Many believe that the outcome of this ‘crisis’ is a body blow for the globalists and NWO advocates, whose plans may have been impeded by this ‘scaredemic’. Nothing could be further from the truth, as James Corbett eloquently explains:
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